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Everything posted by yerfer

  1. It's unbelievable. The good news for that guy is he looks as though he has a permanent smile on his face. Not one single tear in the whole film and his life has been filled with nothing but tragedy. Just goes to show how strong some people really are. I hope for human fucking sake that our countries leadership will harden the fuck up and let us do something about it. Send those who care to liberate the oppressed and leave the pussy's at home who don't give a fuck. After seeing those children, I would gladly give my life so they could have one good day of life. We have it good gentlemen.
  2. Great video being featured on youtube. If someone can post the video in here that would be great. For some reason it's not allowing me to post it... NORTH KOREAN CAMP link to video -Yerfer
  3. Wow, these actually look pretty legitimate. It appears they have some sort of knee pads. I still don't think they rival the look of the Marines. Maybe somewhere in AF leadership somebody will closer inspect the doucheness of the ABU.
  4. Memphis Belle. Classic
  5. I got the same response, but less than a week ago the site was working... Site construction maybe? IDK
  6. I'm not sure if Alert5.com is still around, but I think that'll satisfy your needs.
  7. Without voiding your warranty via jailbreak, tethering should be available in September/October. Count MMS on that list too.
  8. I meant to tell you that while I was down at AT&T on Friday the store manager said if you don't want to wait you can bring your receipt into the store and they'll give you one right there and just do a return with your other one the day it shows. Sorry, I meant to tell you that when I got back on Friday.
  9. I've yet to see the Palm Pre up close, but my new 3GS is flat out awesome. A night and day difference from the first 3G. Lightning fast speed and I've already utilized a chunk of apps that come in real handy. I've had zero connection problems so far and already a noticeable difference in battery duration. In no way shape or form do I consider myself a Mac dude, but I think they've got the best smart phone. If only they made a affordable computer that was up to date like the PC market.
  10. Not sure if this has been brought up, but I don't think people have brought up the importance of a good cadre. I have personally seen and dealt with cadre that make ROTC more than something it should be. You can get the grades, put in your face time, and rock at PT, but if the cadre doesn't care for you for who knows what reasons they can make your chances slim to none at getting what you want. Say for instance the det here. When I came in their was 4 cadre. The WC was a NAV and a graduate from the AFA. He was the only guy that's belonged to an air crew dealing the real business the AF was initially designed to do. He knew everything about the AF and was a very successful WSO with over 2,500 flt hours in 3 different platforms. Unfortunately, he's recently retired and been replaced by a former S&M junkie. The other cadre was made up of fat bitter comm officers that hated their previous position and came to AFROTC to tell us to run faster and get better grades. The countless times they would try and talk people out of wanting to be pilots got extremely annoying. Every time someone said they wanted to be a pilot, they'd roll their eyes like it was an expected reply. Not mention the constant reminder that the AF mission has changed, bla bla bla. I'm all for choosing a school you want to go to, have fun, and go for what you want, but I would suggest to anyone wanting to go the ROTC route. Go visit the det first and have a one on one talk with the cadre and maybe get a idea of what they're like. Be clear with them about what you want with your future and that you desire to be an officer but that being a pilot is what you want. Doing that in a respectful, non-toolish way may go a long way to help your stay be more tolerant and prosperous. It wasn't until my second year as a 200 that I really got to start knowing the WC and building a better relationship where we'd actually talk music, movies, and so on. It helps to be known and liked. Good luck to anyone going ROTC. You may dig it.
  11. Damn dude. I love the iPhone, but I just couldn't justify spending the full load without an upgrade. Your wife better like that phone
  12. Me and my sister were lucky. We were able to take back our 3G's for the 3GS 16gig, with the 30 day return policy and still get the upgrade without any restock or extra fees applied. If you ordered your 3GS before the 15th your order should be at your AT&T provider location this Friday (19th). Did you use an upgrade or no? I haven't received any notice that the phones are on backorder. Then again, mine is being shipped to my local AT&T store where I'll go down and they'll have it waiting for me. Perhaps your having yours shipped to you?
  13. Are you this defensive all the time?
  14. Thanks for the advice Captain Obvious
  15. Fair enough.
  16. It's peoples right to decide whether they want to drink or not. I may disagree with it, but it doesn't mean I will treat you any different. My decision not to drink shouldn't affect your life's agenda. That simple. Easy there tough guy. No need to get all worked up over someone else's opinion.
