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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Well my morning is ruined now, thank you
  2. Something about the voice on that video and how it presents the content really creeps me out.
  3. The Gatekeeper?
  4. You can also download the updates from the NGA site
  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-02/air-force-grants-9-million-award-for-as-many-as-18-000-ipad2s.html
  6. haha nice! Just passing along what I heard...I'm not all that worried about it.
  7. Some of us who were told we would go to ASBC after UPT (which obviously didn't happen since the program is no-more) are being told that it looks bad on us since a lot of our peers have the ASBC box checked
  8. Does anyone who recently attended ERAU Worldwide for their Masters have any suggestions for anything to help out tuition/books on top of TA? I've heard of scholarships and whatnot floating around, just wanted to see if anyone has any recommendations. I can't apply the GI Bill for a few years, so the top-off option is out.
  9. Black
  10. Someone needs to compose a 4 page e-mail with 5 bottom lines about how unprofessional the AF looks because of that picture
  11. Goblin

    Jokes/Fun at UPT

    Recommend "Classic" Status
  12. Does anyone have any insight as to whether BDUs/BDU gortex and similar will be allowed in the field after the uniform changeover? I'm heading there at the end of Nov and have some BDU gear, but nothing ABU. Figured I'd ask here before bugging them. Thanks!
  13. What would it take to get in on that...I'd take a couple
  14. there has to be a back story with this one
  15. And here I was all excited that there was another victim of Buzz's fist... oh well
  16. Beat me too it, that's exactly what I was going to say
  17. Whats the problem with staying on base? Is it just because its a dump or what?
  18. I won't believe it until I see a death certificate /sarcasm
  19. I'm single. So I don't need to call lodging or anything? Just show up and see what happens?
  20. Did you all take care of the lodging issues when you got to Altus or beforehand? Should I call the base lodging and see if the new lodging is available or just try and get somewhere off base, like a hotel. Also, for those of you staying in a hotel, what are the rates running and did you make the reservation for your entire stay? I'll be heading there for 135 PIQ in mid-June. Thanks!
  21. I think Christina Aguilera was more embarrassing than TIB
  22. Is it one of those situations where if you want it in the drop you should ask for it? I'm clueless to how all that actually works
  23. Sorry for the bump... Does anybody have any info on the status of the FTU pipeline? I'm wanting one out of UPT (Graduate in April), and just curious about if they'll be dropping or not. Thanks for the info!
  24. local news is saying both got out safely
  25. Can't say I have...I'm going to try and keep it that way
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