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Everything posted by yerfer

  1. "Into the mouth of the cat". Story about pilot, Lance Sijan. Anybody read this? I'm about 3/4 of the way through it. Incredible guy and story.
  2. I'd like to say I'm sorry if I pointed out some stereotype of Utah LDS members. Not all of the members in Utah are extreme. My point was that many of them are. My experience in Utah, with the multiple visits as a member myself, haven't been so good. Last June I spent 2 miserable weeks in Sandy and Provo around people who were very extreme and were incredibly rude to me and the others I was with. But I will say, its not how were taught to be. I wasn't saying their behavior was a reflection of the teachings in the LDS church. I was mentioning the people and how they abused what they've been taught. I know plenty of individuals of other beliefs who live in Utah and are treated great by the members. Hope this clears up any hard feelings. I never meant to offend anyone. By no means do I wanna cause any tension or bad relations. On a second note, Looks like I'm going to Utah soon. Just gotta call today from a buddy of mine, who's getting married. Yee hah. P.S. Sorry if off topic, but did any of you go to BYU or U of U ROTC? My buddy's curious about both det's. If you know anything about it, please PM me. Thanks.
  3. More than Utah? You sure about that? I'm LDS myself and I'll say straight up, the biggest concentration of the flock resides in Utah, from what I've seen (you could be right, I could be wrong). Although, I will say the members in Utah are quite a different bunch. I've been to Utah on many occasions and, even being a member is tough around the Utah Mormons. You can't really avoid it up there, because theirs scattered population of the church everywhere. Not saying its horrible, but the LDS mentality is typically different in Utah. My last trip there was quite an experience. Sandy and Provo are probably places to avoid. Sandy is loaded with older, close minded members who are pretty die hard traditional, and Provo is full of BYU herds. (Many of which come from Arizona actually). Here in Mesa, their is a ton of members, but its way more laid back and we stay out of peoples hair. All in all, Utah is a cheaper place to live. Lots of beautiful places, and theirs more non-members than people think. Also, if you love outdoor sports like climbing (amazing climbing), mountain biking (moab), riving rafting (joes valley, moab), snowboarding, skiing, etc. Utah is amazing for literally every sport. St George, has a ton of new sport climbing areas (bomber limestone cliffs). Kanab isn't far from Joes Valley and Maple canyon (both incredible climbing areas.). Kanab is a pretty boring town from what I've seen. I'd lean towards St. George. Major downside to Utah is the cold (unless that doesn't bother you). My uncle lives in Hyrum (just north of Logan) and he says the winters can be brutal. Then again...this is coming from an Arizona native who lives in the 120's. Good luck with your decision.
  4. I'd stay away from anything remotely close to "pro hormones". How old are you? If your below 30 years old, do not touch anything for your testosterone unless received so by a Doctor who's tested your levels and found a deficiency. You can pay big consequences in your health if your body doesn't need it. 6-OXO I thought was a waste. Save your money. Only reason it ever existed in the first place is when Ergo Pharms 1AD was legal and sold on the market (banned 3 years ago). Post cycling supposedly controlled estrogen flood. If I were you, I'd just stick to the straight stuff. A good Creatine (obviously your wanting size), Glutamine, Vitamins/Minerals, BCAA's, Whey Protein, Carbs, Fats, Good Eating, Enough sleep, Rest, Water. If your hormones are wacked, see a Doctor. I wouldn't risk these testosterone boosting/Estrogen blocking supplements you've listed. Just me....
  5. Were you there? Is their footage anywhere to see what happened?
  6. Its everywhere here in AZ right now. Sad stuff. I've actually seen one of the pilots out at Williamsfield a few times. RIP
  7. Question. I've been climbing competitively since I was 12 and still do it today (22 yrs old). Even though its a sport thats not team oriented, will it still be viewed as something like a college sport? Its taken years and years of constant training (strength, technique, discipline) to be a good climber/competitor. I've also coached many climbers over the years (leadership recognition) Just wondering. Thanks.
  8. When I was 14, I was invited to nationals for climbing in Virginia. While I was there, we drove to DC for a day trip. I thought the Arlington changing the guard was pretty sweet. Also, walk the wall, and check out the Lincoln Memorial which stands over the reflecting pool. Was a great experience as a 14 year old.
  9. Agreed. I absolutely despise Fall Out Boy.
  10. Lately, just to name a few... Through the eyes of the Dead Dieselboy Spor Max Graham DJ Tiesto Sade Deftones Def Leppard Boston Journey Fleetwood Mac Anberlin Saosin Diecast (older album) As I Lay Dying In Flames Dimmu Borgir Telefon Tel Aviv
  11. War for the hell of it. Any one ever read this book? Its by Ed Cobleigh. He flew F4's in Vietnam. I'm about half way through it and can't put it down. Great reading. Tells a load of awesome stories about his experience and what it was like being a fighter pilot in Vietnam. Pretty informative. Anyone on their way to flying, or thats already flying, its worth the read.
  12. So I'm assuming that a prescription for something like Allegra at age 13 will hold you back? Or can it be waved? ANOTHER thing. How about allergy shots? At my Doctors office they have the ones where you only have to do it once a year and your good. Around here its pretty much impossible to NOT be allergic to all the plants and animals...
  13. So from this it sounds like you have a ligament tear and a broken wrist? You wearing a cast or anything? Also, I'm assuming your staying away from any physical training that uses the wrist... Sorry, just wondering. Another thing. Be careful with surgery. The whole "full recovery" deal is usually not the case. As a climber I've seen broken wrists, ankles, torn tendons, pulleys, ligaments, etc. Usually full recovery through surgery doesn't happen. Whatever you do, stretch it out or the mobility will decrease greatly. I'll share something with you. When I was 15 years old I got invited to Nationals for climbing. I was competing non stop and pushing it hard. 1 month after being home from Nationals, totally psyched on climbing I went outdoors with some friends and really messed up my shoulder. I couldn't lift my arm, period. I went to a surgeon to have him examine my shoulder. He told me I had a torn rotator cuff and that I would absolutely need surgery. I was devastated by this. I went home, thought about it, talked with buddies who did shoulder surgery and they all never fully recovered. So I actually toughed it out and did 7 months of boring, tedious physical recovery. I actually came back stronger. My shoulder really healed up and I'm 100% now. 22 years old and I'm still climbing hard and feeling healthy. I hope surgery isn't the only option for you.
  14. Things to think about; 1. If you wait till your out of OTS to get it fixed, it could get worse. 2. If you get it done before, check with the AF to see if a civilian doctor is acceptable. 3. If you don't have complete mobility after the healing process of the surgery, this could affect you flying period. 4. Be careful who you talk to. Opening your mouth could be a good or bad thing. I hope some pilots in here will help you with this. Wish I could tell you more. Good luck with this. Keep me filled in how it all plays out. Question, are you positive you have to get surgery? Can it not be fixed with physical therapy or just rest? If you must get surgery, what is the procedure?
  15. Your pushing it to hard. Do you remember it happening or did the pain just develop over time? Another thing, for your bench, are you keeping your wrists straight or are you folding them backwards? (This MIGHT be one of your problems, also maybe your using to much weight...). Proper training will keep you from injury.
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