A few years ago, shortly after I recieved my PPL I am up flying with a buddy in a relatively brand new 172. We take care of a little x-country flight and half of the way back my friend starts searching for a bag. Well we can't find anything so he tells me he's going to unload in his camera bag. Well, the bag looked pretty nice and I didn't have any clue about what the words I was about to say would cause.
HIM: I'm gona go in my camera bag
ME: No way, that looks pretty nice. Open the window and stick your head out (over a suburb by the way).
HIM: You sure?
ME: Yeah???
HIM: Well Of course spraying the mic and causing a lot of wind noise on the intercom.
It is now that I found out how much of a dumbass I really was. One window open formed a cyclone of vomit in that tiny cockpit. Circling around and spraying my neck, sticking to the windscreen, and everywhere else. Chunks of lettuce, crutons, and other tasty morsels covered me. After the first few rotations I open my window to stop the cyclone.
Now I had three problems. I am not feeling so good, I can't hear ATC, and I can't hold alt due to two open windows.
Well, ATC gets pissed, I don't , and two hours after I leave the airport (after we thought we cleaned up enough) my CFI calls me pissed. See, the owner was flying after us and hopped into his new 172 only to find some treats. That leaves the students CFI to clean it up.
Yeah, were on me that night.