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Everything posted by Magnum

  1. I like the suggestion of putting them at Guam. At least until the F-35 can replace them there. But based on the way the AF makes decisions, I would put my money on 2 new Cannon squadrons.
  2. What a jackass. My 2nd favorite quote from that story is "...and you can't fly if you can't land." Pretty sure I can fly for at least a 1.5. Landing is only recommended, not required.
  3. From Fox News.com The Obama administration has asked the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon's budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent -- about $55 billion -- a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News. Last year's defense budget was $512 billion. Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend "burning the midnight oil" looking at ways to cut the budget -- looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said. Some overall budget figures are expected to be announced Monday. Obama met Friday at the White House with a small group of military advisers, including Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. James Cartwright, vice chairman, and Gen. Jim Jones, National Security Council chairman. So much for new jets huh?
  4. Here's the thing. We aren't R&D'ing and manufacturing for today's war. If that is the case we are too far behind to catch up. We need to be buying for the next conflict, the Iran, the Strait of Taiwan, the you fill in the blank where were are fighting 690 MKI's with PL-12 which are CAPing in a SA-20 JEZ etc, etc, etc. The conflict X years from now is what we need to be preparing for and frankly, our F-15's and F-16's are going to have more than a difficult time dealing with it. More Raptors? Yes. More -35's? You bet. Don't know what briefs you've seen on the -35 but it's A-G capes are incredible.
  5. I know what this is. It's an espresso machine.
  6. You are inferior, that's why you're in training. If you were a peer you would be sitting on the other side of the desk with wings on your chest. Sack it up because you're gonna be low man on the totem-pole for a while.
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