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Everything posted by STR1CK

  1. What a mess. Good luck trying to crew all those new units. Are the proposed TFI unit's that haven't stood up yet still going to happen??
  2. I think I found the answer to my question. https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ain-defense-perspective/2012-02-10/boeings-c-130-amp-chopped-usaf-announces-more-cuts
  3. So here is my questions,with all the H Model C-130's that are going to be retired, how does that affect the AMP??
  4. Not trying to be a dick, but why is a nurse trolling Baseops? Watch yourself out there!
  5. This is a great day for Slick Navs!!! This program has hemorraged money since its inception. The main problem I have with the AMP is it doesn't go, faster, father, or higher. Also you were still going to need some one as a PADS OP/CTII OP. Those items were not going to be embedded in the AMP avionics! At the end of the day with the previous budget cuts/ cost overruns I am not so sure that the Slicks were going to be without Navs anyway. The Boeing Rep who gave the AMP briefing at AATTC Tactics Symp was tring to get the Air Force to keep the Slick Navs. The Air Force hates Navs enough that they will finally change our crew position to a CSO/FSO/WSO or something. But when the last H models go to the boneyard it will be with a NAV.
  6. I have had two BMW's and I am looking to get a Third soon. My advice is know what you are getting. Search the BMW forums so you know a head of time what problems you are likely to encounter. Do not buy a BMW that is out of warranty. It will bleed you dry. Hell I am a Capt/GS12 and my wife works and it would bleed us dry. Honestly there are much better more realiable cars that cost a whole hell of a lot less. Before our daughter came alont I had a Honda Civic Si. That was an awesome car!!! It was fast, sporty, reliable, and most importantly affordable. I am not lecturing you, just do your homework.
  7. With CFPS Open Create your point as described above. Once you have your point defined, right click on the Fix/Point or Description Field. Select Calculate Bearing/Range Cross Reference and select what you would like to reference your point from (i.e NAVAID, Airfield, Drop Zone) Hope this helps
  8. Not only do they hate the J model, they also hate the C-17 too. They have a great bunch of guys instructing. Some of them deployed to Tabuk with us and helped us run Tabuk Tactics.
  9. When I went to Little Rock for Navigator Initial Qual, billeting stuck me in a room in which I had to share a bathroom. This was a clear violation of the AFI that pertains to billeting and lodging, but as you may well guess the SrA behind the desk was quick to pullout a copy of the AETC Waiver to the AFI.
  10. Toro did you forget the AETC waiver!
  11. STR1CK


    Contact your unit training officer. He should have the disk.
  12. Scrubs I has an Entry Training Physical Seperation from the ARMY due to my flat feet. You shouldn't have gotten an Other Than Honorable Discharge for a medical problem. Anyway I have been a Navigator for 6 years now. Good Luck
  13. Doorknob If you are going to be a Herc NAV (not CSO) you better get used to fuel charts, log, TAS CHECK, and DEV Check. (Until they release the new V3) Take it from me you want to go to Little Rock. They are the undisputed C-130 experts. No where in the world can you get the training you get at Little Rock. (Sauheaver and Stone are the Best) Dobbins isn't as laid back as you might expect. They still do their fair share of FEBing dudes. Plus one day you will go to IN school, a basic familiarity with the LRF local area goes a long way. Also you will be treated like a stepchild since non of the Lockheed Martin instructors will recoginze you. Those guys remember everyone, and I mean everyone who has come through that school. They keep tabs on you too. Anyway that is just my humble opinion . Good Luck with your training.
  14. Lightninbo Do yourself a favor and make a reservation at the Razorback Inn on base. The suites are really nice. You get a bathroom, bedroom, and a living room. Its close to the new base gym, chow hall, and school house. Traffic is terrible coming in the front gate in the AM. Some of the finer J'ville hotels have some pretty shady folks hanging around too. Yeah so what if you don't get the $50 bucks in perdiem. You are saving yourself a lotta of hassle in the long run. You are going to be there for 5+ Months. Make sure you fill out the missed meals forms for all the late night sims and early morning flights. It will work out in the long run. How is your search for a NIQ/NMQ slot going???
  15. Demo I am not the person digging up pictures of dead people at an airshow and posting them on the internet. I simply made a joke. Whats up with the name calling. Lighten Up.
  16. Demo Please don't take yourself so seriously. Get a sense of humor.
  17. That couldn't have been a real russian airshow. Where are the crash photos???? Everybody knows you can't have a russian airshow without at least one crash. It sorta like NASCAR.
  18. The Bug-Out bag is the standard bag used by Herc Crews in the guard. I have used mine as 3 day overnight bag, as well has a pubs bag(@The ROCK) You can stuff in the Dash 1, Dash 4, 11-2C130,Checklist, Headset, Tac Flimsy,DR KIT, and still have some room for a jacket. Its only $49.99 at Military Clothing. This bag is well worth the money!!!!!
  19. Rumblefish I believe the USAF uniform allowance is $400. At OTs they make you buy like $1600 worth of uniforms. Thats a alot of coin to have to cough up. That star card is a rip off. It has like a 20% interest rate. I can remember several of my classmates at Nav. school being in debt to pay off their uniforms.
  20. AMS is 6 weeks in Knoxville TN and your Guard Unit will give you everything you need. (ANG) OTS is 13 weeks at Maxwell AFB/Federal Penitentiary and you will have to foot the bill for almost $1700 worth of uniforms. (USAFR) (USAF)
  21. Kipp Really nice job!! I think your story was crystal clear to every Guardsmen and Reservist that read it. Once again nicely put.
