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Everything posted by F16Rooster

  1. Like everyone else said, keep trying. There are AD boards once a year or you can take the advice of everyone I've talked to and work on getting a guard slot. My guard career is just about to start but from what I can tell so far, it's head and shoulders above AD. I was in a situation similar to yours and an old retired pilot chewed me out for being a negative nancy, told me to pull my head out of my ass and keep trying. Best advice I ever got.
  2. I think Jack White is pretty kick-ass. Definitely one of the few big artists these days that has a little originality. And who cares what his motives were for not wanting that music in that ad? It's his music, some jackass composer that the USAFR hired stole it, and he doesn't want it played. His perogative. My pappy told me don't judge music based on the viewpoints of the musician, 99% of them are nutjobs. Good advice. More importantly, Danica Patrick is smoking hot and will be starting her first NASCAR race this weekend.
  3. In Montana, Big Sky ($38) Moonlight Basin ($45) and Whitefish ($35) all offer discounts. They're all pretty good sized mountains. Big Sky and Moonlight combined is the largest area in North America and has some crazy intense runs. Whitefish is my favorite of the 3.
  4. Which serves to point out that at the root of a great many of the Air Force's problems is the whole "colors of money" concept. We end up having to game the system to get shit we need. At my base, they're tearing down perfectly acceptable housing to build more. (Actually they're donating the old housing to a local Indian Reservation where they will inevitably be decrepit and derelict within 2 years but that's another issue) Why? Cause they have the money. Meanwhile, we literally have raw sewage dropping down our elevator shaftways (missileer) because they can't afford to fix the broken pipes. Maybe instead of spending millions of dollars to replace completely acceptable housing, we could use that money a little more effectively to buy more parts and/or fix shit that's broken. And this certainly isn't a localized problem. There are countless examples of this all across the Air Force. But why worry about it, we have an endless supply of money right? /rant
  5. This is the one that kills me. The weapon's been around for 40+ years and yet the regs/procedures change every few months...then change back to the way they were originally. It's to the point that as an evaluator, I still have trouble keeping track of what the "correct" way to do something is. Whatever, single-digit time left.
  6. I may be biased but... 3
  7. I know the fiddle player. Good dude and great fiddle player. That said, I've never seen the TIB show mostly due to extreme embarassment that an organization that uses "combat" and "warrior" relative to a 2 hour drive in Montana would approve and encourage terrible theatrics. I keep hearing that there's a real Air Force out there somewhere. Anyone know where I might find it?
  8. I doubt it. We don't have a history of doing "nothing" We have a history of trying to make it look like we're doing nothing but we're always doing something. Sometimes we try harder than other times. The real question is when do you think this one will bite us in the ass?
  9. 2 I used to over-flavor my meat (sts) but now I like to just use a mixture of garlic powder, salt, pepper, and parsley and then pour a little beer over it a few times once it starts turning dark brown. Works well on beef but my favorite is a big hunk of elk tenderloin. To introduce a little smoky flavor I like to put some apple or hickory wood on top of the charcoal. Now that's some good eatin.
  10. No. Sorry, bad organization. I think the spice in dark rum would not go well with mojitos. Then again, might be something to try.
  11. It all depends on how you're drinking it. Bacardi 8-year or Captain Reserve is best striaght; Sailor Jerry goes with Coke; mojitos or cuban cocktails is Bacardi select Bourbon-- Woodford Reserve or JD Single Barrell straight; JD Black Label with Coke; Woodford Reserve or Crown with Sprite Beer-- Hoegarten, Blue Moon, Moose Drool, Beltian White, or (I hate to say it) Bud Light Lime when I'm on the boat. Edit: cause my organization CBT is past due
  12. Irresponsible people foster bad situations which can definitely affect future generations. However, to ascribe the problem to alcohol is the same logical fallacy that attributes violence to guns. It's not the guns or the alcohol, it's the person. Period. Blaming it on anything else is just a way to try to find an excuse for the irresponsible person. That's exactly what CAUSES me to drink.
  13. Thats some funny chit.
  14. That kinda.....blows? Haha.
  15. Similar stories from when I went to a buddy's winging there a couple years ago. At least 2 women were introduced to me as "This is my daughter _______. She's single. Good luck." No kidding.
  16. Well I'll throw this out there for you. I'm in a flying club out of Helena, MT and it was a $600 buy-in, $80/month dues ($20 of which goes toward flight credits), and then we have 5 aircraft for: C-150 - 36/hr C-172 - 47/hr C-172/180hp - 56/hr C-182 - 68/hr Citabria - 47/hr All those prices are wet and all the aircraft are IFR equipped and have GPS with the exceptions of the C-150 and the Citabria. Admittedly, it's one hell of a deal and you aren't likely to find something that cheap many places in the country but I just find the monthly prices you mentioned pretty high. I don't know, I've never rented a hangar. It also depends on what the other opportunities in your area are. (I drive 1.5 hours to Helena to fly cause the options in Great Falls are terrible) I'd say if you're gonna be flying it about 10 hours a month or more it might be worth it.
  17. Clearly you've never been stationed in Mantana. On a side note, I remember a show in TN in 2005 that the Thunderbirds flew minus 1. I had a friend that was a crew chief on the team and asked her what happened and she said he had tried to fly in from another location than the rest of the team but whoever bought his tickets bought it for a town of the same name but in a different state.
  18. Flyboys by James Bradley Biggest Brother by Larry Alexander And my personal favorite Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
  19. I'm not sure how other AFSCs are but missiles is critically manned and they release us for pilot training.
  20. I was told that someone else ratted on them. What pisses me off is that it's a classified report so some asshole leaked a mole hill of a story and the press made it a mountain. The underlying issue in recent mistakes in the nuclear field is one of over-regulation. They keep adding more and more regs of ever-increasing complication (and stupidity) and then wonder why there are more errors. Not to mention the fact that they reverse a lot of the regs every 6 months or so. Then they put brand new 2Lts on alert and expect them not to violate any of the regs that they were probably never trained on. Of course the underlying cause of that is this belief that every new commander must improve the system and the only way to do that is by making changes. I swear if they were in charge of eating they would redesign the fork. The newest thing is doing alert outbriefs (brass here loves to emulate the flying world). I can only imagine what those will be like: "Well I reclined my chair and rubbed my crotch while watching the anchors on Fox News, processed 69 exercise messages, none of which were important, answered 25 phone calls, none of which were important, fell asleep until a comm system had a fault alarm (which wasn't important) changed the channel to QVC, did the directed SERE CBT, which wasn't important but WAS a total waste of 4 hours since I live in Montana, then did a 10 minute conference call with the O-5 to get permission to drive a sedan back to base" Just needed to rant a little since I'm currently underground on a beautiful Saturday with raw sewage backing up into the bottom of our capsule. BOHICA baby!
  21. The only missileers that would say that are O-5 or higher. At Malmstrom they run around calling the OG squadrons "attack squadrons" despite the fact that the only thing we've attacked in the last 60 years is a plateful of tater tots. I think most missileers don't care for the spings. As far as flight suits, I like them just because we sometimes have to switch into and out of uniform (sts) several times during the course of a day and that's a lot easier than changing into and out of BDUs...plus I dont have to iron them.
  22. The latest I've heard is that we'll continue wearing the spings as well as the pocket rocket. The rocket denotes a missile tour and the spings denote a "space professional"...whatever that means.
  23. I've got the 20xls too but I haven't tried the Zulus yet. I do know that they have a "trade up" program and I can't remember the exact price but it's something like $400 to trade from the 20xls to the Zulus.
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