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Brick, yep, you can get promoted. I knew a guy who did about three years ago. I was just passed over, but I did meet the board. Sparky, you're partially right. Since retirement pay is a percentage of base pay only, and not your full monthly pay (allowances etc), the difference is less than what you describe. Reserve days (IDT) are 1/30th base pay, 1/30 flight pay, and mandays add 1/30th each BAS and BAH (I). It works out that I still make about 2/3rds of what I would've for the day if I were a regular reservist and weren't dragging down retirement pay. Also, you're a bit off with the info on the program as I was approved in October and there's a guy who's very near approval at Keesler (if you remember a guy named Smooth from CFIC then you know him).
Wings, It is a very tough program to get through as you have to convince the Chief of the AFR that you bring something to the table that can't be done by someone already in the reserves. AFR is taking another big manning cut this year, to go along with the PBD 720 cut last year, so he's interested in keeping as many reservists employed as possible and really has limited use for retired AD folks, unless they have value added benefit. Also, if you are a regular officer, after you get by CinCAFR, then you have to convince the SecDef to let you resign you regular commission to get a reserve commission. You get to keep your retirement and it gets paid out normally. When you do military duty in the reserves you get the retirement money you would've been paid for that day (monthly retirement/30) offset by your military pay. As a reservist you get retirement points for military duty as any other reservist. At the end of your time, those points are added up and added to your retirement when you turn 60. Say you retired at 20 years and were getting 50% retirement, then earned another 1095 retirement points (1095/365=3 years), then you'd get another 7.5% added to your retirement at age 60...bonus too if you get promoted - you get to enjoy the promo while you continue to serve and then the retirement benefit would take effect at 60 also. No special forms to fill out, just follow a checklist (a ton of paperwork like letters of recommendation, OPRs etc) and have a unit with a position number waiting for your 1288.
Wings, I did it. It is pretty complicated, and right now, almost impossible for a pilot. PM me if you need specifics.
Man, am I sorry to hear about these new rules...it wasn't anywhere near that bad in '03 and '04. Then, the worst we had to deal with was that they started making everyone actually go to the Grab-n-Go to sign for their food (wonderful grub and plenty of it). The 12 hr day is what made the guys in country less capable than us outta Masirah...go figure. Any way to report the buffoonery, AC Report on Facilities, something? There has to be a way to avoid the persco nonsense. Good luck, you guys need it!
Just thought I'd weigh in and say that I rode today...a beautiful day, sunny and in the 60s. There are not many days like this in the Great White North (north of 45 degrees) at this late date. The only bad thing is that the drivers here have already forgotten what it was like to see bikes on the road. BTW, talking about very nice rides, try the Lake Superior Circle Tour if you're of a mind. Just one of too many to count, but worth every minute.
This discussion goes all the way to the top (congress) with regards to how O&M is funded...how you get money for AGE, MX, etc. With a yearly budget process and a yearly flying hour program it's difficult at best to show savings when there are sorties scheduled to "zero out" the time. That said, we've looked at our unit's flying and figured that taking the externals off of our H2s saves roughly 200 lbs/hr. The math for a 2500 hour year is evident--73000 gallons. That's just one behavioral modification. How about flying slower on legs less than 2 hours? At optimum altitudes? How about shutting two down on taxi in, or starting only two until just before takeoff? Are your standard ramp fuel loads at the lowest they can be with regard to your station? These techniques add-up. Now, I agree, nobody ever got promoted showing savings, (just ask me sometime what my looney sq/cc tried to do to save fuel when I was at Mather years ago) but like someone else said on this thread, Big Blue is broke, and these are some ways to help.
Not meaning to hijack the thread from the cool new bike stuff, but anyone got any words on full face brain bucket selection? I currently have an old RF-205V that fits like a glove, but have had it for about 9 years now and read in the manual (who reads that thing?) that I should replace every 5 years or so. Was looking at the Shoei RF-1000, TZ-R or X-Eleven. Don't have any recent experience with other brands. Any suggestions. Current ride - '86 Lowrider. Location - Great White North with March to November riding season. Almost forgot, I did search the threads and didn't see anything anywhere else.
Hoser nailed the basics, but I will add on a thought to the portion in quotes. Your starting pay as a 2Lt is relatively low. But by your third year the AF starts boosting your pay quite nicely so that by the time you have 6-8 years in, you, with a nice house, a nice car, 2.3 kids and a dog, might feel like it's harder to leave than get in. In other words, they get you feeling so comfy that it's easier just to stay.
