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Everything posted by brabus

  1. Well here's some food for thought...I know a guy who put down he never had. However, sophmore year (this was a few years ago) he decided to come clean and thought that since he was a good cadet, it'd be ok. HQ kicked him out. Even the Col thought it was BS and fought for him, but HQ just said since he'd done it more than X times, he was out. I'm pretty sure that it was more than 3 times, but not positive. I'm not telling you what to do here, or what I would do...I'm just giving you a real scenario to think about. Take from this what you want. On another note, you'll eventually have to get a secret and top secret security clearance in which you'll be asked this again on paper and in a personal interview. I bet it's pretty hard to bullshit the interview guys...they know what they're doing. Just something else to think about. [ 29. March 2006, 17:27: Message edited by: brabus ]
  2. Very true. Yeah I was probably harsh about it, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it for ya. I'm just telling you exactly how it is. Nonetheless, just apply, realize you WILL have to tell them about this, and just see what happens. If you really did learn your lesson and it was just truely a stupid 15 yr old move, then by all means, I hope it works out for you. There's no sense in not trying.
  3. Ok, I was a bit harsh...the 92FS is not a bad pistol and in fact is pretty good. I don't really hate it as much as I came off, but I just prefer my glock over the beretta. Much of it has to do with the fact that I'd rather put some .40 into a guy instead of 9mm. Also, I've never had a glock jam on me ever...although only a few times, I've had a beretta jam on me. I'm consistently more accurate with my glock than I am with my friend's beretta...yes it probably has something to do with me partially, but nonetheless, the glock is just more accurate. The glock is lighter than the 92FS...now maybe that doesn't matter when it's just hanging on your vest, but from a conceal carry standpoint, I'd rather wear my glock than a 92FS. I realize this. There's still nothing wrong with prefering one firearm over another. If I got caught in the middle of a 7-11 robbery, I'd rather have my glock, but a 92FS would probably do just fine. And yeah, I'm not EVER planning on going rambo style on some derkas with AKs regardless of what weapon I have.
  4. My guess is you have about a 0.1% chance of getting in. You were drinking under age AND driving drunk. Dude, you have so much against you it's ridiculous. Maybe 4 years ago you could've gotten in, but right now, you pick your nose wrong and you're out/not getting in. Unfortunately a good friend got a DUI back in Dec. He has absolutely no other citations and was just a hair over the limit. He got it dropped to a DWAI. He was DG at FT, probably in the top few of the class, was in his last semester with a pilot slot, liked A LOT by cadre (Col wrote him a very good recommendation, talked to HQ personally, etc)...HQ booted him a few weeks ago. If he can't get past a DUI, you have no chance. The AF has already spent all this time and money on him, yet still threw him out. Why would they even want to spend a dime/second on you who has already shown disregard for law and common sense (even if it was at 15)? Guess everything is worth pursuing, and if you do get in, awesome...but just don't count on it.
  5. I've heard you can't carry personal weapons...gotta use the Beretta...or .357 (I heard they were going to that). Totally sucks because I KNOW my Glock doesn't f*ck up and I can shoot it straight as an arrow. I'd definitely want that pistol with me if I was every down...but hey, guess I'm stuck with the shitty beretta.
  6. I saw a dude that graduated from my det a year ago last week. He's a contracting officer at Peterson and HAS the spwings. He thinks it's the gayest idea ever. So does everyone in space command get them or something? I forgot to ask. And being a contractor, he has nothing to do with pushing buttons or "flying" satellites.
  7. Well whatever, I'll just take what they give me at Vance and "update" the new patch after I solo (knock on wood :D ). [ 22. March 2006, 20:14: Message edited by: brabus ]
  8. Is it normal to have to buy the plain leather nametag before UPT, or do they make it for you and you just have to tell them on your own accord to put the jump wings on?
  9. That's pretty much the only reason someone should go for the 2 or 3 yr programs. Even if you don't go to a school with a det, you can almost be 100% sure that the nearest det will work with you from a crosstown standpoint.
  10. There's absolutely no reason to not do the 4 yr with the exception of you wanting to be a slack ass your first 2 yrs. Just suck it up, do the 4 yrs and you'll most likely have a way better shot at UPT. Don't screw yourself over by doing the 2 yr.
  11. This might be a dumb question, but is there any reg that says what students have to wear? Like if the regular leather ones are available, I HAVE to wear those regardless if I own other ones? Just wondering if there's some stupid stando thing (reminded of back in the day people said they had to wear low quarters w/ flightsuits at Hondo...just wondering if it's something like that, except not nearly as bad).
  12. brabus

