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Everything posted by Stuck

  1. Stuck

    Latest Movies

    Elysium is one of the better films I've seen in a while, as well as being one of the more visually amazing films I've ever seen. Highly recommend.
  2. Cheers! - Stuck
  3. This should start us off... :beer: Stuck
  4. In light of the epic Porn Sweep of 2012, I'm bumping this thread up for more sexy nose art adds. NSFW greatly appreciated. Stuck
  5. Yes, it's the BUFF Memphis Belle. The "inspectors" brought it up with the boss when they were making their run through of the squadron here on Guam.
  6. They are no shit discussing whether or not to paint over the Memphis Belle right now.
  7. The new Robin Olds book is great. Cheers! - Stuck
  8. I thought this was random enough to go here... Cheers! - Stuck
  9. Thanks, brotha. Every little thing helps. Cheers! - Stuck
  10. What do you mean, "maybe"? That's a fact, ma'am. :) Cheers! - Stuck
  11. When I first started school in Arizona, I'd drive to Luke and watch Vipers from the EOR for HOURS... truly nothing sweeter sounding. Cheers! - Stuck
  12. Reflective belts: not always bad. Cheers! - Stuck
  13. Why again are they only 2 percent finished with flight test? Weren't they right around that over a year ago? - Stuck
  14. Cheers! - Stuck
  15. Speaking of Hot for Teacher... https://blogs.villagevoice.com/statusainthood/taylor_swift.jpg and... https://americajr.com/pictures/cma/taylor_swift__8062.jpg "Is it perhaps that I'm fashionable, and fishsticks are... crunchy?" Bag 'ala douche. https://www.fakefoodonline.com/i/bread/VC126350l.jpg Cheers! - Stuck
  16. The first one that came to mind is when George Peppard is a foot soldier in WWI and after dodging some bullets and landing in a mud puddle slowly looks up at two biplanes dogfighting as the theme song fades in. That movie rocks. They need another good WWI flying movie. "Flyboys" was a POS. Cheers from Africa, dudes! - Stuck
  17. How about mine? Cheers! - Stuck
  18. Nice, Hacker. - Stuck
  19. "Dont sit under the apple tree, with anyone else but me..." Hearing those B-17's start up right before the flashback gives me goosebumps at the beginning of that movie. Cheers! - Stuck
  20. Popcorn time. From: https://www.military.com/news/article/wh-co...C=airforce-a.nl I'm forced to agree with this statement - "This decision on the F-22 will have profound implications on our nation's strength and air dominance 15 and 20 years from now," he said, warning that other nations, notably Russia and China, will be "fielding advanced fighter aircraft in the next two years." Cheers! - Stuck
  21. Uh oh... https://www.military.com/features/0,15240,1...C=airforce-a.nl - Stuck
  22. Another good one from the Onion: "McDonnell-Douglas Unveils New 'Gay-Dar' April 23, 1997 | Issue 31•15 WASHINGTON, DC—McDonnell-Douglas unveiled its new $500 million "Gay-Dar" homosexual-detection system Monday, the most sophisticated such system ever developed. "This device can instinctively tell the sexual orientation of an individual at distances of up to 12 miles. Somehow, it just knows," McDonnell-Douglas CEO Frank Reed said. "The military applications of the system are limitless, not just against potentially gay enemies, but within the U.S. military itself." According to Pentagon sources, gay enlistees will be weeded out using Gay-Dar, and lieutenants will use it to know which women they may molest and which will merely get "all dykey on them." Or "Gays Too Precious to risk in combat": https://www.theonion.com/content/video/gays...ious_to_risk_in I love the onion. Cheers! - Stuck
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