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Everything posted by brabus

  1. Don't fly. I flew once even when I could just barely clear my ears and the sinus pain was really bad. No flight is worth that. Just suck it up and don't fly for a few days.
  2. 1. Don't go bitch about not being allotted "PT Time." UPT takes a lot of time, and if you don't have time to go to the gym b/c you know you have to study for your checkride, too bad...suck it up and press. 2. Even on formal release you should still be able to go to the gym. Don't you guys have a sign-out board or something? Yes formal release means you can't go home, but they should still allow you to go to the gym, get some lunch from the club if you have to, etc...AS LONG AS it's not going to interfere with a sim, flight or academics. They don't have to give you a specific PT time slot, but they should allow you to go when able. If this hasn't been brought up at all, talk to an IP and just confirm if it's OK to go to the gym if you're not going to be flying/simming. But, don't try quote some reg that they're obligated to give you 3, 90-min blocks for PT. That's just going to be bring unwanted attention.
  3. Same here, except it's officially the SQ/CC who sent out the email. I'm glad some leadership have some sense.
  4. I remember some guy in ROTC bloused his blues pants once with boots...and he did find a reg that said it is allowed. I would think the boot color wouldn't change that...either way it's worth a shot. How great would that be if every dude in the squadron walks in with pants bloused with boots.
  5. I ended up giving mine to my brother. He's 3 yrs behind me and on the same track, so I figured it would mean more to him since he has the same dream. Plus, I decided it made more sense to have the two halves in different places instead of in the same house the rest of my life...that's sort of the point of breaking them in half.
  6. brabus

    The Mall Ninja

    Hahaha, I think that has to be the best part.
  7. I had some airline employee pull me out of the security line at OHare to tell me my carry on bag was too big and needed to be checked. I have flown on literally 15+ flights w/ this same bag...no problems fitting it in the overnugget compartment or just "checking" it plane side if it's an RJ. So she finally agrees to let me measure it in the little red square thing and the handle sticks out about a 1/2 in outside the red line...had to check it. Thanks for being a bitch. On the lock/ipod thing: I always put any valuables in a backpack and carry that on. I don't see any reason to put something valuable such as a laptop, IPOD, jewelry, etc. in a checked baggage. If someone steals your clothes, at least you're not out a ton of money (hopefully). Plus, I doubt anybody is looking to steal clothes.
  8. That has been done in the past, but not too many have done it, and with the growing scarcity of fighter cockpit slots, what's the AF's incentive to allow a crossflow when there's already too many fighter-trained guys who can't even get (back) in a fighter cockpit? I just don't see it as a good idea to go the U-2 route just so you can be 38-qual'd and go for a fighter crossflow.
  9. I knew that...guess I should have made it more clear. Thanks for clarifying.
  10. A guy FAIP'd T-6 out of T-1s and went U-2s...that was about 1-1.5 yrs ago. So yes, it's possible, but I would think pretty hard to do. I'm sure Huggy can expand on it. I heard a rumor that as of now you have to be 38 trained to go to the B-2, but I have nothing concrete to back that up.
  11. It just might be. I'm pretty sure I've spaced out for minutes at a time while he's talking.
  12. Maybe that was one of the LSI guys who flies his 152 to initial and breaks at the local airport. Seriously, that's great you flew the eagle 20 yrs ago, but let it go dude.
  13. Wow. I'm impressed you haven't walked over to their "RAPCON" and started beating people w/ their own limbs. I sure can't wait for foreign controllers.
  14. Nice.
  15. Isn't the Vne on the t-6 315 kts? How the hell did he get that fast before recovering? Either way, that's complete BS and I hope someone saves him from getting completely screwed over.
  16. Ever see a guy over-g on a solo O&B? Yeah.......he'll be fine.
  17. Just got a RIP to start May 09...graduated Jan 08. Yeah it sucks, but as long as I make it to Luke and get to fly a Viper, I'll still be pretty damn happy. A lot better than other alternatives if you ask me.
  18. That makes sense. Biggest thing was that nothing is like the "real AF" (ROTC, AFA, OTS), so it shouldn't be expected as such. I'm sure the AFA is definitely more "military" than ROTC. My opinion is that you have at least 4 yrs, maybe 20 yrs of the real deal ahead of you, why not enjoy college and get to the "real thing" when you do? Sure you can play Air Force 24/7 at AFA, but why is that a good thing? Also on another note (in general, not directed at you Yerfer), there are douche bags from every school and every commissioning source. So to anyone deciding on what program to do, don't try to do one so you can avoid all "the gay ROTC nazis" or all "those socially inept zoomies." There's cool dudes and retards everywhere.
  19. It is coincidence. Going to the AFA or XXX school doesn't make you a good pilot, your personal ability does, not to mention luck and timing (which also has nothing to do w/ what school you went to). I respect your opinion, but whip should remember he has the rest of his life to "play real AF." Assuming a full career, you'll have 20 yrs of the "real" AF, so it's weak at best to say the AFA is better b/c it's "real" military...which I can only imagine it is nothing close to the real thing; neither is ROTC obviously. That's a big one. Just b/c one det is incredibly retarded doesn't mean every one is. Find a group of people you like in ROTC and associate w/ them...there will be idiots, avoid them except when necessary. That goes for everywhere, not just ROTC.
  20. If you can keep a 3.0 GPA or higher, run 1.5 mi in under 12 min and have the ability to not piss off the wrong people, you'll very likely get a rated slot through ROTC. It really is not that hard, or at least sure as hell is not nearly as hard as people who haven't done it make it out to be. Basically, don't discount ROTC as an option b/c you think you won't get a slot out of there. I also agree w/ applying to both. If you get a scholarship for ROTC and accepted to AFA, then great, you at least have some great options.
  21. Make the decision based on what type of college experience you want. You can get a pilot slot out of both sources w/ some effort. I think going to the AFA b/c "it has more pilot slots" is a stupid reason by itself. Go there b/c that's the experience you want. Hundreds of guys every year get pilot slots out of ROTC w/ a FAR less amount of asspain than their USAFA counterparts. But in the end, you need to figure out what you see as being a good 4 yrs of college, something you can look back on and be glad you did it that way. There is far more to college than wearing a cheap business suit (read AF service dress) and marching around at 6am on Saturdays, but that's just my opinion.
  22. Glasses don't physically touch your eyes like contacts do. So even knowing nothing about this stuff, I think it's a safe assumption to say glasses will not affect your eyes like contacts since there is no physical contact (in the sense that Brooks is concerned with).
  23. I'm wondering if during RTU at Luke I'll have the time/energy to go skydive at Eloy on the weekends? I'm trying to decide if keeping all my gear is worth it or if realistically I won't really jump all that often. If I just end up going once every couple months or so, then I'd rather just sell my stuff and rent when I go. Has anyone here gone to Luke who skydives? Even if you don't skydive, what is/was your impression of time available on weekends? I'm wondering if I'll be slammed (sts) on Sundays w/ studying like UPT Phase II (or worse) and/or be so tired that a drive up to Eloy plus jumping all day just won't happen that often. Thoughts? EDIT: I suck, thanks for moving this whoever did.
  24. Agree w/ Riddler and Techsan. Don't take the earliest class and get married during Phase II. 4 weeks in, you're going to be very tired, stressed and in no mood for a wedding and even the slightest amount of work for it. Do both of you a favor and get married during Phase I.
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