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Slander last won the day on May 29 2015

Slander had the most liked content!

About Slander

  • Birthday 09/27/1984

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  • Location
    Eifel Region
  • Interests
    Monk Drunk

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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. Because I like knowing how to find answers rather than only knowing who to try to find.
  2. So...when does this mean my PRF closeout date will be as an '08 captain? Or can someone tell me where to find that information that isn't "call your exec" please?
  3. I mean...it is an aggressor base...
  4. Not uncommon in the F-16 world. 4FL will show up, go through a slightly longer IPUG than a previously qualified IP and then start teaching. That's really not a huge deal in my mind.
  5. What if you're unmarried and have no children? Can you still transfer it somewhere?
  6. 3 x former RPA guys in my squadron here flying F-16s. TAMI-21 victims. 2 got here last year and one got here 2 months ago. More hope for you...
  7. Just finished up "Worthy Fights" by Leon Panetta. Its his memoir and it's really interesting. Highly recommend it for any long flights you have coming up.
  8. Then talk to finance or your commander. No one here knows you or cares at this point.
  9. Vipers got mode S with the one of latest tape upgrades. The Germans get pissed when the Spang guys don't use it in the training airspace (or misspell their call signs, or have the number wrong) even if mode 3 and C are working. Vipers can't interrogate it or use it unless it's out on the link like Brabus said in another thread. If it's not within my radar field of view then I'm looking outside. Edit: Typo.
  10. Anyone else think the underlying issue is that no one will stem the insatiable appetite for RPAs? We're almost unable to sustain the number of CAPs we have now, but do we actually need all of the CAPs we have or are told we need? Are the COCOMs demanding something unnecessarily?
  11. I think this is simple...Put the GCS at places people want to go and you'll get more volunteers. It's be said over and over again, but if you put those bad johnnies at MacDill, Eglin, Luke, McChord, Charleston, Hickham, Hanscom, Patrick, <insert sweet Navy coastal base here>, etc then I bet you'll see more people interested than if it's "wait, so I don't get to fly airplanes anymore AND you're sending me to Cannon? Sweet. I'm out."
  12. Almost universally, the first 1/3 of any book by a Navy SEAL is talking about BUD/S and how hard it is and how hard the author gets when he thinks about it (metaphorically speaking of course, definitely not STS that's inappropriate). I thought the stories in the "Yellow Green Beret" series were way funnier and more interesting than a lot of SEAL books. $2.99 for your kindlemachine, 4.80 hours of entertainment each (or so): https://https://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Green-Beret-Asian-American-Stumbling-ebook/dp/B00695XWZA/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1432705644&sr=1-1&keywords=yellow+green+beret
  13. Let's be honest with ourselves dudes. Neither of them is all that hard. We're talking about a year's worth of training to be able to takeoff, land, and navigate to and from an airspace or another airport safely. C'mon. At the time I definitely thought it was stressful...and then I went through some CAF upgrades. It's not. Who cares if you're asking the dude next to you to change your radio frequency in the t-1 or if you're trying to figure out what "tactical formation is" while flying 0.7s in the T-38. It's just not that hard to finish either track.
  14. Yup. Same here. They even did my interview at the Frankfurt Airport on my way. Haven't had any luck with the Priority Pass Select into the airline lounges. I'm a United kinda guy so I never fly Delta. Anyone have luck with that?
  15. Both orders now closed. Thanks for everyone who sent me messages about it. And now the 9 month waiting game begins...
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