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Everything posted by MilitaryToFinance

  1. And back to the posters...
  2. People love that picture because it completely over simplifies a much more complicated and involved argument. But it's certainly a pretty picture, too bad it doesn't really mean anything.
  3. Well I just found out there is a gun show this weekend near me. I'm headed out to hopefully find a deal on an AK. I'm a little concerned that the prices will have risen a lot already since election day.
  4. For those who don't want to dig through all 50 pages of that thread here is the wildebeest's myspace page. Her 3 latest blog entries are all about how she know she is beautiful and doesn't care what other people say! https://www.myspace.com/fearlessfaith04
  5. ESC at Hanscom did the same.
  6. Unless I missed it nobody has mentioned your 8 days of house hunting. When you go to MPF to get all set up on your first day they'll ask if you need house hunting leave. It is permissive and doesn't count against your actual leave balance so there is no reason to not take it. Basically you get paid for the first week to not show up to work. It gives you time to find a place if you haven't already and then time to familiarize yourself with the base and the surrounding area without worrying about what you're supposed to be doing at work.
  7. Actually the store I was at last week said the price of .223 has skyrocketed. We're using a significant amount of the supply in our operations abroad so the retail price has gone up a lot. I believe 7.62 can be had for cheaper than .223 now.
  8. Well I'm considering getting a new gun and just can't make up my mind what to get. My first and only gun was a Glock 21 as a birthday present from my dad. I was leaning towards getting an xD 45. It could share ammo with the Glock, gets great reviews on here and would make a good carry weapon. So it'd be functional but similar to what I already have. I also feel that handguns will be the last thing that Obama would be able to ban, the big scary AR's and AK's will come first. At the gun store yesterday I was looking around and I really think it would be fun to have one of the AK's. Seems like it would be a fun shooting gun but not particularly practical(until the zombies come). So any thoughts from the peanut gallery? I know its ultimately my choice but thought I would throw it out there. The AK's seemed to come in cheaper than the 1911's I was looking at, ~$850 vs ~$1100. Also are the AK's customizable or are they typically just left as it? One thing I like about the AR's is that you have the option as you have more free cash to customize, upgrade sights and things of that nature. I haven't really seen any modified AK's but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.
  9. If you're awarded the scholarship in the spring semester this school year (spring 09) then it should start your Fall semester 09. If you are awarded the scholarship in Fall 09 it will start paying in Spring 09. They don't pay for summers so just ignore that semester.
  10. Thanks. This was all I was able to find, I guess I'll fill it out and see what happens. https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/shared/media/d...-070430-032.pdf
  11. Apparently nobody at our Finance office is aware that officers are supposed to get a one time clothing allowance when we commission. I spent over an hour sitting at a desk while 4 or 5 different people tried to figure out how I get my $400. The final conclusion was that the regs do say I'm entitled to the allowance(thanks I knew that, that's why I came) but that nobody knows how to actually get it to me. All they had was a form that was last updated in 1991 that they didn't know how to fill out. Anybody commissioned recently enough that could help me out on this one? I've talked to 2 people who said they got it automatically when at ASBC(which I haven't been to yet) and another LT who's been here over a year now and he just gave up because he could never get finance to figure it out.
  12. Our O-6 did the same thing all day yesterday. It was 75 degrees outside in the afternoon, what do you need a sweater for anyways?
  13. Anybody ever think of the bigger picture than, hey they aren't as special as me they shouldn't get a flight suit!? The point of ROTC is to recruit and train new officers for the Air Force. You have a bunch of kids walking around campus in BDU's or now ABU's apparently, and everybody says, look at the Army kids. But you see a group of people walking around in flight suits and they say, look its Air Force pilots, pilots are cool. Sure they aren't pilots yet, sure from within the Air Force they may not have "earned" the bag yet but none of the other students on campus know that. It's quite simply the best uniform are far as recruiting college kids to join ROTC.
  14. How does a random person on a random forum know your Det and PAS's email address?
  15. In one of the buildings on base today they had a tv running a slide show of announcements. In between the random crap about running 5K's or how awesome services is a slide pops up that says "Don't forget your next blue uniform day 15 Sep!"
  16. Not exactly about mess dress at a wedding but a friend of mine was just in a wedding recently and said that one of the groomsmen was a girl. She wore a black dress to fit in with the groomsmen instead of the white dresses the bridesmaids were wearing. Has anybody else ever seen this done before? It looked really weird to me seeing the pictures. And it wasn't the groom's sister or relative, just a friend.
  17. You're the second person to say this and do either of you have any documents to prove this? I find it impossible to believe or every time you rent a car at an airport you would be breaking the law. Rental car agencies have cars from all over the country. Two weeks ago I rented a car in Denver, CO with plates from somewhere in the south east(I think it was AL) and my DL is from Ohio. Do you really think that every rental car agency would be illegally renting cars to people?
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