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Everything posted by Magnum

  1. Arizona bases allow for concealed carry.
  2. https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2005970/aetc-announces-2020-spark-tank-winner/ Not sure why I was so surprised to see this coming from the USAF and more specifically AETC. I can't wait for the finger painting and nap time next. What a joke. "Created by Maj. Spencer Lee at Air University, the “give makerspace” idea encourages ingenuity and creativity in every Airman, by creating physical space to ideate, develop and iterate creative endeavors. It also outlines the need to develop policies to guarantee Airmen the time and space to express that creativity, as well as ways to encourage commanders to promote and reward Airmen to tackle everyday challenges."
  3. That or give dudes something they actually care about, not a service dress picture up in the hall way and a trophy of an eagle with a $0.25 plaque. Time off, CT, X/C, DBFM, gift card to the sizzler.
  4. ORM should be laser etched into a sheet of stainless steel with all the "points" already selected. I can count on one finger the number of times that sheet made a difference in someone flying. And that one time was someone in disagreement with leadership trying to make a point.
  5. Makes total sense... Some general can say he increased UPT classes by 16.9% to solve the aircrew crisis.
  6. How can you say not much is being done? They started a facebook page...
  7. I stayed at a Holiday inn Express once. What does either have to do with the fact that the blues train in Pensacola and El Centro and the Viper demo is in South Carolina? I fail to understand my lack of qualifications to make that statement / question.
  8. Would she have even crossed paths with the Blues? Their training seasons are both pretty busy and not really geographically convenient.
  9. T-7A Delta Connections Jr.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/tech/f-35-air-to-air-missiles-can-now-hit-2-drones-at-once-changing-air-combat So many jokes to be made here with so little time but I'll give it a go: F-35's can now shoot half the targets of a Viper (the jet it's replacing) Now the F-35 can shoot it's AMRAAMs all at once.
  11. I would argue it should be the same definition the leave reg uses which is outside your commuting distance to work.
  12. You're no longer required it pass it... Or go past chart 'B' on the depth perception.
  13. 1. The GS is filled with BS but it's BS that you deal with on the clock. The only time I worked past my contacted work deal to deal with the BS I logged comp. By the way, I had more leave then I could use as a GS. 2. Buying back is a no brainier if you plan to stay in the GS system. That $15k it would have cost you is worth about $12k a year so you break even after 1 year of retirement. My dual retirement if I hang on that long will pay me about $80k a year. 3. Valid but I'm sure your wife will appreciate that extra money at 80 when you can no longer wipe your own ass but can easily afford a high school drop out to do it for you. Of course if you go airlines after AD you could afford a past her prime swedish bikini model. 4. I took a pay cut to go AGR. Assuming the tech bonus stays around, the pay is pretty good. Take the bonus away and it's not worth it. For someone that doesn't want to go airlines, the tech world really isn't a bad option.
  14. "The Air Force wants to leverage artificial intelligence, automation and algorithmic data models to streamline opportunities for airmen watching drone feeds." It's finally happening...
  15. 1. Don't waste your money. 2. Not all stress is bad. 3. I hear people don't wash out of UPT anymore.
  16. My money is on the abbreviated syllabus that ends with an FEB at sometime before BFM-5.
  17. A small part of why I love the Viper...
  18. I'm an ANG technician. GS-13. $114,000 as tech plus 28,000 tech bonus, plus 24,000 DSG, plus 12,000 sitting alert. No commitment, no 365's, no 179's. Come home every night. Don't sign the bonus, go Guard.
  19. Your problem is that you're not doing ACSC at work where it should be done.
  20. I'm a technician and have been getting random LES' for $10 and some change for the last month. I can finally fit into those airline conversations about how thousands of dollars randomly show up for profit sharing...
  21. Perhaps no one has told them that tops in blue has been disbanded. Anyone care to shatter their dreams?
  22. The only US 52s on AD are already at Nellis. You can put a 229 in a 42.
  23. Bet they ask for one from the FTU
  24. In the immortal words of Snooze, "being a fighter pilot won't get you pu$$y no more." And also Top Gun is really old. The kids these days were born in the late 90's. They don't even understand the SNL reference... ICEMAN - The Later Years - watch more funny videos
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