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  1. I'm looking to see if anyone has heard or has any information on the Air Force possibly moving the 457th AS (C-21s @ Andrews AFB) back to Scott AFB. I had heard something about FY'19 but can't really confirm it beyond rumor status. Thanks in advance!
  2. Does anyone out there have first hand experience with leaving the service and than doing a direct rollover of their TSP Roth into a pre-exisiting ROTH IRA? Here's my thoughts. If I can only contribute to my Roth IRA at a rate of $5,500 but I can contribute up to $17,500 a year to a Roth TSP, it seems like a loophole to the IRS's normal contribution limits. Once I leave the service from what I have read and understand off the TSP and IRS website, do a direct rollover of my TSP account into my Roth IRA. The reason I would close out my TSP at the end of my service is simply more investment options available to a Roth IRA account. So if I can make larger contributions to my retirement vehicle earlier on in my life, those contributions can take advantage of compounding interest at a greater rate (everything else remaining the same), giving me a higher total by the time I'm 59 and a half.
  3. Who's planning on getting in on the Alibaba (ABAB) stock IPO this month??
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