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T Pain

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  1. Huggy, I've enjoyed reading your posts for the last 10+ years and I can't say I know exactly what your career has entailed, but I'm pretty sure it is a bit different than most dudes who have joined in the last 15 years. It only makes sense that your outlook from the U-2 and the T-38 is different. "service to the country" and sacrifice is in the eye of the beholder, and some continue to value that more than other things, and thus choose to stay. Unfortunately, what joe1234 said is what the air force and the airlines have provided us, a decision that is becoming easier and easier to make with our feet.
  2. you're right, it was hurtful. sorry brother. and no, not angry, just don't like to see stupid bragging masqueraded as something else.
  3. BLAH BLAH BLAH look at me i'm a douche. No one cares about how much of a big deal you think you are duck, but keep posting away with your wealth of GK
  4. Well, they did a study... https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1400/RR1455/RAND_RR1455.pdf "Overall, ...... we found evidence to support an increase in the ARP cap from the current $25,000 per year to $48,500 per year, a 94-percent increase, with a large range, from $38,500 to $62,500, to cover net increases in civilian pilot pay from 9 to 14 percent and an increase in major airline hiring to 3,800 pilots per year (corresponding to a probability of being hired of 70 percent). "
  5. nice little article summing up the AF's issues... and how our leaders don't realize it https://www.newsmax.com/US/Budget-Cuts-Hurt-Air-Force/2016/05/14/id/728865/
  6. Heard it was a Class-A, whole right side caught on fire, burnt a hole through the fuselage. That gay isn't flying again...
  7. Goin to PIT in the fall & looking for a good place to stay with the wife & pooch. If you did it again, where would you stay?
  8. News from Little Rock... Leaving out a lot of the deets but just found out that a new co-pirate in the sq (a few weeks out of the school house) put 17's to SC 1st on his ADP along with a few other Herk options. Scheduled an apt with the Sq CC and was offered 17's to SC with training starting this summer. Sounds like AMC is going to make these kind of moves more common as they're forced to put these guys somewhere other than the legacy. Timing is....
  9. Thanks for the inputs. We don't have any kids so school district location is not a big factor. I know it might help in resale but we're open to other nice areas. After searching a few of the websites it seems like homes are a little overpriced for the region. Maybe I shouldn't be comparing but the quality to price aren't really matching up. All that said, I would really like to buy again, so if anyone has a realtor they'd like to recommend it would be much appreciated!
  10. My wife and I are starting our search to buy a house off base in a nice neighborhood ($150,000 - $200,000) and were wondering what options there are. Any advice would be great, thanks.
  11. My bro wrote a poem for the lovely angelic voiced Brit maiden down at Bastion and read it out of the top hatch over ground the other day. The nav recorded it on his iPhone & played it for the whole sq. AMAZING. Thankfully, we'll never know what she looks like, but, she said "yes".
  12. Just curious, whats the quickest anyone has finished correspondence?
  13. Corpus 09-35 "Zoolanders" drop: AC-130 Cannon MC-12 w/ PC-12 to Hurbie C-130J x2 Little Rock C-130J x2 Dyess C-130 x2 Little Rock C-130 x2 Dyess C-130 Yokota Creech Smiles alll around, life is good :)
  14. Quick Q: is the fly pay taxed (and what other bonus/incentive is.. bah,bas..)? if yes, i understand the advice to invest it in tsp. if no, shouldn't we be taking our tsp allocation from our base pay to lower our monthly taxable income? ClearedHot - how are you able to call it quits in three years? INSTRUCT ME
  15. How long is T-44 training knowdays?
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