For all those Pilots out there Air Drop qualified. Here are a few pointers. During the Pilot brief with the Jumpmasters and DZSO make sure you specify the DZ boundaries according to the AF regs, not the other way around. The Army will screw you if they can. Confirm that the DZSO has conducted at least 3 ADZSO operations in the last six months. Meaning that he assisted a senior DZSO with three jumps. If he has not, and has not been a DZSO prior to your jump, ask for a current DZSO. Confirm that all Jumpmasters and static safety's are current. I know we let noncurrent Jumpmasters release Jumpers to become current, however in order for that to happen the noncurrent jump master is watched by the official Jumpmaster for that pass. And most of all, if the DZSO sounds like its his first time on the radio it probably is, which means he has no idea what he is supposed to be saying and not saying, If he sounds like that, I personally would not drop based on the information from the DZSO is unclear. well Thanks to all those pilots that supported me in the past, I'm glad I was able to be there for Jared and return the favor. Take care............"No Drop" :)