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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. I wonder what they are doing with the T-1 building?
  2. I’m a Whiteman guy and not at Langley, but the entire A-model fleet is supposed to get them. Checks in the mail…
  3. Thanks for the responses guys. For context, my friend has a few more years left until retirement and isn’t worried about hiding anything anymore and more concerned about the long term effects of it if left untreated. If any.
  4. Anybody have experience with gout and their FC1? And what that looks like post AF in the civilian flying world? Asking for a friend of course.
  5. I don’t have the PSDM in front of me but from memory the legacy bonus started at $20k and went to $35k for the max. Demo bonus topped out at $50k only for those expiring in 2026 signing up for 8-12 years.
  6. Both the legacy and demo bonuses dropped today. I’m all but certain the AF has given up.
  7. 6 years today. All gave some, some gave all. 🥃
  8. Yes. I did one last summer. It was painful and took quite a bit longer than a normal VA but worth it in the end.
  9. And only took 11 months to release it!
  10. Been in for 15 years now, the best job I had thus far was being a UPT Flt/CC.
  11. As of 3 May: ”The Go Live date for the AvB program is currently delayed due to a pending program update from HAF/A1.” You can’t make this stuff up. And I’d bet a lot of money the update is not in us aviator’s favor.
  12. The AvB page was updated on Friday to say the following: ”The Go Live date for the Aviation Bonus program is currently delayed due to myFSS scheduled maintenance timelines and a pending program update from OSD.”
  13. Hahaha, I just came here to post that!
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