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Magnum last won the day on August 27 2024

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    Home of the Fighter Pilot

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Magnum


    Don't do it. Get your name out in other ways. If you're enlisted in the unit, I don't know a single guy that would be ok taking a bottle from you. We hire within our unit every year and we've never taken any gifts from non-fighter pilots rushing the unit. Just do your job incredibly well. Have the HMCS and NVGs ready to go. Keep the gloves and piddle packs stocked and ask how the sortie was when they drop gear off. That's a great way to open the door and learn what they do after they step out the door.
  2. This situation sucks but the 2 truths are that these pilots will never TX in mass (maybe a lucky 1 or 2) and the 4th gen FTU pipeline is not likely to get better. The usaf doesn't care about retaining talent. Can't make an IP until about the 1/2 way point in the adsc. When most guys bail with their 1 FTU assignment complete, you, as an air force, are in a perpetual state of ipug. Can't survive once your available #'s start decreasing, which happened about 10 years ago. Either they up the bonus to $1M a year or the usaf will die a slow and painful death.
  3. Anyone know what reg covers gear pilots are authorized to be given through O&M purchases? Trying to spend end of year funds and take care of guys without buying tvs and chairs. Thanks for legit ideas!
  4. It seems as though my hypothesis was correct Biff. No one else cares about soccer. Maybe just text your thoughts to yourself. It will have the same effect.
  5. More nostalgic phone numbers: 762-1401
  6. That article is over a year old... Fake news.
  7. When you are on orders or in any military status (flying airplanes) you don't collect retirement, it's prorated. In order to collect full retirement, you would need a title 5 position (civilian only) which does not have USERRA protection. Letters of indispensability are very possible for under O-6. We have several IPs doing it now as O-5s.
  8. You must have forgotten your morning coffee enema before that briefing. The slide I saw said 1500 Fighter pilots. That's in addition to the 1500 pilots for everywhere else. The studies and data have proven that this is possible through hot pits and shutting down only 1 engine for T-38 crew swaps on the 8 go days. A request for best practices from Delta will give us an idea on how to keep the Sims going 24/7. On a happy side note, they also briefed how they were able to reduce finance's hours of operations to 10-1300 with a 1.5 hour lunch by simply taking phones off the hook. Very productive days ahead guys!
  9. Appropriate on so many levels.
  10. Tech pay for a Viper IP in Tucson that sits alert starts at ~$205,000 + TSP match up to 5% + profit sharing at 69%. $4k/ year pay raises each year for the first 4 years then potential for annual bonuses after that. Never having to say "light chop, ladies and gentlemen, ahhhhhhh..." or tell a traveler where the nearest bathroom is in an airport you've never been to...priceless.
  11. Let me know when I love lamp.
  12. Guard weptac next week would be a fitting location...
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