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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. So is there a cadre member that tails along on these, or is it more of a local tour guide? I'm assuming theres no uniform wear or anything, its more of a paid vacation than anything?
  2. you can't drink on these can you? I'm spending my 21st in Brazil
  3. Just because you go here doesnt mean you have to fly. I did my private work off campus for about $4000. I have 200 hours now and none of that was thanks to Riddle
  4. How many times do we go over this each year? Its all personal. I love it and I hate it. Awesome campus, sweet location. Pricey (Scholarship though...), stuck up rich kids. Shitty pilots for the most part. I love the Meteorology Dept and I'm glad i decided to come here. The det isnt that bad either. YMMV.
  5. All, I searched for this and didn't find anything relevant. I'm still in ROTC, but i'm looking at getting a dog. IF (read: IF!) I get into UPT, whats the deal with having pets? Should I just plan on forkin him over to my parents through training or not even consider getting one? -LL
  6. heres my contribution
  7. Goblin

    Super Bowl Picks

  8. I was waiting to see how long it would be before ya'll were called out :rainbow:
  9. until this semester.... we should be getting an additonal $450 for books sometime in Feb
  10. I just got it
  11. PA....we've been waiting for you
  12. flyin in Friday night :)
  13. Looks like I found someone who didnt know what was going on...shoulda went to the Livonia store
  14. I was just at the Verizon store on the 4th and they dont do anything other that a discount for govt and mil ... nothing on phones / accessories or anything cool like that
  15. I have the ppc6700 with Verizon, but they also make a version for sprint. I love it because it does everything i need it to do and nothing i dont. It has the whole Microsoft Office Suite plus Media Player. E-mail and AIM on the go is also an added bennefit. I dont have a data plan since everywhere i'm at usually has wi-fi. Only the Treo 700wx and the ppc6700 have wi-fi and it is a BIG help. I have a 1GB card that holds plenty of music and bluetooth headsets that are pretty good. You can find one on eBay for about $150 with all the accessories. Its
  16. Considering I use awol's GPS all the time, i have to agree...the 96 is awesome
  17. i was waiting for you to say that
  18. The one thing i didnt like about signing up with Sirius is that they made me pay the $xx.xx per month up front...So i had to charge $200 something to my card after spending $200 something for a reciever. Didnt seem worth it at the time, so I took it back.
  19. Goblin

    Jeep Wrangler

    Not true sir...my '87 YJ is just as AMC as the rest of 'em... I think Chrysler started their destruction of wranglers in the mid-90s.
  20. Goblin

    Jeep Wrangler

    Hey now, there ain't nothin' wrong with squares! Seriously...excellent vehicle
  21. Goblin

    Jeep Wrangler

    I had an '87 Wrangler for a few years and I loved it. "2" to the thing about the hardtops...they are pretty much useless. But you can sell it and get a pretty nice soft top. There are plenty of accessory websites that you can use to upgrade/customize your rig. Thats the one nice thing about jeeps...you hardly see 2 that are the same. I went 130,000 before I had to replace the engine...and the only reason i did is because I beat her up (sts) on the trails of Northern Michigan. I laugh whenever I see "A/C" for a Jeep....always seemed useless to me (I never had it). I've done a lot of work on my Jeep and I'm pretty familiar with them, feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
  22. AAS does not factor into the ranking at all. Granted, most AAS cadets are more active in their det, meaning more face time, higher commander ranking, etc....but being an AAS member does not make you have a higher ranking for a rated slot. A lot of the cadets that categorized here (Det 157) aren't AAS/SW members I hope to be one of them soon Hope that helped!
  23. They work just fine with the convertor. No real difference in quality or anything if thats what youre asking about.
  24. Yea between my first DODMERB and my last one my sitting height was reduced by 5 inches. I was worried when I wasnt Pilot Qual but that all got taken care of the second time around.
  25. BDUs...
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