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  1. ALL, Is their any Guard guys/gals starting ENJJPT in the early March 14 class? If so, I'm looking to swap classes with my start date of 25 Apr 14. I've been told it would be no problem to swap if I could find another Guard pilot willing to. Thanks!
  2. Anybody getting ready for the 31 March AMS class??
  3. Couple questions.. I'm trying to wrap my head around the ANG timeline/process. I've been sponsored and already have my FC1. I believe my packet was sent to the guard bureau sometime the beginning of this month. So, looking at your timeline has raised my questions.. -Can you or do you swear in before your packet goes through the guard bureau? -At what point did your packet clear the guard bureau and how long did it take? -When did you receive all your dates? I'm aware these are essentially mute questions bc things will happen when they happen..But my patience and anticipation are reaching critical mass. So any input or feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!
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