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Everything posted by brabus

  1. See if you can get any local FBOs to cut members deals on rentals/training. That's always a good way for them to get new people to take shitloads of money from while the members can at least save some cash on dues, hour rates, gas, etc.
  2. So my wife and I are gonna catch a bunch of shit at Vance because either I or both of us come home wasted? And then to top it off we'll be "the bad guys" because we have people over and get drunk in the backyard? What a bunch of shit. Hopefully we don't have douche bag neighbors, but if they're like what you said, they can go to hell; I'll get extra drunk just for them! And for the record: This is at least one married guy whose wife completely supports his drinking. Nothing like a couple pitchers and some jack and coke the night before 630 Icarus...God I hate ASBC, can't wait for SOS (is there a put gun to your mouth icon?) [ 16. June 2006, 08:28: Message edited by: brabus ]
  3. Talked to my NCO today...apparently most of us (FY06) grads will be technically commissioned as reserve, but when we get to our first base (i.e. ASBC for many of us) they will submit corrections and our commissions will be changed into regular ones. So don't be alarmed b/c commissioning paperwork at the Det says reserve...it'll all be changed here in a few months.
  4. Our NCOs told us the same thing...Waller, you may have still had "Reserve Commission" on your certificate because they didn't have enough time to print up new ones before commissioning. Our NCOs have the "Reserve Commission" certificates for us and are trying to get the "Regular Commission" ones, but if they haven't already gotten them (I don't know) then we're using the other ones at commissioning and will receive the regular ones in the mail. But yes, this is 100% confirmed about regular commissions.
  5. Which finance/personnel people do I talk to to get DLA...I'm going TDY to ASBC enroute to Vance, so do I call the guys at Maxwell or Vance before I move?
  6. Thread revival: Does anyone know if the previously mentioned ribbons (Training ribbon and national defense medal) are supposed to be worn by commissionees? I've heard conflicting stories on the GWOT...some say we need them, others say we have to wait until at our first base. Any ideas? I've been trying to find some regs on e-publishing, but can't find anything.
  7. Creekside is really nice...you could always try to find someone to room with and get a 2BR...both your BAHs combined would probably easily cover it. That's what a couple guys I know down there have done.
  8. Oh yeah, of course you're in a flight as a freshman and might be tasked to help out the flight commander or such, but you will actually get a job your junior year...meaning your in charge of that position and will get good/bad recognition for how you do.
  9. Check and see if your school as job/career fairs and get a table/booth at those things...you could easily catch some Fresh/Soph who just didn't know about ROTC. HS is a really good thing, try to keep that a regular thing in the local area...maybe up to an hour a way or so. Jason - You get jobs your first semester of Junior year, rotating every semester. You can get them based soley on assignment or on a mix of assignment/you asked for it. That's a ways down the road, so don't need to think about it now, just think about kicking ass so that when you do get there, people will listen when you tell them what you want.
  10. I got a loan through keybank specifically for flying. They have good rates and you do not have to start paying the loan back until after graduation. It's a good deal and definitely worth it, esepcially if you're trying for OTS, guard, etc. where having a license can really give you a boost. [ 27. April 2006, 04:46: Message edited by: Toro ]
  11. You should be able to get MREs from HQROTC. We've always told them we need x amount and within reason they'll get them to us. Sorry I don't know how it works, but I do know that's how we get them. If that falls through, HQ should at least be able to give you a certain amount of money that you can then order MREs with from the closest base.
  12. Definitely check out all the new apartments popping up on Powers. They're really nice and about 5 min from base. Powers has really built up in the last few years...you'll be centrally located for pretty much everything good in the Springs. There's a bunch of stuff on Powers and you won't be too far from "downtown."
  13. That's what I do...wait 6-9 minutes before Hydro posts...then post what he was gonna post. 60% of the time, it works every time! Hydro
  14. It sounded to me like the IP was calm at first and asked/instructed the guy to turn down the heat...but then when they guy didn't understand for the third time, he began getting really pissed...1) He's boiling his ass off 2) This guy can't understand the most simple of instructions....I'd be fvcking pissed if I was that IP too. It doesn't seem like this guy was being ineffective, he just got rightfully pissed at this guy's idiocy. But in a case where an IP yells ALL THE TIME FOR EVERYTHING, then yes, that would be very ineffective.
  15. Got it t38driver...it's just hard to think how someone could be burning up front, but not really notice it because he's focused on whatever else. No matter how much I've been focused on other stuff while flying (even on checkrides), in the middle of doing a maneuver, I'd still be able to say, "Hey could you turn on the A/C, I'm dying." Anyways, thanks for clearing that up.
  16. Question - How is it that the IP was burning to death, but the stud was (I assume) feeling ok? You think if it was getting incredibly hot in there the stud would turn down the heat on his own because he was roasting. Are there separate controls for the FCP/RCP?
  17. According to an Lt I know who did the Flordia thing...every state has different requirments to be a legal resident. I heard Texas has a list onf 9 things you can do, you have to do any 3 of them (i.e. get a DL, register a vehicle, register to vote, etc). I think he said Florida required you to register to vote in any county (don't need a physical address) and that was it. Then all you do is fill out that form at finance...it's legal and easy. He's at Peterson right now and still has Colorado plates and tags, but instead of paying up the ass for the tags every year (CO is a huge rip), he pays 4o bucks because he's an "out-of-state resident."
  18. Personally I think it'll be fun...yes stressful and probably will have some times where I'm just pissed at myself, but overall, I think it'll be fun. Hopefully I'm not walking into this with the wrong outlook, but I don't think I am.
  19. Seriously, how is flying not fun? I know I haven't been there yet (UPT), but still, flying a T-6/T-37 is a billion times better than flying what the average stud has before that (172, cherokee, etc). Any examples Vetter?...I'm honestly curious on this one. Even if stressful, flying in UPT can't be ALL bad.
  20. Thanks for the info C21...good stuff. Here's a predicament (hopefully not, but probably)...I have to be at ASBC 7 Jun and then after that I'm going to Vance for casual/UPT. My wife wants to go down to Vance probably around 12 Jun or so to get housing, job set up, etc. Last night I just thought about if the AF will not give us housing at Vance until I actually report to Vance (so like 30 Jun or somewhere around there), or will they still give us housing in Jun because my wife will be down there and obviously need a house? I just have this feeling they won't give us housing because I haven't actually reported to my permanent duty station yet and am TDY at Maxwell. If this is the case, will the AF at least give me BAH for Enid so she can get an apartment or something?
  21. Baseops...is it a problem if they're driven at different times? Yes they'll be from/to the same locations, but might be a week or two apart. Is that a problem?
  22. Since I have two vehicles, one of which my wife will drive down to Enid, will they pay the DITY rates for both vehicles or do they only allot you one? Because if I could count the weight of both vehicles into one lump total weight, that would be great. Would they reimburse me for mileage/gas on both vehicles or only one? Thanks guys.
  23. It's gotta depend on the other country...UK is obviously fine...Iran, yeah right.
  24. Working on dual citizenship with Iran? Does this guy even read the news? I don't think it's gonna matter if he wants pilot or finance...don't think he'll even have the slightest chance of getting a clearance with Iranian citizenship.
  25. I appreciate the shortening to Bra... Well when you're in a relatively large Det, you're bound to know a few people who get booted for various reasons over a 4 year period. Shit happens.
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