Having BTDT for a long time and tried just about every method known to man to get to UPT from the nav chair I wonder why you think you'd be reclassified just because the rules changed. Not trying to kick you around, but Big Blue generally doesn't do that. When I was a lad the requirements were age 26 and 20/20 vision...that changed to 29 and 20/70 when I was 29 with 20/25 in one eye so I figured I could just reapply and it would all be good...NOT. Plus, you're in training and unless you're ARC in a unit converting to pilot-only aircraft I doubt they'd let you just leave to go to UPT. Unless you have good information that definitely provides you with an opportunity to reapply, then I believe your decision is already made. On the other hand if you have the chance to reapply, then JUMP!!!!!!!!!! My point: if you're thinking about it now, then you'll always wonder later. PM me if you want to talk offline.
Slightly off topic, but have seen a common thread in the replies - 3.2 problems. First some background - I'm from Minnesota - a 3.2 state and a wise old beer-only joint barkeep once told me that the big breweries did not brew 3.2 beer per se, just paid a fine to the state and labeled their brew 3.2. He asked me whether I thought a major international brewery such as Heineken, or a large domestic such as G. Heileman actually changed their brewing recipe for the relatively small market share of the 3.2 states. When he put it that way I had to agree. Bottom line - 3.2, are you sure it's the really that weak? In the fridge tonight- Point Bock Smithwicks Victoria Bitter Schell's Maibock
Brewdog, Absolutely, as of summer '06. Try whatever they have as the seasonal. I walked out with 3 cases, and I live here. Going back this summer for another camping expedition.
I was just comparing da UP to Wurtsmith...I never thought Oscoda had as much going for it. In keeping with the thread topic though, I'd take either over Barkatraz or Mindrot. Now that I think of it, one thing I'd love to see brought back is JOC night at Mather.
Why would you say Wurtsmith over KI, or even Kincheloe? Better sledding, better ladies (NMU and LSSU), cheep living, better hunting and fishing, better bars in da UP, eh.
Brewdog, "Next time you're lucky enough to be in God's country; (aka MN ) treat yourself to an ice cold Grainbelt Premium. You won't be disappointed. " Grain Belt is a Schell's product (using the original recipe) now, in case you didn't know. Had a great tour of the brewery in New Ulm last summer. For those of you lucky enough to have been down under, don't forget: VB XXXX Gold Crown Lager & Carlton Cold
Whatever I'm brewing this week...or, for the midwestern types: Schell's Summit Leinies
ANG Pay System Explained (AFTP, UTA, Title 10/32)
Nanook replied to a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
UTA (Unit Training Assembly) and AFTP/AGTP Additional Flight Training Period/Additional Ground Training Period) = IDT (Inactive Duty for Training). IDT can be one twofer style except AGTPs...you can't do two AGTPs in a day, tho' the smartest folks schedule their sim periods (as an example) as one UTA period plus one AGTP to get the two for a day. Max UTA periods in a quarter is 16. Tricare coverage is for each 90 ISO contingency. Two years activation = 8 years health care. Much nicer than when I was a bum in the early '90s with no health care. -
You're part of the Guard Bureau...no NAF. One of the things the ANG does right...no extra layer that always says no.
"2" to Rainman, nice post. I still run into AD types that think ARC guys only fly weekends.
Take it from someone who's been there (RIF; class of '93), the active duty AF has done you a huge favor. I know it sucks today, but take it as an opportunity to move onward and upward. Life gets better, I promise.
The tax exempt money you deposit into TSP is a different color than the tax deferred. The deferred is the one subject to the $15k and the exempt can go as high as approx $42k for each year. The details are a bit fuzzy and the definitive answers are hard to find, but a call to the TSP folks should clear things up a bit. C17 Driver has a great point, if you are disciplined enough to put the money onto a Roth then put the max there and TSP the rest.
I shoulda known that was coming....
It's like most AF training, you get outta it what you put in. It's a pretty decent course for new guys. I hear the new day/night course is pretty intense, but just a tad long. You don't have a hair on your backside unless you call your first CDS slowdown at Rosecrans (I forget the name of the DZ, Pony or some such) outside of 4 miles from 240+ IAS.
So, is this T-ODP program really used, or is it a thin veil to cover the "who you know" system we all suspect goes on behind the scenes? I've been a reservist forever and know that system cold, but can't seem to find decent info on how the AD system works (spent many hours on the AFPC site and can view the jobs, but don't have the tools to find the best way to get the jobs that need me.....and will allow me to drink German beer). I may be heading back to AD soon and need to know how to work the system to my advantage. Any of you old craniums have any suggestions? [ 30. March 2006, 20:45: Message edited by: Nanook ]
Any place near the Cub or Superior Bar and Grille...if they're still as happening as they once were.
If you had to deploy for OIF, then the best was Masirah and the Turtle Beach Golf Club (gotta love ex-pat Brits). OEF was Manas and downtown Bishkek.