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  1. I've had a similar issue come up in the past week. I was just informed I was permenantly DQ'd because of my vision. Wanted to get some thoughts on this as I'm not too familiar with how these eye tests go. I passed the MEPs physical, but won't be sent to FC1 because I will more likely than not be DQ'd there. My uncorrected vision is 20/400 in both eyes. My uncorrected distant vision is 20/50 ® and 20/30 (l). The normal limits without a waiver are 20/200 for distant vision and 20/30 for near. So this puts me over in both distant and near vision, but I assumed this would be at least waiverable? I also took a look at the "Medical Waiver Guide" posted online and per the Guide, in order to be eligible for a waiver for vision my Refractive error must be within + or - 3.00. My eyes are at -3.75 and -4.00, outside the limits that are in the guide from what I have seen. Is there any possible way around this to at least get my FC1? Waiverable even though the guide says I'm out of limits for it? I know PRK is in the realm of possiblities but that would already put me a year out waiting, and I don't know if that is something I want to risk right now since I currently hold an FAA First class with no issues. I know my vision is bad but I neve thought a prescription level of -3.75/-4.00 would be a disqualyfing factor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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