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Everything posted by brabus

  1. UPT definitely is not the best part of a flying career, but I still generally had fun. Yes there was stress and I had some days I was pissed off, but in general it was not hell. I had awesome IPs and flight ccs for the most part, so I think that made the experience far better than it could have been. So yeah, it does get more awesome after UPT, but that doesn’t automatically make UPT shitty.
  2. That is a nice, little invalid analogy I’ve seen going around. Cloth masks do not remotely stop spread as compared to jeans stopping piss.
  3. That’s only saying you don’t get credit at the same time you’re receiving mil retirement pay, which doesn’t apply to you. While you’re away on USERRA, your FERS service years should continue to accrue. An example of the above would be you do 20 years in the AF, then retire from there and continue working your fed job. At that point you don’t receive additional mil-time-served credit towards your FERS retirement.
  4. The attitude is easy to fix - they get kicked in the balls with increasing force until they change or are forced out of the community, whichever comes first. The intangible flying experience only comes with air time, so they’ll continue to be shitty/dangerous in those realms until they learn enough lessons through experience; that timeline will be individual-based. All of us will shoulder the risk. A real lose-lose situation.
  5. Your mil pension time builds whether 32 or 10, with some minor caveats when talking AD 20 yr retirement vs. ANG/AFRES 20 yr retirement (main difference is when you start collecting). What makes you think your fed service time won’t accrue when on orders? Why do you think it matters whether ANG or AFRES? I was only in FERS for a little over a year, but I continued to accrue fed service time while on 32 orders during that time period.
  6. Does the med DQ you from all mil service, or just flying?
  7. Apparently they haven’t been paying attention to all of us essential workers who’s lives generally haven’t changed, yet we’re all healthy (including our families we come home to everyday) and we’re not rushing to the hospital. Haven’t had a single case for over a 1000 sample size on our base. Many of my non-mil friends are essential - nothing there either. Temp hospitals totally unused...yeah, but I’m sure this “medium stream” group of people will be TOTALLY different.
  8. That’s a good point. I think the majority have done a good job, there are whackos everywhere and they don’t represent the majority. But an alarming trend is the false dichotomy so many people appear to be clutching - if you don’t blindly support total destruction of liberties or policy making based on unreliable data, then you 100% don’t give a fuck about health or safety and are a window-licking idiot dumber than the dirt on my boots. What if there’s a middle ground where people do care about health/safety, liberty, and don’t want decisions made based on knee jerk data, but instead acknowledge there is a moderate approach to problem solving. All three of those areas of concern can reside in one person, but the far left/right zombies following their “leaders” and wielding online pitchforks refuse to acknowledge it. The “my way is the only way” crowd needs to pull their heads out of their asses.
  9. Guess I’m OK with a bunch of self-righteous, fear-driven, incapable of critical thought, bubble dwellers having no means to support their family while willingly handing over their freedoms like lambs to slaughter. But, despite their own dumbassery getting them there, I’ll still do my role to help pull them out of the shithole they gladly jumped into. Because that’s what Americans do. Good Americans don’t say, “well I don’t agree with you, so I totally have no problem if you just fuck off and die.”
  10. What about rates for VA 15 yr refi or streamline?
  11. Unassessable, $5 to the crew chief kill removing to clean the shit out of his pants.
  12. If waiverable, it will also depend on why you washed out, from a unit’s perspective for hiring purposes. Maybe they don’t care if you washed out for formation, but they likely will care if you washed out for instrument flying.
  13. Well I’m not saying the 7 days a week of boozing and mountain biking was not fun at SOS...
  14. The hard part is coordinating enough of the masses to not do it. Reality is a lot of people know this is bullshit, but it’s not the hill they’re going to die on. Admittedly I’m in that group, but I also did 100% of it on work time...I refused to let 1 min of my own time be wasted on it. Highly recommend taking that approach to anyone who is doing correspondence ballwash. If a bob cries about something not being done, you can remind him the AF is making you do this (not your choice) and you’re not sacrificing home life for it. If he doesn’t like that, well that is a hill I will die on.
  15. It does. Here’s a serious suggestion: shit can all of our standard PME and either send people to civilian schools (more so than the current, limited slots) / have them do one of those schools online. Or make AF PME have some utility, but I think the former option is a much higher probability of success. I don’t think I’ve met a single person who thought anything worthwhile happened/was taken from ASBC, SOS, ACSC, AWC.
