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Everything posted by Lawman

  1. But does it to justice to the fact that even though that region has been in constant turmoil for the last 60 years, everything that occurs is because of G. W. Bush, his dad, and Reagan? You know because nobody else has been in charge.
  2. We had a girl say she gets hit harder when she burns dinner.... Half the instructors broke character on that one.
  3. Fixed it for you. Quotes because I've been to what used to be Clark AFB.
  4. You guys can all start buying drinks. I shot Bin Laden!
  5. Havent you seen First Blood? If they'd just listened to the Green Beret none of that bad stuff at the end would have happened.
  6. Ill do it just for the joke.... Whats a dikfur?
  7. Im from Dayton so I can try and help with the fun part. Kinda depends on what your scene is but there are really only two good locations to go out on a Friday in the area. 1. The Oregon district - This is in downtown Dayton about 25 minutes from the base when you factor in the time to get on 35 and head into the city. Mostly the combination of drunk college girls and guys from UD and hipsters from who cares because they are hipsters... Lot of bars down there ranging from the Dublin Pub which is a little expensive for an Irish bar to little hole in the wall dive bars. 2. The Greene - This is a new (last 5 years) upscale bar and shopping area off of I-675 in Beavercreek. Takes about 20 minutes from the base to get there. Lots of more higher end (IE higher prices) stores, upscale theme bars (The Pub, Bar Louis, Adobe Gilas), a really good theatre that serves booze, and a lot of nicer restaurants as well as a comedy club that gets major headliners sometimes. Other than that the only fun thing to do in Dayton is pack a bag and go the hell somewhere else.
  8. The only reason they got EPE engines on the legacy 404 equipped Hornet was the Kuwaitis paid the bill for R&D. Guess they are hoping the Aussies or somebody will pick it up along with conformal tanks and the weapons bay.
  9. Lawman

