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  1. *

    CBT Gouge

    try Ctrl D you may be able to get to an admin function to print the certificate.
  2. If you wanna shave time off a good way is to use a track and find out how much time you need to spend on each lap to get your target time. Write it down on an index card and keep up each lap. keep shaving time off each time, but once a week isnt gonna cut it. Get out and bike, swim, play a sport.
  3. So with the "Wear only midsize or regular badges" what size of wings are normally worn? Midsize or regular?
  4. You know how I know you're gay?
  5. *

    Post solo ops

    We still get dunked even if we make it to the room. The flight just has to buy you some drinks. I don't have any plans, but just wanted to hear how crazy people have gotten.
  6. So I've heard some good stories, but was wondering what the best tricks are that you have seen a student pull to get back into the flight room after a solo?
  7. She looks like that cause she drove 12 hours while crapping in her diapers!
  8. My favorite line in that whole messed up article. "They also found diapers, which Nowak said she used so she wouldn't have to stop on the 1,000-mile drive." *
  9. If the FC1 is good for 4 years, why do they make us go for another med exam a month before pilot training starts? I was told this is an FC2.
  10. From what I've heard from some of the AFOATS higher ups is that an AFA Sie will cost a little more than $200,000.00 for you to pay back for college expenses. You may want to sitck it out.
  11. All 3 at my det only had 600 days of stipend.
  12. Not true. Your stipend will end at a certain point in time depending on how long its been since your scholarship was activated. For instance, I commision 6 May, but my stipend will expire in mid April. Your cadre will have the specifics on yours. *
  13. Holy crap! That dude is ticked. Pretty sad to read. BTW, if you were wondering, he used F**ck 10 times in that. By my meter that equals PISSED.
  14. I don't think that they are the same each year. I believe that there were more pilot slots the last 2 years than this year.
  15. (Insert any first name here) Zweiner. Manager at work has this last name and it never gets old paging his name on the intercom. "John Zweiner to the womens restrom for assistance"
  16. *

    Shep 0602

    Congrats on the viper. awsome drop.
  17. Man I must suck.
  18. The cross commission option is still out there. I don't know much about it, but have someone at my school doing it from AF to Navy. Pilot Slots in both?
  19. A few years ago, shortly after I recieved my PPL I am up flying with a buddy in a relatively brand new 172. We take care of a little x-country flight and half of the way back my friend starts searching for a bag. Well we can't find anything so he tells me he's going to unload in his camera bag. Well, the bag looked pretty nice and I didn't have any clue about what the words I was about to say would cause. HIM: I'm gona go in my camera bag ME: No way, that looks pretty nice. Open the window and stick your head out (over a suburb by the way). HIM: You sure? ME: Yeah??? HIM: Well Of course spraying the mic and causing a lot of wind noise on the intercom. It is now that I found out how much of a dumbass I really was. One window open formed a cyclone of vomit in that tiny cockpit. Circling around and spraying my neck, sticking to the windscreen, and everywhere else. Chunks of lettuce, crutons, and other tasty morsels covered me. After the first few rotations I open my window to stop the cyclone. Now I had three problems. I am not feeling so good, I can't hear ATC, and I can't hold alt due to two open windows. Well, ATC gets pissed, I don't , and two hours after I leave the airport (after we thought we cleaned up enough) my CFI calls me pissed. See, the owner was flying after us and hopped into his new 172 only to find some treats. That leaves the students CFI to clean it up. Yeah, were on me that night.
  20. It would kinda suck to take a loan out, but the USAA does still offer that low interest loan to ne Lt's. Its 3.49% APR up to $25,000, but I believe that $20k has to be secured with an auto and the other $5k can be unsecured.
  21. Hey I went through a full ACL reconstruct due to getting mine ripped out during a rugby game. I have both good and bad news for you. As far as getting your scholarship activated without a pft, I don't think it will happen. My adivice to you is to keep every piece of paperwork with your ACL. Thats both surgery and therapy. It took me many, many, many months to get every document that the AF needed to activate my scholarship with my wavier. So follow what the therapist has to say and make a full recovery. The good news is that you can get pilot qualified, if thats what you are planning, with a reconstructed ACL. If you have any questions let me know. [ 12. August 2005, 23:28: Message edited by: * ]
  22. We went to see it before the 3 days of "excitement" at Brooks. Thinking about what I saw definatly made my visit to Brooks a little more endurable, but I am still a wanabe though.
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