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Everything posted by barney

  1. How helpful/hurtful is it to be working on an MBA while deployed, as a herk guy anyway? Can I get access to the internet while in the box? Is there even time to get it done? Seeing as I'll be there 1/2 the year anyway it seems doable (sp). I want to start a masters with Touro Univ. but am going to deploy in a few mos. I would just hate to get started then not finish. Has this been asked/answered?
  2. Sweet. Thanks for the good replies. Toro, I got the $400 figure from calling around different postal shops. It was $95 for an 8 week turnaround or $169 for an expedited 3 week turnaround (x2 for my wife=roughly $400). Anyway, I did not think about the MPF. That sounds like our best bet. How long was the turn around for you? C17 driver- what do you think our chances are of getting out of NZ in the following scenario... Leave TCM on Dec 12, stay a week in NZ, then look for the first flight out of there. I will be on 30 days of leave so the way I see it is that I will have about 3 weeks to catch somebody going to the states. My no sh*t date back to states is my RNLT date 18 Jan to Little Rock for the RTU. I've also heard that alot of the jets are relatively empty because it is the middle of the DEEP FREEZE "season" if you will and most of the shtuff is already down there and won't be coming back full up untill later in the year. Just curious if you are a 446th guy or 62nd. Does the 62nd even fly DEEP FREEZE? Thanks for the inputs
  3. I've tried searching this and still have not found exactly what I am looking for. Okay, here goes... I am taking 30 days of leave to go to New Zealand space A from TCM with my wife in about 8 weeks. ( I am an AD LT and she is obviously my dependant) Anyway, the more that we try and wrap this thing up we keep getting hit with these different issues. The current one is passports. So... Where is the best/cheapest/quickest place to get a regular passport I am at a AETC base right now, any chance I could get a mil. passport for free Is there anyway around dropping $400 to get a passport we'll only use once (like maybe we just need to carry a mil ID and birth certificate) Also, side note. What do you guys know about the Ice mission out of Christchurch, NZ? Is there alot of traffic going back and forth to the CONUS? Thanks for the help. barney
  4. Randolph AFB 08-01 Nav drop C-130 Ramstein C-130 Yokota HC-130 DM HC-130 DM C-130 LR C-130 Dyess AC-130 Hurlburt KC-135 McConnel KC-135 McConnel B-52 KBAD B-52 KBAD B-52 KBAD E-3 Tinker
  5. Hey for all you nav students- How come you never see anyone drop 130's to WY? It has been out for a while but all of the slicks go to Dyess/LR. What gives?
  6. I am trying to find out how long after getting your nav wings at Randolph a nav can expect to be casual (if at all) after selecting KC-135's to McConnel. Are guys going the next day or is there a lag? Also, does someone know what to expect once arriving at McConnel, is the school backed up, what is the syllabus like for a nav (how many flights, sims, tests, checkrides, how long is it). How many navs are at McConnel? How long untill a Nav would be MQ and ready to go down range? Is there any chance for some leave once arriving? What is Wichita like as far as houses, recreation, and the base are concerned? Thanks for the help.
  7. Does anyone know how long it takes to complete everything from start to finish? At least a rough average?
  8. Really great responses folks, I definately appreciate ya'll taking the time to answer these Q's with some intelligence. Thanks again for your help and helping me make an informed decision. Real fast, What types of locations do the McConnel guys usually go to. What are some pretty standard TDY's and for how long? Are medevac and cargo transport pretty common? Do most crews get a chance to "see the World". Thanks
  9. For those of you who are about to get incredibly pissed because I am posting here, I just want you to know that I have searched, talked to other people and thought long and hard before actually wasting your time with this question. Get pissed For everyone else, I have some questions on what is going on with KC-135 navs. It is no secret that navs are being replaced by PACER-CRAG and that navs are getting the boot. However, they are still dropping out of Randolph and going to McConnel. My questions are... -I hear that the navs do ALOT of mission planning and not so much of the actual flying. Is this true, so they plan, brief, and then say "go have fun"? -I guess they need a nav for SOAR missions. Are these common, is this what is happening in the AOR? -How bad are you really shooting yourself in the foot by being a KC-135 nav? -Does the Nav kind of have trouble earning his keep and getting any respect from others in the SQ? -I've heard that they were making navs write a letter as to why they DID NOT want to go to pilot training? Do they want to get rid of them that bad? -Is McConnel the only base to go to? I've heard they shut down WR and Fairchild has no navs. -Seems like a nav would have alot of time on his hands to maybe hang out in kansas and get a masters? Just a few questions I had, serious inquiries only please, Thanks
  10. I also am having search issues. I've tried searching things like "KC-135" or "Nav" or other simple phrases and all I get is.../ You searched for: KC-135 Unfortunately your search didn't return any results. Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search. Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apples'. or You searched for: C-130 Unfortunately your search didn't return any results. Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search. Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apples'. Just wondering what I need to do? Thanks
  11. Thanks a whole lot for the inteligent insight I recieved from you guys. I have been talking to alot of guys down here and getting good information and alot of my questions answered. I just thought that this would be a good forum to get some other wheels turning. I tried the search function and google and got some stuff but I got alot out of this post as well. Thanks again to the two PM's and if there is any other info in your nogans I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
  12. I am trying to do as much research as I can on any of the RC-135's. I have an elementary education on some of the basics of the missions of the different types and trying to compare and contrast these aircraft with others that include a Nav or EWO as part of their crew. I also understand that this can be a sensitive subject do to the nature of the beast, so I understand if I recieve little information on the following questions, so here goes. -What kinds of locations can you get deployed to? Is there any chance of seeing some third world countries up close? How likely is it to get PCS'd over seas if you wanted it? -I would think that the missions would be fairly boring considering that your in an orbit most of the time. Is there any chances of getting your hands dirty on an RC crew? Any chance of an adrenaline rush that would compare to a low level air drop? -How about career progression and job security? It seems that these A/C are in high demand, I would think that would open alot of doors in the future. -What about family life? I've heard the 55th is pretty good about taking care of their people, any expansion on this would be great. -Also, what is the deal with "advanced beatings" at Fairchild? I am in the middle of SUNT and looking at my options. I understand if those in the know can't talk to much, but any info would help. Thanks!
