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Everything posted by Dupe

  1. Dupe

    FY2015 NDAA

    Work is through Boeing St Louis (Formerly MacD) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_McCaskill It does help to have your state's Senator on the Armed Services Committee
  2. Wait a tick.... we're making NCOs and SNCOs go to school before going to school? I didn't know that... Why not just fix that the same way we did for SOS and those who are IDE/SDE selects?
  3. Sporty's and ASA I think are the best for ground school. They've both developed mobile apps for test prep as well as having good instructional videos. Jeppessen syllabus is probably the best. I have one I made up specifically for my students that is based on the Jepp syllabus. Make sure you know the DPE you'll have your student use. A good CFI-DPE relationship is key. Finally....I want to punch John and Martha King in the throat. Their bad jokes remind me of a never-ending AFN commercial.
  4. The point I'm trying to make is that we went through significant churn just to cut 7%. You'd think with all the programs we rolled out, that we were trying to cut 20%-30% or more. I saw all these taken in total as a trim and not a hack at the end numbers.
  5. It's shocking how much work went into slashing the force by..... drumroll.... about 7%. We could have just tinkered with promotion rates and let the problem solve itself.
  6. I know a dude (a patch wearer no less) who used it as a chance to quit smoking, get in marathon shape, and read every book he'd been meaning to read for the previous dozen years. He also made a few softer officers cry.
  7. A dude in my div got a pink slip. '08 (I think) 62X. I'm not sure of any other morts.
  8. We had a flight doc in my first ops squadron (F-15E) who became a pretty good WSO.
  9. Negative
  10. I don't see it.
  11. In the days before standardized coordinate format, I know a dude who got a silver star for gonking seconds to decimal minutes in the jet with a cheapo Casio wrist calculator
  12. Anyone here working at AFPC or an A1 and have insight into when the IDE selection list will be released this year?
  13. Luck and timing.
  14. Except that there's no way to tell if a SR is using a rack-and-stack sheet. I suspect that most still are. Mine certainly is.
  15. Sorry... Leaders are going to have to deal with social media and a well-connected force. These tools can be used to highlight times when AFPC guidance is less than clear which results in very different implementations across the AF. They can also be used as an additional comm channel: some organizations have used these vehicles to quickly harness the power of the organization.
  16. I think it makes sense up to the O-5 level. Community-specific sq/cc boards could happen concurrently.
  17. Life lessons: AMS shows positions available, not necessarily what AFPC intends to fill. Some jobs are 100% fill Some are 85% Some are "if we can." Regardless of which AFSC you are, its important to understand what your functional's must-pay bills are. If you want some exchange opportunity, but ALOs or AMLOs are 100% fill when you're on the VML, you may want to think about which Army town you like.
  18. Better question: why are we holding on so dearly to V-neck T-shirts under blues?
  19. This is spot on. I've long thought promotion to O-4 & O-5 should be done by DTs vice a whole-of-the-AF board. Then, inputs and stratification will become much more detailed. At the same time, the DT could have the RIF during the same board if there's a need. It mystified me these last few years why we are generating PRFs for whole-of-the-AF promotion boards then generating RRFs for AFSC-specific DTs to judge who gets to stay... that should all be one board and one recommendation form staffing cycle.
  20. At the major level, there isn't a pilot shortage. I haven't heard of any empty seats in new hire classes from the majors... At the $30k/year regional level, there is more demand for ATP-rated pilots than supply. That's not a shortage -that's just economics. The GAO had much the same view last winter: https://www.gao.gov/assets/670/661243.pdf
  21. However you judge it, there are young non-rated CGOs out there who are making it happen. At a career point where most rated dudes are in the FTU or MQT, there are young AF officers leading 50-airman flights. The idea that all non bag-wearers are "shoe clerks" who work 8-4 unless it's Thursday where work is 9-1 needs to be erased. Being a "shoe" is a state of mind that I've seen as much from the O-5 dinosaurs at MAJCOM A3V as I've seen from base finance.
  22. False. There are quite a few non-rated CGOs who are busting their hump, leading teams, and taking care of their troops. Comparing the first four OPRs/TRs of rated dudes to MX officers, LG officers, and Comm dudes is eye-opening. There are young Lts and Capts out there leading 20-50 member teams while the rated dudes are eyeballing AC or FL upgrades. I'm a rated dude saying this.
  23. If this thing sticks (which I don't think it will), the entry-level airlines will likely go developing their own ATP-CTP courses. Additionally, ERAU and Sportys already are offering courses. All ATP can't be far behind.
  24. What's "winning" here? The airman may get to keep her job, but she'll be resented by her employer and likely not go as far. Additionally, the firm will likely hold a negative view of those in the Guard/Reserves. In some industries, there simply is no balance between Guard/Reserve and civilian employment. I think its better for those choosing to serve to find employment at firms/industries that support Guard/Reserve service.
  25. In the world of "at-will" employment, the employer has significant latitude in reasons for terminating employment. It's highly likely that the employer was smart enough to not say "we're firing Bob because he's joining the Guard" in any discoverable document.
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