    T-34 gouge

    Apparently the Navy is huge about using gouge while the AF roasts you for it. What's the deal with that?
  13. Apparently Vetter still has his panties in a bunch over some stupid piece of metal on a flight cap...come on dude, same team, let it go.
  14. Despite the fact I think FT is the most utterly worthless thing ever, it is very true what falling and others said about if you don't take it seriously, you'll fall on your face. You can think of it however you want, but just play the game. It's a 4 week long game that you need to play and pretend like you actually give a sh*t about doing 4 million GLPs and nightly journal entries . In the end, it's in your best interest to do as well as possible since it can and probably will affect positions you get in ROTC the next semester, getting a slot, CC ranking, etc. If anything, stay motivated and strive to do well just so you can look good on paper to get a slot, good position in corps.
  15. Biggest joke/waste of time ever. What I learned at field training.............uhhhhh........how to stop bouncing while marching, does that count? And yes, it's fvcking ridiculously easy compared to every other service. So when you get sh*t from your buddies, just tell em you know it's a bunch of gay crap, but it wasn't your choice to have it this way. There is absolutely nothing hard about ROTC, FT, etc. You can throw it back at them after you go through UPT, FTU, etc. I'm sure that's much more stressful and challenging than any basic infantry course.
  16. You should think about going AD if you want to do all those deployments, go around the world, red flag, etc. Why not if you want to fly "a lot" and do all that cool stuff? I know you said you've had a pain in the ass with recruiters and what not, but if you want that stuff, you can push through the crap and get in. I've been told fighters range from about 3-6 hrs/wk during a normal week at a "normal" Ops job, excluding stuff like red flag, being an IP, etc. Is that right guys? (Hoser, Toro, Hacker, etc).
  17. In reality, PCSM is so small that if that was truely the deciding factor, you really just screwed yourself big time in other areas (i.e. GPA, CC's ranking, PFT, AFOQT).
  18. It seems that if hours are your concern, why are you going for fighters? Everyone knows the heavy guys rack up way more hours (generally).
  19. brabus


    wow that sucks...oh well, at least you're flying. Somehow I was stupid enough to think half of the gay uniform crap (i.e. sleeves, patches, etc.) would stop after AETC...I was wrong, for shame.
  20. Oh ok, makes a little more sense now. Nonetheless, they should just shoot for not screwing up, regardless of what categories there are to be graded on. Not sure how much that'll help. All they need to know is don't screw up, get an outstanding, mess up one or two things, get an excellent, and so on.
  21. so why do you need the scoring worksheet? What bearing does that have?
  22. Well to each his own, but I just took the damn card, used some common sense to know where to start, stood in the corner and started. It's not that hard...common sense and thinking a little ahead can tell you where you need to start and what commands you need to add in. There's no need to go memorizing every possible combo of IDE commands...waste of time.
  23. what's there to memorize? You're going to get a card with 10-15 movements on it...just do those. There's nothing you need to memorize except how to call those commands. Also, the year I went you could legally (according to the FTM) stand still the entire time while giving commands. That's a hell of a lot easier than trying to march with the IDE flight while giving them commands...way easier to think and execute just standing and watching their movement. Don't know if that's how it is now, but if so, I would highly recommend doing that.
  24. Got it...that's what I thought, but couldn't visualize what physically on the aircraft would apply to AoA.
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