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Everything posted by Bluto

  1. Like I said from my experience I haven't seen it as much but then again that's only 1 base. Also I never mentioned that all students who choose T-38s want fighters and I have seen several who go that route to try and get bombers.
  2. Just curious but what is your source for this? From my experience students are still putting the T-38 #1 and a majority of them are at the top of their T-6 class. I have to admit I have seen a few and I only mean like less than 5 in the last 2 years where the top student in their T-6 class put something other than a T-38. So yes the top students are still putting the T-38 as their #1 choice. If you have other sources then please share but if not then stop the BS.
  3. The new PT shorts are plain blue with no logo and are much better. They are selling for $16.95. Bad part is since they don't have reflective material you have to wear a belt even though the shirts have the reflective material.
  4. That looks very similar to what my Dad put on his Venture and it's very loud. I think he said it was a Sable.
  5. Not sure why that's different from AF policy but as long as your jacket has reflective material then you don't need a vest. All 91-207 says is that the upper garment must be reflective.
  6. I'm going through AMU and I don't think we have student e-mail so I registered on the MS website without e-mail and uploaded a school registration form so hopefully that works. It says it may be 1-2 weeks for verification. I bought 2 new computers, one is a netbook which only has Windows 7 starter so would like to get that upgraded. Other than that Windowns 7 has been pretty sweet so far. I downloaded the Office 2007 Home Use Program for $10 but it will only let me install on 1 computer. Any way to get another copy through HUP?
  7. PabloEscobar - Screw lodging and move off base. There are plenty of PIT houses that only charge you $27/day and you don't need a non-A letter for that because you will get reimbursed. I lived in lodging for 2 months and then moved off base for my last 2. Let me know if you need any other info regarding those houses. Regarding bringing the family, I just left mine but mine was a TDY O&B and then I PCS'd. I did know others that just used their last bases's BAH and found a furnished apartment.
  8. USAA only insures new bikes through a 3rd party. I used to have them as well and it was cheap but I sold the bike and bought a new one a few years later and they stopped insuring new bikes through them. Also I would say Geico is cheaper for auto insurance but it was only about $20/month. USAA told me about a new policy called accident forgiveness but I don't know if it's worth staying with them and I would hate to change everything for just $20. Regarding State Farm, each one is different. Initially in MO, I had to have a car insured with them but now in another state I only have to have the bike.
  9. Check State Farm because they only look at cc size and don't care what type of bike it is. I pay only $40/month for a ZX-14 Ninja.
  10. I have been up there several times in the T-38 but have also gotten denied several times too. For the military thing I wouldn't say that applies to trainers but it did apply at my last assignment.
  11. I just wanted to brag and say that I'm out here tearing up the dragon for a few days so you all have fun at work! It's been raining some but who's afraid of just 318 wet curves in 11 miles? Will post pics later.
  12. Just check on E-bay and you can get them for under $50 w/ shipping included. I shop here at https://www.motorcyclecloseouts.com/ but it looks like the site is down temporarily. I think it was slightly cheaper too. There is another type made by Fieldsheer but I don't know about the quality. https://www.motoworldonline.com/Fieldsheer-...est_p_2802.html Joe Rocket also has this jacket that has the reflective vest built in and you can stow it.
  13. Yeah we were taken to Dallas for dinner and didn't get back until 1:00am. We did stop by the Saucer but figured it was to late to call. Anyone going to be around tonight? Also where is a good place to watch the Super Bowl here?
  14. We'll be XC to FW for the weekend and will be staying downtown. We definitely plan on stopping by the Flying Saucer for a few.
  15. This vest works great to hold your ID and it's made by Icon. The guards here don't even ask for the ID to removed and the scanners they use still work through the plastic.
  16. If anyone is looking for a great little trailer to haul their sportbike then let me know. I think I'm going to sell mine for $2500. Click on the following link for more info. Sportbike Toycarrier
  17. Everyone at CBM had to wear blues today since yesterday was a holiday.
  18. Bluto


    3:25 starts the stand up.
  19. Bluto

    Learjet 60 Crash

    They said they blew a tire and tried to abort the takeoff.
  20. 2 years for me and after all that I'm doing it in residence now.
  21. It sounds like they fell asleep topside after changeover while waiting for transportation. https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,390801,00.html
  22. That's some BS unless times have changed. For several years in the late 90s they only did 24 hour tours, not 72. In fact if the roads were bad due to wx, the helos would transport another crew out there while the cops were stuck for a week or so. The cops did 3-6 days in the field and only had 3 days off.
  23. I went through Sheppard and then continued to fly the T-38A for 4 1/2 more years and still couldn't return as a T-38 IP. I could have flown the T-37 there but got a T-38 slot elsewhere.
  24. Bluto

    PIT Crash Pad

    I want to know what former tenants get for recommendations?
  25. Not sure dude, my parents bought me my first motorcycle at 15. Just keep showing your interest and maybe they'll give in. Do you have any friends that have bikes? If so maybe they'll teach you and you can take a safety course on it. Some courses even have bikes to use for an additional fee. If it's your first bike then maybe get a cheap dirt bike just to practice.
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