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Everything posted by barney
Has anyone taken this stuff? Was on leave in Central America and experienced "travelers diarrhea". Cause unknown, most likely local water. In an effort to curtail my symptoms I took this stuff on a local doctors recommendation. You can get this at the local pharmacy and all it is is a set of probiotic vials w/ a set of pills. BL, do you think I am required to tell the flight doc I took it upon my return or no? It did work and I feel fine now. Thanks
Copy. I also checked AFI 36-2903 and here is all it said: "The Leather A-2 Flying Jacket is authorized for wear unless prohibited by MAJCOM supplement or restricted due to safety of flight concerns." ACC sup says nothing about the leather jacket at all. The only thing I could see is if someone tried to make the link between safety of flight (i.e. not being NOMEX) and then applied that to all mankind. A bit of a jump if you ask me. If anyone does have a AFPD, AFGM, MFR, FCIF, SRF, SS to a T.O. or sticky note from Orville Wright banning leather jackets in-flight I would love to see it.
Question: Where do the AFIs (or some other reg) state that thou shalt not wear your leather jacket in flight/while flying?
C-17 Pilot Charged in Training Jump Death
barney replied to Fifty-six & Two's topic in General Discussion
damn. This thing reeks of money and lawyers -
Hey Bra, I am currently on the King as a Nav. I will try and give you some insight for what its worth. We actually seem to get alot of ACC's left overs. There are several fast mover types that found their way here for one reason or another. There also seems to be an inordinate amount of FAIPs also; weird. Anyway, Kings are still hackin the mish but the ops tempo has slowed down a bit. The DM unit is pretty much stood down until they completely stand up the J which should happen shortly. Then the Moody unit will take a SLIGHT break and stand up their J program (FYI, the Nav stays on the J and gets called CSO instead). Compared to AMC or AFSOC units that are heavily deployed, the Kings can usually get a way with 120 gone and 360 home if you want. More guys are looking to deploy than guys trying to stay home. The PR (personell recovery) sphere is dynamic for us and I would excpect to see some changes more towards old school SAR and PR (think Vietnam) compared to what we do now because of the J capabilities. Our currently planes suck and are old and hot as hell all the time. Morale is pretty good and the future is brighter than most I'd say. There is a little talk about us going back to AFSOC instead of ACC (good and bad) but time will tell. In my oppinion there is actually good chance for career progression and leadership. That old saying of "Navs are second class citizens" doesnt really hold true here. There are just as many shop chiefs wearing bug smasher wings as radiator wings. They kept the Nav on the J for a reason. Good luck man and remember, dont be an asshole.
!!!Thread Revival!!! Sort of. I will be here in ABQ for a few months. I need to know the hook up on a 4 month golf membership. The base course does not have a student rate (something like LRF). Anyway, I know there are allot of good courses around here and have researched a few but was wondering who has already done their homework. Any thing helps. Thanks, Barney
Question: Has anyone spent time at "Habanero" the Southwest Suite just outside the Eubank Gate at Kirtland. Supposedly 5 minutes from base and allows a big dog, wife and baby. Anythoughts? Would they be safe if I left them alone at night? I too have seen the many COPs episodes of ABQ and do not know the local geography that well. Thanks, barney PS. Whatever happened to Rainman gettin some after being called a douche? Also, What is the lowdown with a Texas CHL and New Mexcio reciprocity? Does anyone know the basic rules off the cuff for NM? Thanks, barney
Hey man I PM'd you (is PM'd a verb?)
Does anyone have a briefing guide for a C-130 formation brief that would be used/given by the MC. I am not talking about an AC brief or table top brief or anything like that. I am talking about the actual Formation brief given by the MC. I looked in the 3-3 and vol. 3 etc. and got nothing. I also checked the gouge section on this site to no avail. Anybody got a legit guide, gouge, know where to get one? Thanks -Barney E/H Model
5.0 per hour
I tried to find this on here already so get pissed if I ask this question twice. Someone told me that there was a way to get up to $5,000 for a one time certification. Basically, it is covered by the air force and includes things like getting a PPL, if you have a PPL then getting a commercial cert, getting a CDL, becoming a CPR instructor, whatever. The idea is for you to improve yourself and the AF covers it. It is not TA or the MGIB. Is this too good to be true or has someone done this? Thanks, Barney
Do all aircraft (mil/civ/airliners) need to have TCAS to fly in Class A airspace on a Jet route in the CONUS? RVSM? Thanks
Any herk navs try this yet?
