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Community Answers

  1. The problem lies with LM (and perhaps DOD for not demanding more ownership in the early days) - it should have been Viper/Eagle/Hornet pilots wearing patches who were still active providing SME guidance. 6th gen SMEs are at least relatively recently active/active 4G and 5G patches - it’s a step in the right direction. Unfortunately the F-35 was like asking me for my opinions on 7th gen 20 years from now. We all expire - accept it and enjoy the next phase of life!
  2. So he posted an ATO on Signal to a journalist? Cool, go with evidence. I’m 100% open to anything being possible and am not at all saying said level of evidence couldn’t possibly surface in the future, I’m just saying it hasn’t as of now (that I’ve seen anyways, happy to take any and all point outs). I make zero judgments or opinions on this topic as of right meow, just stating there is a lot of hyperbolic reaction from the political opposition without supporting evidence. LOL. Yeah, the Atlantic and this “journalist” are totally credible. Maybe they get something correct this time, but also maybe they don’t and it’s completely blown out of proportion for political reasons, which is their historic MO.
  3. She was processing TS//SAR material at home. Is that what got put out on Signal in this case? As of now, I haven’t seen anything beyond some screenshots of who-gives-a-shit content. Not saying this couldn’t end up blowing up into something really bad, but for now there’s a lot of hot air blowing around without evidence to back up the level of “rage” responses on SM/MSM.
  4. 4+ decades to be more precise. The whole system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
  5. The two companies took different approaches to meeting the requirements. Boeing came up with a better concept - I don’t know a single fighter pilot from any service that doesn’t share that sentiment. Sorry, can only be vague on the internets. FWIW, it’s badass and a slam dunk…in theory. The pessimist (realist?) in me says they’ll fuck it up and it’ll be F-35 2.0 from a programatics perspective. At least there have been some solid fighter guys involved in the program up to this point, unlike the F-35 where the fighter SMEs of the early days were F-4 guys, who God bless ‘em, had zero fucking idea what a 5G fighter should be like (though they may have carried their balls in wheelbarrows, respect).
  6. Frankly I’m glad Boeing won over LM - we all hated LM’s. Timeline and programmatic fuckery will happen with either company anyways. 10-15 years before that thing is combat capable - sad, but I don’t think I’ll be proven wrong unless some serious changes are made to our acquisitions process.
  7. My first full motion sim IP would disagree with you!
  8. How do people like this think they’re going to get away with it? It’s one thing to throw it out there at a bar to a stranger, but to live the lie to PA, have an article published, etc? Level 10 retard.
  9. Absolutely. Multiple countries already using A330 tankers, it’s the best gas passer I’ve ever taken gas from, and it’s not a Boeing. We are retarded for not having done this years ago.
  10. Depends on the community. I can’t speak for Army RW, but a 1000 hr IP in a fighter is fairly experienced. Flight hours cannot necessarily be compared across communities to determine comparable experience/capability levels.
  11. brabus

    Gun Talk

    Marlins (not a Remlin) are my favorite. Winchester and Henry are great too, model dependent (subjective of course). If you’re looking for fun range shooting, don’t go too big on the caliber…if you’re looking to knock down Griz, moose, etc. then big is better.
  12. Would have to kill that and Medicaid to have a chance. But nobody from either party wants to do that because it’d be political suicide. The people will yell about taxes and debts, but they are simultaneously hooked on their gov free shit/programs. Voters want their cake and eat it too. Pragmatic people know we’re never getting out of debt without significantly curtailing entitlement programs and/or significantly raising taxes. And so the march to defaulting continues…
  13. The better phrasing is did anybody think any president in the 21st century was going to reduce the deficit? This is not a current or future excuse for the Trump admin. But just a means to highlight this is not a Trump problem, it is an everybody problem. To be fair, Trump has done better than his predecessors, but by no means am I cheering the current state that he, along with the guys prior to him, have had their hands in helping perpetuate.
  14. @BuddhaSixFour To be honest, DOGE and this bill combined are cutting trillions in wasteful spending, not “pennies.” Now what I don’t like is why are we possibly adding upwards of 3-4 trillion to the deficit? Essentially this negates all the wasteful spending we’re cutting. I suppose the positive for one side is at least the money is potentially being spent on things they agree with/can accept vs. the alternatives. Regardless, I don’t like it at all. I’d like to know what spending falls under the massive amount earmarked under ways and means? Don’t have time to dig into it, but they’d be very hard pressed to convince me it makes sense to add to the deficit.
  15. We finally found Biff’s red line, it does exist!
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