  17. Unlike the popular notion, I've gotta say this LT has many great and often ignored points on alcohol. Until you've actually lived with people that are alcoholics or that lived with alcoholics, it's hard for someone who likes to throw back a few to really understand. My mother grew up in a home where her mother was a alcoholic. She chose alcohol over her family. Her children's needs. Leaving children that are no older than five to run off with a drunk Marine and go teach class the next day drunk. Not to mention the physical and emotional abuse that continued for years. My mother watching her mother get the shit kicked out of her by drunk men wasn't easy for my mom to live with, and the memory still hurts. That very childhood damage carried on into MY family. For years growing up my mother dealt with a ton of emotional baggage that created enormous problems in my family all from her childhood with her alcoholic mother. Interesting how someone else's problems carries onto persons life. It's a reality that our actions affect other other whether we want to believe it or not. I have a great respect and yes, envy for the pilots in the service that get to fly for a living and carry out the US mission, but I will say that I know a handful of pilots personally that are straight up alcoholics. They've got it figured out. As long as they can be sober 12 hours before a flight, they will be drinking till they are stupid drunk. I don't see the productivity or health awareness in that. If someone chooses to not drink for personal reasons and decides to express them, it's usually laughed at, hazed by the masses and told your old fashioned, but if you wanna be a drunk that has nothing else better to do than get wasted and booze up girls to actually pay attention to you. Something is wrong with you. I'm not one to tell others not to drink, but if they tell me theirs something missing in my life because I choose to not partake, you've got fucking issues.
  18. Not a bad flick. I think the A-10 guys on here will like it. The opening scene shows a pack of 10's destroying a field full of satellites. Pretty epic footage. The story line and some of the action is cheesy, but over all it's a fun one time see cinema. Check it out if you get the chance. -yerfer
  19. Is the AF using the bushmasters?
  20. No stats for you either, but I started out ROTC while at a crosstown school and it was difficult. I wasn't around the DET much and the driving killed me. The det hounds were around more because they went to the university. I'd ignore that website because it's been inaccurate more than once. While at the community college I still had to attend PT 3 days a week, along with LLAB and the class. Add to that list with other unsaid expectations that'll require you to make other visits.
  21. That's why the Navy isn't for everyone. My uncle flew P3's and had to do numerous disassociated sea tours towards the end of his career and said it's not always fun. What he did say was, The Navy gave him more flying hours than he expected. Not a bad gig in a world where many AD pilots are going stir crazy behind a desk because flt hours are being knocked back. I know Navy pilots to this day that are flying more hours than they can handle. Boats suck, but imagine getting to leave to go out flying regularly? I could handle that.
  22. I'm at ASU and people are freaking out that he's here tonight for the graduation ceremony. When will the Obama Koolaide run out?
  23. Careful. As much as you'd like to map out your future, the reality of things out of our control can send you down a different path without your consent. Take a look around you at your school and notice the people who are in school to learn a specific field of interest that'll be a part of their hopeful future. If the Air Force or service doesn't work out (heaven forbid), be prepared to handle other routes that will still bring fulfillment to your life. Choose a major you're interested in. If you choose a typical AFROTC major, you will probably eek your way through school wishing you were doing something more interesting. I would recommend you use your degree link on the schools website your gonna attend and thoroughly investigate your options and then choose the one that grabs your attention the most. Remember, school costs money and time, so choose wisely.
  24. Why not try good ol' honesty and just tell them why you failed a class? If they see you pulled up your grades and finished strong, your honesty is another plus to the list. If you were managing your time poorly, or you took to big of a load, or you just slacked because you didn't care. Tell them. If I was looking at you and needed to make a decision, one of the biggest things I would ask is, Have you learned from your mistakes? What did you do to fix them? And why? I respect a human being who holds accountability for their mistakes and makes the initiative to change. Grades aren't everything. At the end of the day, I'd rather follow a man with strong character and motive.
  25. VW 2001 GTI 1.8T A side note. I don't recommend getting one of these cars. They are zippy and fun to drive, but things break easily and they are a serious pain in the ass to fix. You have to use specific tools that VW/Audi uses exclusively, and the parts are very expensive.
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