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Goblin last won the day on April 15 2017

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Flight Lead

Flight Lead (3/4)



  1. Gotta do it for money. Need some motivation outside of the usual “pride” leagues Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 2’s in Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Most airlines don’t ask for EP/eval time, just a checkbox if you were an evaluator. I’ve heard folks using their EP time as IP time in the calculations Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Haven’t seen em
  5. Is this just a cost saving measure?
  6. The rumor floating around is that all the C-21s are heading to Scott, the C-40s are leaving Scott and going to Andrews and the C-37s at MacDill are closing and moving 1 each jet to Hickam, Ramstein, and Andrews. Caveat: very loose rumor with very little background/data to support.
  7. Son of a ...
  8. In-Res is definitely as YMMV as you can get. We had a pilot as our Flt/CC, drank to excess every night, made regrettable decisions and still made top third without trying. Other flights in our class were not so lucky.
  9. We haven’t seen a “Classic” tag in a while... I’m thinking we are due
  10. Last I checked the CSR does not come with SPG gold, or any other hotel status
  11. Anyone AD or their spouse that applies for any chase cards after 20 Sept now gets the annual fees waived. It is not SCRA and it is not retroactive. I have some CSR referrals left if anyone wants to go that route now that the annual fee is waived. (Automatically, I might add).
  12. Not sure if related or if this should be in the Russia thread: EXCLUSIVE: US Preparing to Put Nuclear Bombers Back on 24-Hour Alert https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2017/10/exclusive-us-preparing-put-nuclear-bombers-back-24-hour-alert/141957/
  13. The last I heard people were complaining about flying out of their windows so much (due to terrible scheduling) that they got rid of windows to stop the complaints. A buddy of mine out there now has been there for a week and has flown in all 3 “shifts” already.
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