  16. Well it’s not free in terms of time and effort, but to each their own on what they want to do with their time outside of work.
  17. Thanks dudes, as always I get clearer explanations from bros than the people working on the support side.
  18. When you sell back, you are missing out on BAH/BAS/Fly pay. So that’s less money than if you just took the day of leave. What am I missing?
  19. SOCOM is not immune to waste/asinine misuse of air assets. Not to say there isn’t a lot of good use going on also.
  20. Don’t know what has changed in 7.0, but 6.0 is easy...totally retarded and a complete waste of time, but easy. It has to be the easiest of the options (other than not doing any of it).
  21. You clearly haven’t had a personal connection to the small business world. People aren’t losing their livelihood because they’ve planned poorly. Additionally on the big side of the house, corps don’t run with billions of cash reserve because it doesn’t make sense. They would not be profitable if scrooging away money was their aim. Not to say there aren’t companies out there who have fucked it away, but in general the economic impact is in large not due to how businesses have ran.
  22. Shack. 17 million filed for unemployment in the last month. Unverified personally, but read it took nearly 10 months for this to happen during the Great Depression. This is a textbook definition of “cure is worse than the virus.” Measured responses needed, but reckless destruction of the economy, liberty, and the many unintended consequences that follow is not. Large protests are beginning...I hope all of these governors get a very clear reminder of who America is.
  23. I also have an immunocompromised family member, and of course I’m concerned. But, he doesn’t leave the house except for his doc appointments or a walk where he remains well clear of others and doesn’t touch any surfaces. I don’t expect others to curtail their liberties and economic/mental welfare over questionable data and my attachment to an individual (who I love very much)...nobody going to business X or playing in the park will have any direct affect on him, unless he stops giving a shit and starts frequenting the same places while touching surfaces and wiping his hands on his face. In which case, that’s on him, not the other people. God forbid emotional people for one second put this kind of reaction toward auto deaths or heart disease (which are encased by substantially more accurate/valid data). Are we cool with all of our cars being taken away and being told what and how much we’re allowed to eat? Because those two things would save millions of lives, yet we’re not rabble rousing about that. To close the loop on the analogy, I could choose to never travel by road to decrease my chance of death, just as people can choose to self quarantine if they don’t want to be around others. But that’s my choice in a free society, nobody else should be required to curb their liberty from 0600-0630 since that’s when I’ll be driving to work, as I selfishly demand everyone else needs to stay off the road so I’m not threatened with possible vehicular death. Yes, it’s as illogical and anti-liberty as it sounds...
  24. No it doesn’t. But I’m also not saying you’re wrong about what’s going on in DC, I’m not there and you are. However, the majority of what people are talking about is state power. The federal government has far less control in stuff like this than people think, welcome to a federalist system. It makes a lot of sense that governors should make these types of decisions for their states, because as you highlighted, situations vary drastically between areas. Also, New Yorkers actually have liberty too, as much as that bums out some Americans (not saying you’re one of them).
  25. It is in my state, that’s a fact. And that’s what the governor has been using to drive decisions. 1) Nobody knows how many, but there are people who had it and aren’t counted because they never went to the hospital and got a test. That number is probably a ton higher than people give credit. To this point, it’s fairly accurate on capturing who has died from it, but very inaccurate on who has recovered (i.e. a critical piece of the denominator in this equation). 2) Any swinging dick who dies from anything that even hints of respiratory, etc. is deemed corona as the cause, even without a test/confirmation. 3) People in hospice are dying and being counted in the deaths. Those facts above are enough to highlight how unknown the true rate is. I’m willing to bet our death rate tracking is a hell of a lot more than a 5% error. Or you could put out things like violating 6 ft or walking around public while actively sick gets you fined. Only close business that are unable to operate while also adhering to social distancing. Do that and you have means to throw the book at the idiots while not fucking over the economic and mental welfare of the tens of millions who won’t fuck those things away. Guess I’ll never be a senior leader in big blue, because I certainly don’t fit the mold of lazy leadership that hits the easy button and hides behind a bullshit excuse like “but the masses...”
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