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Everything posted by war007afa

  1. Waiting on the training backlog. Got two dudes in front of me (one should finish by the end of the month) who fly that schedule pretty much spot on! Since I'm waiting on them, I can't get any T-rides so I get all the pro I can.
  2. I flew my first gunpig flight the other day from the right seat. Let's just say that it was VERY apparent that I had only flown from there twice before... Felt a little better towards the end of it, though.
  3. Not that we would EVER condone underage drinking!
  4. Actually, if Fiesta is going on (should be getting close, soon) then if you go to 3 Margaritas on the Riverwalk, "a friend told me" that they won't card you at all...
  5. war007afa


    My motorcycle rates were only about 50-60 bucks a month for full-coverage on a brand-new bike (you know, before I got rear-ended at a stoplight by a friggin truck!). They were the best rate on my homeowner's as well (hurricane/hazard insurance). None of the other companies I tried said anything other than "We can't get anywhere near that rate..." It all depends on the individual. Nothing beats that Subscriber Savings Account, either :D
  6. ...or the 4th class year. Recognition doesn't mean shit if you didn't have a bonafide 4 dig year. But I digress. So, back to topics that the other 66% of officers on this board care about... :D
  7. Cadets who never went through Recognition pushing Recognition....what will they think of next? :rolleyes:
  8. Military Equal Opportunity...Designed to prevent discrimination in the Air Force.
  9. If the system works as it should, you shouldn't have to worry about the possible risks to your career (you have an IG, don't you? Unless it's him or her...then you'r F****D, haha, j/k). Don't know about the actual process, but if you're even considering it, do it. Rank doesn't give you the right to discriminate, unless it's based upon stupidity Good luck...
  10. Varies in the loop. More at the bottom and less at the top. For the 37, it all depended on us how well we were doing on energy management. Too high and you had to pull more to keep from launching out of the top of the MOA. If you were low you could pull a nice easy one and use all 5K you were alloted. I had some instructors tell me that I was too aggressive in the loop and some tell me I didn't have a hair on my ass if I didn't hit at least 5. Just depends. Practice is all I can say. Just remember you have to ease off as your airspeed bleeds off to avoid the oval instead of the loop.
  11. Why, b/c you have less aircraft? Try EIGHT!!!
  12. You talking about the T-1 trainer or T-1 Talon 1?
  13. Definitely sliced...we had the gi-normous can of wholesale jalepenos. Enough to last about 2 weeks or so...and definitely drain the juice.
  14. How much does it cost to have someone take care of the rental property for you while you are out of state? My wife and I love our house down here and if we ever have to leave to fulfill a staff tour, I'd love to come back to my house when I return to the gunship. I wonder how much you'd have to pay to have someone be responsible for managing your rental property. Guess it depends on location?
  15. Yeah, and I had to go to friggin Randolph to get mine b/c Navy Corpus didn't have any AF wings due to a lack of a re-order...go figure!
  16. They have navs on board for missions when they refuel spec ops platforms.
  17. SpecOps in the 135? I'm guessing you mean RJ's, right?
  18. Well, I do see the 5-board in the pic...guess it just depends on what's at the end of the runway or if he hit the rabbit-catcher/cable/whatever they use. Check out the engine though...fodded out hardcore. Looks like he got out OK, hope he didn't get hurt.
  19. Who's the Flt/CC? I know a few of the Buff drivers who went to smurfs so if it's Franks or Price, let em have it!
  20. My question is why did he land with ordinance? Can't they jettison those somewhere? That coulda sucked a little more...
  21. Hey Co, how's that airspeed and altitude looking?
  22. Nav/EWO? (I never say anything nice about them so I feel like I have to make amends)
  23. Nice! You think a newspaper editor would be used to this sort of thing!
  24. So does this mean that the mentality of rank increase being directly proportional to the number of airframes flown is going out the door? One of the things that I was told when I first started to fly was to become an expert at many airframes...that's the way to move up. As a young guy, I'm sort of curious about how all of this will effect career progression. But I digress...
  25. Don't you mean "bass"? Trust me, if there's anyone who should know about using the right word, it's me! https://www.dynamictruth.com/cgi-bin/ultima...1/t/003861.html Reference picture of Jack Black
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