That doesn't check
For those of you with seasonal allergies that you normally take claritin, allegra or flonase for, have you ever gotten them in the dessert? Obviuosly I am guessing it is seasonal and depends, if it all. I guess my question is if I am sneezing and have a leaky faucet now at home should I load up on the drugs and expect the same downrange? Thanks, barney
They still theach aero-phys but I get caught in the argument of suck it up it's a little pain, and I could be making a bad situation worse. It's not like the squadron says to you when you go DNIF for a head cold, "Congratulations, Good choice". They say ######, now I gotta find someone else, quit being a ######.
copy all. thanks. scheduler is gonna be pissed.
If you guys had a head cold (sinus congestion, sore throat) and you could'nt clear one of your ears, how high wold you fly? Not at all, 5k, 10k, 18,000? thanks
How are you guys dealing with wearing AERPS? I freaking dread it more than anything. As i am sure evereyone else does. I am kind of being a whiner here, but do you guys have any tricks/advice or ANYTHING for dealing with it? I already heard suck it up and deal with it, but was wondering if there is anything more concrete out there. I know the whole point of wearing in peace time is to know your limitations with it (loss of dexterity, heat exhaustion, limited comms, and of course pannicking/claustorphobia) and it is something you gotta do. I seem to be fortunate enough to experience all of the above. Anything? Also, is this system for all aircrew and platforms or just some? Thanks
Here is a question for all of you Dyess types. My wife and I are moving there soon and will be buying a house. The one we are purchasing has 1 1/2 acres of land and it is all undeveloped. There is no grass, fence, trees, or anything, it is all Texas dirt and weeds/rocks. Being from the Pacific NW I am used to alot of rain and alot of green. I am hearing that if I sod/hydro-mulch 1 1/2 acres it may all die because of failure to water. Whether it is from no rain in the summer or "water rationing" rules. My question is how successful have guys been at maintaining a nice healthy yard? How about a vegetable garden or orchard? What grows out there? Are the water tables high? What if I dug a well or better yet, a money producing oil derrick? Are the winters pretty harsh? Any local knowledge would help, I just don't want to waste money on a nice landscape for nothing. Thanks! barney
A very good voice of reason as usual, however, anyone got a reg #?
YESSS! Here Here!!! Crave the cave!! Anyway, I did check epubs and it was full of a bunch of legal sups and SW (guess that one) bull shiz. anyway, I reckon I'ma call the DRO tomorrow. Thanks M2!! peace
Thread Resuscitation!!! After all my training in use of the search function I was only met half way on my search. I pulled AFI 34-219 ALCOHLIC BEVARAGE PROGRAM dated 17 OCT 07 and the aforementioned is not in there. Furthermore I was not able to find any guidance on drinking alcohol in uniform. More specifically I want to know about drinking beer, offbase, during duty hours with lunch/dinner. Authorized/illegal and where is the AFI? Thanks for the help.
If all of these accounts of life at RAFB sound alot like your fresmen year at college, it is no coincidence. You are forced to live in the dorms, you live next to all your classmates and all of the weeks seem to run together like a Bill Murray movie until some miracle like a three day weekend comes along. The keggers, home work and BS you put up with at school should have prepared you well. (Note, do not plan on getting the same amount of beav as in college)
Basically, if you are a single male/female nav stud then you are forced to live in the "nav dorms" on base. It is basically 3 story billeting with a kitchen, bathroom, bed, dresser and it is all right next to the T38 flight line. All of your stuff goes into storage and you won't see it for a year. Or you can split a storage facility with some other nav if you want access to your stuff. If you are married/family then you can get a waiver to live off base and collect BAH. There are houses/roomates posted in the squadron in the breakroom fridge and also plenty of apts. for rent w/in 10 miles of RAFB. (i.e. THE HERITAGE, SPRINGS AT LIVE OAK, RETAMA RANCH...) Now of course there are exceptions to the rule. It used to be that if the nav dorm occupancy rate was 90% or higher then a single guy could get a waiver and live off base, get some nav roomies and make some bread. That used to be a seniority thing but who knows now. My advice, call the squadron and ask what the current living policy is. Some casual LT will answer the phone and should know. 210-652-4951?