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Everything posted by mhc257

  1. Polygamy Porter! Man I'm happy to see that on the list. I was pleasantly surprised with the beer selection in SLC the last time I was out there. "Provo Girl" was decent from what I remember. Redrock Microbrewery downtown also had some great beer... That said, nothing beats a Shiner Bock. The Shiner Dunkelweizen and Hefeweizen are good too, but I'm not crazy about Blonde or Kolsch. I tried a Sam Adams Black Lager last night that was great. I buy Sam Adams Boston Lager when it's on sale. I've been blessed with some time to season my beer taste and I figure now that I'm applying for Guard/Reserve jobs my interviewers might read this so an update is in order. New Favorites: 1) Avery Majaraja IPA 2) Dogfish Head 90 min IPA 3) St Arnolds Alyssa Cask-Conditioned IPA (noticing a trend?) 4) Avery's new Imperial Octoberfest (can't remember what they call it) 5) Belhaven 6) Gotta wash it all down with a Guinness, Murphy's, or Young's Double Chocolate at the end of the night.
  2. Makers.
  3. Long time lurker here that finally decided to drop a post. I'm finishing up school at UT and hoping to get a Guard slot with the 136th AW. This question goes out to everyone though since I plan on applying to fighters and possibly tankers as well if I can't get a Herk slot. Do ANG guys match up with AD guys in proficiency and general combat readiness? The reason I ask is that if I'm going to be flying around getting shot at, I'd prefer to be as prepared as possible. Thus, if AD guys are typically more prepared, I think I'd prefer to go AD. It seems to me that it would be especially difficult in a guard fighter unit to maintain proficiency, but I guess as long as we're at war, pretty much everyone is staying pretty fresh. Your thoughts?
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