  22. Rainman The only reason some states will lose fighter units is because the Air Force is betting the farm on the F/A-22 and the F-35. These two programs are going to drain the AF budget. They want their shinny new fighter. The F/A-22 is a nice plane. But so is the F-15C with the upgraded radar. Your aircraft the A-10 is the worlds best CAS plane ever produced period. But had it not been for Desert Storm/Shield you might be flying something else. Honestly I think that the Air Force was trying to pay for the F/A-22 and the F-35 by cutting guard units. Don't you find it odd that 83% of the BRAC recommendations of the Air Force fell on the Air National Guard. Remember the ANG gets 6% of the total AF budget, but how do we get 83% of the BRAC for the AF. Bottom line is that the Active Duty AF was trying to get a free ride with the BRAC. The Air Force has tried to entice the ANG with promises of "Exciting , New Emerging Missions" and Enclaves. I can tell you that these so called "New Emerging Missions" are undefined and unfunded. I will tell you that 8 C-130H2's on the ramp are worth a helluva lot more than the prospect of a whole wing of C-27j's. Now here is where the Grassy Knoll, and the Black Helicopters come in. I believe that the Air Force thought that we would jump at the promise of the new emerging missions and give up our IRON. So we would live with the enclaves for a couple years. But when the AF failed to produce funding for these so called new emerging missions. They would basically close enclaves leaving states without an Air National Guard unit. Please take that for what it is worth. But regardless, with every hearing about BRAC that goes by. The Air Force looks worse and worse. It has become painfully obvious that this AF piece of BRAC hasn't been well thought out. No matter what MDS you fly this BRAC is not a good thing for anybody. I have said it once and I will say it again. The Air Force Reserve Command is going to take the biggest hit. Its easier to take the AFRC's IRON since they are a MAJCOM and don't have a dual role. I am not picking on AFRC, but they are an easy target. Here is where you are going to see the programmatic changes that you spoke of. The Air Force could have probably done this to the Guard, but their BRAC actions will probably prevent that from ever happing. After the BRAC you will probably see a circling of the wagons at the National Guard Bureau. I would almost expect that you won't see the Guard leaning forward as much either. Finally I hate the BRAC. I don't want to see anyone lose their JOB espically why this nation is at war. I hope that after all is said and done, that BRAC will have a minimal impact on the Air Force and its ability to bring war when ever and where ever.
  23. Looks like The Adjuants Generals are coming through for the Guard. Please follow the link to the letter sent from the TAG's to Chairman Principi. Letter to Chairman Principi
  24. I am really sick of active duty types getting on these forums and commenting on the Guard piece of the BRAC. They say things like "The Guard is getting what they deserve" or "Its time for the Guard to share some BRAC pain". Yes active duty the guard has never been touched by the BRAC before and there are good legal and common sense reasons why that has been. Lets take a look at some key issues. 1. BRAC is about real estate, not personnel and most of all not about Equipment or IRON for you people that like buzzword. Taking aircraft from a guard unit and creating an enclave is beyond the scope of the BRAC. If you have any doubts about this watch the GAO's testimony by David Walker on CSPAN under Meeting of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission Part 1 (7/18/2005) 2. You can't disband or re-equipment a unit of the National Guard with out the consent of its Governor. Please refer to Dan Cowhig's (Deputy Council General for the BRAC Commission) legal opinion. web page 3. Even if points 1 and 2 were not true. There is no savings by moving Guard Aircraft around and creating less but larger Guard Units. Most members of the ANG have pretty good jobs and aren't going to follow the planes wherever they go. Now units that get extra planes are going to have recruit and train aircrews to make up for the shortfall. Not to mention Maintenance personnel. Training Pilots, Navigators, Engineers and Loadmasters isn't cheap. 4. The Air National Guard accounts for 6% of the total Air Force budgets but has 36% of the total Air Force assets. Do the math. The Air National Guard is the biggest bang for the buck. Here something for Active Duty to think about. If you have ever spent one Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving at home its probably because a member of the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve was deployed some where in the world taking your place. 5. The average experience of a member of the Air National Guard is 15 years that goes from our aircrews to our maintainers. How longs are Active Duty keeping people around??? In the Guard we up grade our aircrew members based on their performance and their experience just not the fact that they have 800hrs and a heartbeat or need it to make captain. This is why our safety record in the Guard is better that Active Duties by a ratio of 16:1 Overall the Air Force has damaged it relationship with its Guard and Reserve components. It looks like the Air Force didn't do their research and now its going to come back and bite them. Honesty I think that the Air Force Reserve Command is going to be the biggest loser of "IRON". But that is a politcal issue. The BRAC commission has a lot of choices and I don't envy them one bit. September 8th will be a big day for alot of Guard Units. Lets just hope that the Air Force, The National Guard Buerau and the BRAC commission gets it right.
  25. Buying a Car on ebay can be a good thing. So far I have bought 2 BMW's and 2 Motorcycles on EBAY. First and formost you really have to know what you looking for. You better have a good idea of what common failures are expected for a vehicle of a certain model, make, milage and year. DO YOUR HOME WORK. Try to find something Local that you can go and look at before you bid. If you can take a mechcanic with you for an inspection. If you have any doubts do not buy, for that matter don't even bid. Be patient something better always comes along. FOR MY 2 Cents a CPO (Certified Pre-Owned) car is a pretty good deal. GOOD LUCK with the car and Undergraduate Flying Training
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