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Lawman last won the day on November 11 2024

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About Lawman

  • Birthday May 7

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    The classy part of the South.

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  1. Started building visualizations in Mace/Armor for that exact reason. It’s these old dinosaur retirees that think the old way is fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. “Don’t talk about the deployment on social media… “ Also “Your families can find the times and specifics for the redeployment on the unit FB page.” I think my favorite was the PAO taking pictures of the Camp Alpha Christmas party with all the secret stuff on the walls. As for Tulsi… she was an MP. That’s the bar she cleared. How much classified material handling do you think she honestly did, I doubt she ever even had a token. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Wickr won’t happen because, “it costs money.” Its a BS excuse when we’re paying registry keys for every other major software or app we use, but it was the exact reason given when we discussed making a transition off signal to it. My favorite thing about Wickr was the massive files it would let you push through it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not to mention the standing readiness of forces on the peninsula vs the wider active force. You’re 300 miles from Mainland China and one of its most critical economic hubs vs >3000. It’s like the author doesn’t own a map. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Which is the kind of logic this guy is trying to use to just keep all that crap out the infrastructure advantage and move all that combat power to Nebraska and Texas. PrSM is going to be part of the discussion of achieving dominance over the 1st Island chain just because of the fact you don’t need to resupply it at Sea or bring it back to regenerate it. Remember there are more HiMARS in just the 17th FAB than in the Marine Corps. There’s a reason they designed the things to fit in a cargo plane or on a container ship and keep showcasing that capability at exercises across the theatre. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The Author is at best an isolationist attempting to hide behind a facade of budgetary justification and frame the argument that US Forces Korea exist behind glass separate of any other conflict or use. The author’s idea that the Army is not present in an IndoPacom fight is demonstrated ignorance of not understanding what that fight will actually look like or what previous historical fights in the Pacific were either. No, there will not be a Tank Division driving across open plains to achieve some sort of armored breakthrough, however the Fires and with it wide area security/control as well as the echelons of intel collection that occur resident to those Army formations will absolutely be at play in a conflict over the 1st Island Chain. And anybody that doesn’t think large scale ground maneuver warfare happened in the Pacific should really go take a look at WWII Burma or Luzon. The Marines will get the press but the reality is the Army will be the one that secures Islands because mass means something when you talk the scale of the pacific, and keeping those elements in 2ID that far forward grants a lot of reaction space and time made up. Same was true of WWII. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. These ever shrinking fleets of non special capability sets have got to be killing us to maintain the infrastructure necessary to keep limping them along. The Navy has almost twice as many AB destroyers as the Air Force has B1s…. For an airplane with no nuclear mission. And no amount of “but just think of what we could maybe do with hypersonic!” is going to suddenly make it worth keeping. I’m almost convinced the Air Force has kept a couple of these sacrificial budget lambs (Hawg) around as long as they have because when they threaten to just cut it for something else Congress always orders them to keep it and somehow squeezes more money out of the couch cushions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Divest now, not over a decade. And when somebody comes out screaming “but IndoPacom!” remind them that Bone is neither the sole means of providing nor the most survivable method of delivering strikes in that scenario. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Bone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. How many 6000 hour pilots do you think exist in the Army RW community? This is exactly why hour counts as a metric for experience are a crappy way of measuring as a metric. I had half to less than a third of the hours my peer group had following my first deployment, but 80% of my time was in the dark supporting actual missions not flying hardstand to handstand carrying ass and trash. Explain who is more experienced in that regime given those conditions. All bolting hour count to an experience label does is help delay young pilots from gaining valuable experience early as they are limited from participation while the old guys do the hard stuff. There is no way to simply produce a 6000 hour pilot and simply deciding that what was normal 10-15 years ago when we were all doing 12 on 12 off deployments is and forever will be the bar is just ignorant of reality. What was normal in 2007 wasn’t normally in 97 or 87 and somehow nobody had a problem with it. What’s the magic number where we declare a pilot “experienced” by community vote? The drone of attacking experience or inexperience does nothing but deflect conversation from reality which is people with oversight permitted this situation to operate for far too long either due to negligence or ignorance and it only became public when we burned a few aircraft in. A front office stacked with hours doesn’t change the math of the problem here or the negligence in our procedures to predict and review it. And I’d take recency over hour count any day which is a far bigger problem for my pilot population currently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Where do you think 460 hours as a captain would fall within the current Army aggregate of experience? I got news for everybody, the days of 1000 hours in a deployment have been over for a decade. Her hours are completely in line with the average for her year group as well as the wider seen average across the combined Warrant/RLO company pilot population. There was nothing abnormal about this crew mix and as you said it was entirely procedural produced risk we had learned to live within and normalize. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Somebody find the white paper on the money spent going from F-F/A-F-22. That can’t have been free and it was entirely stupid. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Think about the first time you looked in a helmet mounted sight and saw the wingman or mission participant through link that was way beyond visible. That capability has existed in some form or another for a couple decades. TCAS is older than most of the pilots flying with it and only ten years younger than the oldest people flying commercial aircraft today. Systems like ITDS have demonstrated the ability to see further and through obscurants we can’t see through, and do it constantly but with coding provide queuing to the crew only when it’s relevant. You can take a picture and give it to your phone or social media and it’s smart enough to see faces and even identify them. This would be that principle but doing predictive analysis of other traffic so it can point where the friction will happen and disregard where it won’t. Imagine if you were that hawk crew and you looked up to see 3 bright light sources and didn’t have to guess which one ATC is trying to get you to acknowledge. Augmented reality isnt impossible, but it requires people to acknowledge that “see and avoid,” isnt adequate. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. That’s the point we’ve been making to counter. It’s like NVG is the sole solution therefore anything not working well in them is ignored. In this case they were even trying to insist there is a threat to Apache which isn’t flying with NVG as its primary sensor, it’s flying FLIR and doesn’t care anyway. And it has an unaided eye as well… There is no single solution to the issue and it’s one of the arguments we are making in the Army rotary community to fast track ITDS because of the amount of SA it can grant in addition to being a missile warning system. We did testing with seeing the category 1/2 SUAS… damn things are invisible in the day time with you know where they are beyond about 200-300 meters. The human eyeball is not sufficient to the hazards that are out there today, much less in a decade as we democratize the number of airspace participants. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. In my opinion it’s a very overblown problem. Like we’ve got the same “oh my god what about!?!?” going on with some people on our installation because of what seems like sheer boredom more than anything else. Yes it’s a hazard, yes it’s different, but it’s not like the damn things are invisible. What would be great is just standardized across all elements and stop having incandescent and LEDs in the same environment. That would negate most of the problem. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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