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Everything posted by mhc257

  1. Gents, I need to replace our bag/case to carry DTC's and DVR's to/from the jet. Does anyone use anything other than the standard green sack sledge (named as such due to pendular swinging into ballzac area while attached to harness) or Royal Bags tool kits? Cheers
  2. According to the River Rats, Ed passed 30 Jan. His wife requests privacy. Cheers to one of the greats. (Also posted in the bar. My bad)
  3. Does anyone have any experience with nerve injuries? I got my funny bone pretty good about a month ago and am now feeling some significant pain from that nerve during any maneuvering about 7 g's. The docs are hoping it's just inflamed and have me on some steroids.
  4. Is this post a joke? Just be a bro.
  5. Dude I started a new life when my splints came out. The week they were in was one of the worst of my life, and I almost puked when they took them out (seriously they must be lodged in the brain), but from the moment they were out I breathed about 1000X better. I know a few others that didn't have such a good experience though. For me there was no recovery time after the splints and no issues with FC-1.
  6. Update: I just got back from Brooks today. I just wanted to announce that it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be. The staff are courteous and professional. They did a great job making us all comfortable, and from what I could tell were extremely helpful in getting waivers and retests. Only real complaints: MFS blows pretty hard. I took the IQ test seriously for about an hour, but it gets exhausting. The proctor is pretty cute though. Day 2 takes forever. Big group + specialized equipment/tests = Hurry up and wait all day. On the whole the trip was actually kind of fun. Thanks to P27 and co.
  7. Did you really join AFROTC with no knowledge of any aircraft in the Air Force inventory?
  8. They completely lost interest in us after you left. Oddly enough I'll be at Saucer again tonight. Super Bowl...not sure man. I'm a suburban dude.
  9. I was wondering this as well. I guess we can cut the budget by 10% but then request another $100b+ "emergency" supplemental when we realize we don't have nearly enough cash? By the way, I love the notion of several hundred billion dollars worth of "emergency" DoD funds. What a crafty way of hiding money from the CNN eye... YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!
  10. Ah Heather...the one that got away. There's always next Friday! Bluto - WTF?!!!
  11. ALRIGHT We're on tomorrow (Friday the 30th) for 9:00pm at Flying Saucer in FW. I'm driving a few from Southlake/Grapevine/Colleyville. If anyone else wants in - Send me a PM.
  12. Alright let's do it. Everybody good with Friday? The closer to Grapevine the better for me - Hooters, Bone Daddy's, whatever. TSummers - Do you actually live here now? If not, wtf haven't you set this thing up?
  13. The Ikeyboard was clearly designed for 5 foot tall Asian prostitutes because nobody else can possibly have hands that small...save carnival folk. To IPhone/Mac users: The products look great and I'd really like to get one, but how did you guys break the news to your fathers that you're gay? On a serious note...I'm switching to verizon and want a phone/gps/pda/whatever for 3 tasks: 1) Making calls, 2) Texting, 3) Navigation. I don't want to have to bring a Murse with me everywhere I go because it doesn't fit in my pocket. It would be great if said product had some sort of aps capability that will be of some utility at UPT as well.
  14. Here is something from another forum.
  15. Alright I wanted to wait until I had a date for Brooks but I'm getting board. Who is around and who wants to do this thing this week? I'm open any night.
  16. 2 week vacation? Not that I don't trust you, but is this from an official source? HQ seemed to know nothing about this last week, nor does my recruiter.
  17. This seemed like the appropriate thread... Assuming I don't need any waivers, how slowly are things moving through Brooks nowadays? Crossing my fingers MEPS stops dragging and I can get my FC-1 done before the New Year. If it's not approved by Feb 27, I'll be on the streets waiting until September for the next AFRC board.
  18. Let's plan for shortly after summers makes the move...maybe the night of? I'll be back with more ideas after I schedule my flight physical. September will hopefully not work because I expect to be embarrassing dontshave at OTS/UPT at that time.
  19. You must have met the Pom Squad. God I miss college. Summers when are you getting here? If I'm in town next weekend I'll be heading to the Flying Saucer. If you guys want to organize something PM me your phone numbers so I don't have to send dontshavemyhead after you.
  20. My Grandfather was a B-17/24 nav in WWII. On his second tour he was in the lead of a diversionary formation that took heavy fire. His plane went down over Belgium on August 7, 1944. He parachuted safely, but never heard from other members of his crew. He was housed in the Belgian underground until General Patton came to town and he was liberated. He continued to serve until the end of the war. He's the reason I want to serve. My Father is a commercial pilot with American Airlines (23 years). He's developed and honed my aviation bug.
  21. Four points: 1) I washed airplanes, called student's for instructors, updated revisions - Whatever I could find at the airport to save money on flight training. Within a few months I landed a gig with a flight school that allowed me to work in exchange for cheap rental - I could take the airplane before/after normal business hours as long as it was fueled up and ready to fly when I came back. I timed it pretty well - Avgas was still <$3/g, so I saved a ton of money this way. Bust your ass at the airport long enough and people begin to notice. 2) If you are able to get your PPL, you can split time with other instrument students (technically any other PPL rated in your airplane) by having one of you fly "under the hood." I did this often when I had aforementioned gig and was paying about $10/hr to fuel up my school's C152. I also got a shit ton of instrument practice. 3) "Would pay an instructor to sign me off for another 20 hours!!!" I'm going to try to not read too much into this, but I do not recommend that approach. Get with an instructor and learn what the f*** you're doing - Don't just be another weekend warrior disrupting the traffic pattern and making my life as a CFI hell. There are enough clueless ass clowns in Bonanzas doing that already. Also, you don't get signed off for hours...solo endorsements are good for 90 days. 4) Sports Pilot License = Garbage. With a few extra hours you can fly most light singles and fly cross countries. The extra hours put in will teach you how to find your way from point a to point b instead of how to do 40 touch n goes trying to impress your ladyfriend who's too heavy to ride with you in your 800lb piece of crap with wings. Unrelated recommendation: The FAA flying books are a pretty good source and free in pdf online. I imagine they cover very little of what you'll see at UPT, but they would certainly be worth reading before IFS or taking your AFOQT. Here is one.
  22. They fly C-130's? Do you have more specific questions? I'm not with the unit, but will be applying next year and live in the area. PM me if you want to grab a beer next week and we'll talk about it. Dontshavemyhead, the same goes for you.
  23. I doubt that after a 60,000 foot freefall the impact on the water was soft enough to survive, so drowning seems pretty unlikely. I'm a civilian not really in the know here, but I thought the official conclusion was that the 20ish g's they pulled when the rockets lost control caused inflight breakup (not explosion) at around 48,000, though the crew capsule continued on its trajectory up to about 60,000 feet. The "official statement" (don't have it handy...anyone else want to track it down?) said that it's pretty likely that the capsule depressurized causing loss of consciousness pretty quickly, and the capsule was crushed by the 200g+ impact with the water. My aerospace prof was on the investigation board - I'll ask him Tuesday. Tragic day regardless. Here's one for the crew
  24. Just started reading The Paths of Heaven edited by Col Phillip S. Meilinger. Anyone got any thoughts or other recommendations on Air Power Theory?
  25. I stumbled across that paper about two weeks ago when I finished reading Coram's biography on Boyd. Man talk about Prescience! Now they've got a paper up about 5th generation warfare, but I haven't had time to read that one. I've got a list I put together a few months ago of all the recommended books on this thread. When I ever regain access to my computer, I'll post it so people can have it handy. I'll add Sun Tzu and Clausewitz to the list.
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