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Everything posted by brabus

  1. I PCSd with a normal moving company...did everything like a civilian would; all worked out fine with normal receipts. It took some effort to stay on top of moving company and call them out when they tried to pull fast ones, but overall better than any mil move I’ve done simply because I had more control and there was no worry on getting my stuff moved when I wanted to. That said, any charges with a receipt dated prior to your PCS orders date may not be reimbursed. So be careful to not screw that one up.
  2. Lot of hyperbole and borderline false statements in that article...but sometimes it’s required to get attention from the system unfortunately.
  3. Either way is fine, though if it’s on there I don’t have to go flipping through your package to find them. I don’t think anyone looks at it negatively if they’re not on there (unless unit specific instructions say otherwise).
  4. I see no problem with a lot of hours. I may question if your hours do not align with where you should be progression wise (i.e. if you have 4K at a regional but aren’t a captain...why?) In my UPT class we had 4 1k+ guys; two did great and 2 did terrible. The terrible ones were solely due to attitude, not their experience level (which I suppose ironically is what drove their bad attitudes).
  5. We have to look at 200 of these things - resume (what have you done) and cover letter (who are you/sell yourself) are the first two things looked at. If they’re not good, your app is easily thrown to the side pile. For content, remember we’re pilots who may not know anything about your current profession (if you’re already in the workforce), so keep that in mind when you write...if there’s too much jargon I may just skim over something that’s perhaps a big deal, but I had no idea and treated it as nothing of substance. Besides content, put the effort into grammar, spelling, ensuring you have the right unit in the letter, etc. If I read something that appears a middle schooler wrote/there’s a clear lack of proof reading, I immediately question whether this guy can succeed at the entire commisioning/flight training process. Maybe the two aren’t directly related, but it’s still a bias that will absolutely exist.
  6. I think his point is more geared towards putting F-15 squadrons in a 3 year conversion status (e.g. not deployable/useful to COCOMs) rather than a capability gap. The F-35 is very capable at AA - the comparative weapon state limfac is one that is being worked. With 9x and the new racks, you get 6x2...so same state as the eagle currently and could be done very soon. Also remember, the 120/9x combo isn’t going to be the only option forever.
  7. Looking pretty good for any type of unit. Put the effort into your cover letter and resume.
  8. Sure is. Fun airplane to fly.
  9. It’s a nice airplane, 180s are awesome.
  10. 6 of us in our squadron who are into GA. Some guys can’t fathom the thought of flying GA ever again and some of us love it. Flying is awesome, and there’s plenty of fun flying I get enjoyment out of that doesn’t involve blowing shit up and going fast (though I do love that too). To each their own.
  11. Ask your CC to check CMS to see which office, and then see if he’ll call/email them for a personal update. Mine had to do that twice to nicely nudge the app along.
  12. Your AFOQT scores and PCSM are not very competitive for fighters. You may be able to grab an interview if you visit the unit once or twice and really connect well with the bros (e.g. your scores become slightly overshadowed by the positive personal interaction they had with you). I think the odds of you getting a fighter interview based solely on your app are not great. Retake the AFOQT to boost your scores if you want to increase your fighter chances.
  13. Nothing...but that’s not why we do what we do (which of course I know you know that and aren’t implying otherwise). Of course the irony is not lost on me when some chief who hasn’t fought a second in his life gets a bronze star on his way out of CENTCOM. I had to argue directly to the one star wg/cc at BAF why the JTAC I wrote a MSM for deserves it...official recognition is broke and that was the day that cemented my decision to go Guard (certainly not the only reason, just the 1069th reason).
  14. Sniper SE is digital HD and a much better product. Your OT bros have got to know about this. However, AATC is working on color Litening, which I’ve heard is pretty awesome (yes, some of you can go ahead and laugh...it’s a big deal for us poor CAF guys!)
  15. Ejection over bearing sea, 2012 (japan to Alaska coronet). Handed off OSC to the 135 once we had done everything useful we could. They stayed overhead and did a handoff with another 135 that came from AK. Between the two crews they maintained OSC and coordinated with various assets to get our bro picked up. Weather was shit, so finding him was difficult...no doubt their efforts helped make a positive end to the story.
  16. Crazy day for sure. Tanker dudes did a great job on scene, glad they were there.
  17. Not as good as sniper. Don’t do it. For the incident, talk to some JTACs in the know...they do not put the B-1 crew as RC. That said, don’t even drop BOC without at least a quick assessment of friendly positions (map, etc.) If you hit the pickle button without 100% SA on all friendlies, you are taking a lot of risk and putting the deconfliction onus on one man. Sometimes that risk may be worth it, but many times it’s not, even in the midst of a nasty gun fight. A 30 sec QC may have saved several lives.
  18. Hard to tell if gear is down (if it is, no AGCAS). The one ejection I watched there was no change in aircraft attitude (pre-AGCAS days). Glad he got out alright!
  19. I’ve personally seen this exact situation 3 times...unfuckingbelievable.
  20. 10 years at minimum until that becomes a reality (at a credible effectiveness level as defined by line pilots, not the bobs). I’m not exaggerating.
  21. The first attempt made for me in the same situation was at month 5 before sq/cc finds out HRO said they had advertised the job and no one applied (so they let it close out and did nothing after that). The problem was they never informed anyone in the air guard about the posting (no mass email, contact leadership directly, etc). So wing had to resubmit. Long story short I’m now a DSG, and it was the greatest move ever. Perhaps consider the alternatives to ART, as this is just a glimpse into the well below average performance of HRO (unless you’re in one of the few states who have the ART program somewhat figured out, but doesn’t sound like it).
  22. No idea, but I do think he still was at least somewhat recently based on younger guys knowing him. Makes sense, I don’t think anyone would know him unless they were a student or IP at Luke.
  23. F-35 aggressors help train to problems of TODAY, not just 10 years from now. The training gap is even more significant for 5th gen and this move greatly closes that gap.
  24. Never met 4 Quarts at Luke?
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