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Everything posted by VFR800

  1. The supplemental withholding rate (rate DFAS uses for bonus payments) was decreased from 25% to 22% by the IRS in 2018 as a result of the tax cuts. Your last check might have been at the higher rate depending on your anniversary date. Should be pretty easy to calculate.
  2. Did this loan originate while on AD?
  3. 621st Contingency Response Wing Commander removal
  4. Reported confirmed this morning.
  5. Just a voice vote...I’d guess this week—perhaps today or tomorrow—but probably not later than next week since the senate goes out of session for Columbus Day week.
  6. https://www.congress.gov/nomination/115th-congress/948?loclr=cga-nomination Just made it out of committee.
  7. I bet you're you're gonna have to do it in correspondence before you can go in residence....didn't they fix this already? Lol
  8. So the candidate/select ratio would change for next years 3849s? Seems like this group is gonna be at a disadvantage for their first and second looks until all the prior selects are filtered out. Why move the goal posts in the middle of the process? Hope people are thinking about this shit and it's not a shoot first aim later. About time they stop anointing people as captains, but why have there been no comms about this if the rumor is true?
  9. ODSD only comes into play if your STRD is tied (to the day) with someone else...incredibly unlikely.
  10. Look under Officer Promotions on myPers. 27 Mar - 7 Apr are the board dates. They haven't published the milestones list for 2017 yet (can be found on same page), but using this year's timeline, looks like an accounting date of around Oct '16 and PRFs due to MAJCOM around the end of Jan '17.
  11. Any recommendations for a mil friendly AME in Sacramento/San Francisco area?
  12. False. Some bases have resumed testing (Travis for one)...but good luck getting a testing slot anytime soon as they are booked solid almost 2 months out. Something about everyone rushing to take the ATP test before August because we're all getting RIFed.... FSDO trip should be free, although the paperwork can also be done by a DPE for a fee.
  13. What ever happened to the "Edit All" button on the Per Diem Entitlements Page? I just created a voucher from an authorization built for a deployment...as soon as I adjusted the itinerary dates for the deployment, the per diem rates for all 180+ days went back to full rate instead of the special "3.50" that was in the auth. Anyone have any experience with this? Seems like a pretty common case... Am I going to have to go through every f*cking day and reset the per diem to 3.50 and the lodging to 0?...180 times? There used to be an "Edit All" button at the bottom that would change everything at once...now it's only "Reset All."
  14. This thread is worthless without pics.
  15. "Ridiculously biased" or not...this article is pretty factual. This language is in fact in the budget almost exactly as explained in this article. It is indeed madenning, and the elite media has simply chosen not to report on it...imagine that.
  16. AP & Fox News reporting that over 20 of those killed were from SEAL Team Six https://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/08/06/afghan-president-31-americans-killed-in-helicopter-crash/?test=latestnews
  17. Win.
  18. Well played, sir. Couldn't let this one go unnoticed...
  19. Still alive and well in PACAF. It worked for me as recently as last month. You'll need the PACAF program code and your .mil e-mail address. PM me your .mil and I can dig through my e-mail and find the code for you.
  20. Only anti-virus you'll ever need -- free and doesn't slow down your computer: Microsoft Security Essentials
  21. 2. No MTI is going to comment on the "tapered appearance" of your hair. Buzz cuts are fine, and if it looks sharp you'll probably get some points with your flight commander. Hair length or tapered appearance was hardly a special interest item there anyway. If your hair was a little long, nobody really gave a sh*t, but God forbid you had a chord on your uniform or you didn't shave 10 minutes prior to an inspection. Dated information, but I doubt much has changed.
  22. When I was at Altus, they would grant authorized returns to your PDS if you simply had a letter from home indicating you were authorized to return for the holidays. All of the UPT bases I knew about had no problem writing these letters...usually talk to your flight commander or formal training shop. If you're on an authorized return, then the AO may (not shall) authorize lodging expenses at the TDY location during your authorized return. I don't know what AO would authorize such a thing if you simply return home to take leave, but if your PDS leave/pass policy is more lenient than Altus, maybe you could pursue this route. Just be aware that besides asking in advance, you don't know if your AO would approve this until you file your voucher since the JFTR states that it's at their discretion (and it lists the factors that they should consider, all of which aren't consistent with your situation). Also, the JFTR specifically states that lodging is still not authorized at the TDY location during a voluntary return to the PDS. So while you could get mileage and per diem on your way home, they aren't going to pay for you to keep lodging at Altus if you go the voluntary return route. Hope this helps...I remember reading quite a bit about this when I was there for Christmas.
  23. Unfortunately a 96 hour pass is the most that is authorized -- anything longer than that will require leave. Unless you go AWOL, you're not going to get 13 days on a pass no matter where you go. You are kind of screwed and there isn't much you're going to be able to fight--per diem and lodging are not authorized while on leave status unless for TDY in support of a contingency operation or an ordered evacuation (JFTR Appendix G, U4102, U7225, U7226). I was at Altus last Christmas, and for those living on base they handle this by allowing you "check out" but still keep your room during the break. You turn in your key and you aren't billed for the room, but the room is still yours (they aren't required to do this -- they do it to help you out). Since you're living off base on a non-A, this obviously isn't an option, which makes for a big inconvenience, but I don't see any way around it. I don't see any reason why you can't keep non-A if you're willing to live with the fact that you won't be re-imbursed for lodging during your leave. If you forfeit your non-A to stay on base before the break (if there's room), they should offer you the same deal whereby you can keep your room and not pay for it...at least then you'd have some place to put your stuff.
  24. Only two hydraulic systems?
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