  13. This is a question for anybody that has any useful insight to life on the BUFF. Pros, cons, deployment rates, PCS's, lifestyle, family life, opportunities, is Minot really that bad? I am in UNT and trying to figure out my options, how bad would it be to eject downwards? I've heard that the EW is kind of a bastard, is this true? What could a new guy on the crew expect? Thanks in advance for your insight.
  14. I did a search and I know that there has got to be some more info on this stuff but could not find it. So I thought I would jump start this again. For those in the know, what are some of the differences and likes of the Mc and HC 130? I know that there are more differences than what just meets the eye but I can't find them. It seems to me that they do alot of the same things. Plus, any Nav specific stuff would be appreciated such a deployment rates and specific duties. Thanks Oh man I probably should have put this some where else, this new design allows a high learning curve
  15. I didn't know that Uncle Jessie was in the military. (the dog tags are a dead give away)
  16. The only cathch with the airmen to the academy program is that you can't be married or have kids or anything. One must be footloose and fancy free
  17. Thanks a WHOLE BUNCH!!
  18. Does anyone know where I could get a hold of the specifications for a 1973 Piper Cherokee 140. Things like ramp wt., useable fuel, v-speeds. I've tried sportys and google but no luck. Thanks for your help
  19. Yeah I've already got a Nav slot and am AD. In the interest of maybe going to pilot later I was wondering if I was eligible to raise my PCSM by taking the TBAS. My curresnt PCSM is based off of the BAT test.
  20. I know that you can increase your PCSM score by submitting hours. My question is, can you take the TBAS if you have not done so and attempt to increase your score that way. (obviously I've already taken the BAT) Thanks
  21. Well it seems people overwhemingly promomte the private license. I guess that I was being a little biatch because my circumstances was a 45 minute drive and I could only go on the weekends and the wx is getting worse, and the money was a concern. However, I was able to find a way and I am going to go for the PPL. Thanks for the insight everyone. Thread closed
  22. Hey what do you guys think about a FAA sport pilot rating? Is it a gay rating that you would be extremely limited in use? I've got about 35 hours in a C-152 as I was working towards my private, and don't know if I would be able to get a private rating due to some circumstances. However, the transition to sport pilot seems very easily doable. Does anyone here have a sport rating and use it or is it pointless and a private rating is the only thing to be concerned with? I know that this is not mil related but some love on this would be appreciated.
  23. I was wondering about the indoctrination process that happens at Randolph AFB for new Navs. I report 5 DEC and start actual classes on 14 DEC. From talking to an old loadmaster he says that the 9 days between the two, I am actually probably going to spend about 1 hour of actually doing something. The rest of the days is going to be free time with nothing to do but smoke and joke. Anyways, I says to myself that they must have alot more stuff to do for me down there than just one hours worth. Why would they budget 9 days for it. So I guess my question is, what exactly happens between the time you report in to when you actually start classes? Is it the 'ol hurry up and wait, which the military is notoriously known for? Or is there alot to do, and my wife and I won't have any time to go find a place to live or get some lunch cause I'm so busy doing stuff all the time. Also, a semi related question. Is your first training base kind of uptight and they treat you like a four year old? Then let's say you go back to another type of school environment (airdrop school/tactical ops school) a couple years later, do they get all uptight and treat you like a four year old again? Or is just kind of your first base, and they know that this is your first time in the AF so they treat you like a fresh recruit off of the bus and then give a break later on in life. Those qustions are probably fairly confusing, but any response is appreciated. Thanks!
  24. Ok thanks for the tips. I found information about it online, I was just wondering about ya'lls experiences. I am not actually going, I am supposed to be helping out a Lt. who is coming to my outfit. Thanks again
  25. Has anyone heard of or participated in the Recruiters Assistance Program (RAP). from what I understand it is a program that a Lt. on their way to say SERE for example may have some time off and can then request to go to a colege where there is an ROTC detachment and participate as a recruiter. It is done to get free leave essentially. Any information? [ 28. August 2006, 04:29: Message edited by: Toro ]
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