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Everything posted by Hotel

  1. I think there is credit in the personality bit you mentioned. I would also tend to agree with Chuck's comments too. I've met ACC guys who I totally click with and others I don't - same for AMC. Never seen an AFSOC guy. Heard of AFSOC sightings. But, what do I know - I've not "been there done that" yet. It's just Friday, and I want to hang out at BaseOps cause I don't want to be productive. [ 27. January 2006, 11:14: Message edited by: Hotel ]
  2. My car.
  3. What is the med-down and med-up? Are you talking about that initial look over when you get to UPT? The one where they recheck your eyes and stuff despite you already having a Class 1, MFS, and MEPS (for some of us). [ 18. January 2006, 09:55: Message edited by: jr_pilot ]
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