    Gun Talk

    Agreed. If you shoot reloads though the M1As tend to be a little bit nicer to the brass. At least that's what I've seen out of my DSA FAL... It likes to mangle the hell out of brass. HK91 pattern rifles are even worse for it.
  10. Sell them to any Asian or African airline, they wouldn't know the difference.
  11. Agreed. Find me a civilian helicopter pilot who is; Required to maintain a weekly organized regiment of physical training alon with a biannual review of his physical standard via a PT test. Told his hearing loss will no longer be covered as a disability directly linked to the performance of his duties (despite a Boeing paper stating the Army hearing protection is substandard ) Spends anywhere from 2-4 months of the year deployed away from home to live in a tent conducting demonstrations of his airmanship ability (gunnery, NTC, field problems, etc) Cannot leave his job until fulfilling an ever changing time table of service requirements while at the same time having no legal recourse to being forcibly downsized without appeal. Find me that guy with that job an we can start comparing pay and benefits. That doesn't even get into the knee and back issues I've had as a direct result of performing the Army lifestyle.
  12. People like this piss me off in any profession. "I'm getting more than I deserve so let's look at everybody else and assume they feel the same way." Fuck this guy.
  13. And I'm calling BS. There were quite a few missions actioned on "active intel" (I shouldn't have to go into what that is on here) not just OPs set out or random patrols. I'm talking the same complex air assaults and ground assaults stuff you would see for any other HVT mission. This whole "SF commander refused to send his people after a deserter" is crap to sell a story in the 24 hour news cycle.
  14. Agreed. Anyone familiar with the task force missions going on at the time knows there were a lot of missions actioned on intel to try and get him back.
  15. Poland was already explored a decade ago for the Army basing Aviation assets out there. I'd go for it just so my wife had a shorter drive and didn't burn my ration up to get her damn pottery.
  16. People ignore the fact that this happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_hostages_in_Afghanistan Ransom is one of the oldest traditions in Warfare.
  17. Oh of course he will be a hero for the sake of a political message. Just like Lynch was a Hero or Pat Tillman was a dead war hero who died "gloriously in combat".... Till we knew better. I can't fault a specific administration for making a political show out of it when each side has done it before. Hell if you watch the Pat Tillman story it'll piss you off just how much and many things were done to make they story a political victory. And I agree with you coming home does not change the actions and consequences you might face on the back end. But we decide what happens to you. We start letting the bad guys know that there are actions where we won't move heaven and earth for our people and they will start trying to determine what that is when they have our people. That puts all of us in the future at greater risk during isolation because our seemingly priceless value has been diminished.
  18. Bristol brewing company actually.
  19. Political posturing and garbage. You know how we got Durant back, direct negotiation with a non state actor (ie warlords). You know how we got our guys back who got lost in a Humvee in Bosnia, Jessie Jackson went their with the support and backing of he state dept. we have negotiated before and we will again. We negotiated to get our men back after Vietnam, including the ones that gave aid and comfort to the enemy for favors. We do that because they are our citizens and nobody else's. This political bickering on "it'll endanger troops," and "it's against long standing policy," is exactly that, bickering. We do not put a price on the lives of our citizens. To do so sets a precedent that there is a price we won't pay. How do we tell our service members or our civilians supporting us that there is a limit to the price we will pay to get you home. Is the Rated aircrew an worth 4 Taliban LTs? Is the Truck driver only worth an IED emplacer? What are you worth, what am I worth? I'm sure everybody here is familiar with all the stupidity of Ogrady's actions as an isolated person. Despite that we risked how many lives to bring him home because that's our part of the bargain. What happens when we tell them "nah you keep that guy Bergdahl he was an idiot/traitor/coward/etc and we don't want him back." Now you set a precedent that some people aren't worth it to us. What happens to the crew chief that isn't a high enough rank to be important, or the lone kid who wandered too far off an OP taking a piss and gets rolled up. Now they aren't worth keeping alive and instead are only worth a bullet (or worse).
  20. He's back. And to those thinking we don't negotiate with terrorists or anybody else it's a movie line not a reality. The state department does it under the table all the time. We did it for Durant in Somalia, we did it for guys we know broke the faith in Vietnam. The important precedent is the enemy will never have to sit there and think "will this guy be worth anything to them or should I just kill him," when it's the next guy. Would I rather a dozen snake eaters come get him in the middle of the night, absolutely but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. What he did or didn't do, that will come out a the debrief. What happens because of it will play out after all the political show is over. The important thing is we are deciding the fate of one of our own and not some goat fucking shit head in some god forsaken shithole village. It's like the rule of I can hit my kids... You do it and I will f'ing murder you.
  21. We do a lot of it to ourselves. Some new wiggit or capability or radio comes out, "hey PM _____ can we put that on the ______." And then we go back three steps to redo software, add weight, redo testing of the actual component and before we get back to where we should have been we do it again for another good idea. That was what killed Comanche and ARH. What's truly sad is the ARH is flying and working cheaply in form with the original requirement but we faked it away trying to squeeze every bit of mo'betta out of it instead of building what we had originally asked for. That's why the E model Apache has the same old 50 point database. PM said "knock his shit off we will add it after we actually have an aircraft to show for it." Hopefully after seeing how much better that works we can unfuck some of the self inflicted pain in acquisitions.
  22. It's not just you. There is definitely a lowest common denominator element to he show.between the terrible continuity and being told everything 6 times to recap it over and over again I feel like it should have been narrated by John Madden.
  23. Or it could have been the fact that we have ignored upgrading that helicopter for so long to bring it up to a useful standard fleet wide would cost as much as a full acquisition (that isn't run into the ground by Bell like the ARH).
  24. If ever there was a culture in the Navy known for eating their young it's Surface Warfare. That's kinda the reason for the back stabbing, it's viewed as the only way to get ahead and it's a fair game because everybody else's is playing it so you don't want to be the one honest guy left out.
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