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Everything posted by Lawman

  1. Oh no… there is no way to actually find out about a place without going there… restaurants and hotels must be such an adventure for you… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Don’t just be contrarians and pretend to be arguing from a position of honesty. “Who fact checks the fact checkers” is just chaff and flare strategy for people that know their source would never hold up. Is RT at state funded propaganda site or not? Do I need to watch what guests they have this week to make that determination myself or can I just go off the well known fact. It’s like knowing I don’t need to talk to MTG to know she’s a moron. Screaming “Jewish space lasers” or any other such absurdities removes you from the adult table. Same is true when you are telling us all not to be “fooled by the narrative” and listening to a podcast hosted by RT and funded by mysterious sources. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That guy is advancing Russian propaganda now openly admitted in a site full of professional military officers from various points of perspective to all call him out on his stupidity. He is a Shill, and yet he continues to do it. Sorry but not sorry whatever he did in whatever life before he pretty much flushed to become that old crazy Vet on your street screaming about whatever “liberal conspiracy” or other noise. And you’re feigning ignorance or woefully uninformed to think we (like every other nation on Earth) aren’t engaged or maintaining Psyops and other methods to advance agendas. There is an entire discipline in JSOC called “Psyops.” Why do you think we do all these partner force exchanges or exercises if “make them align our way” wasn’t part of it? This kind of theory shouldn’t surprise you. Do you want to be the honest guy at the poker table when you know everybody else is cheating? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Oh agreed. I just find it fun to see how “see no evil” the people claiming to be concerned act when you point out the Eugenics origins or others from their favorite causes. It’s like my earlier example, we can absolutely abandon petroleum… it’s just gonna cost us several billion people and a quality of life they hope to find themselves on the other side of the fence on. Good news though, we can all get behind a real renewable oil source… whale oil. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. No I was pointing out that specific podcast from the absolute absurd claim by our local useful idiot that everything on our side is a lie and the proof is on a dubious state funded post cast used by the Russians to advance their BS. And if you want to go down the “do we have Psyop” you should see what happened to all our actions post peace dividends. We basically unfunded that part of the State Dept and wonder why so many places seem to be cozy with China over Belt and Roads. Diplomacy/statecraft/foreign policy is my A-holes vs the other sides A-holes, and I know which one has my and my children’s better interests in mind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If you are trying to compare “mass mainstream profit driven media” to state funded controlled media as equal in their dangerousness or level of deliberate subversion you aren’t making an accurate comparison. That’s like saying driving above the posted speed limit and drunk driving are both risky behaviors and their for equal in danger value to those that do them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. If you actually start looking at original founding members of things like the Sierra club, there is a deeply inhuman meritocracy of human survival they are advocating for silently. John Muir was an advocate for white ascendency and soft extermination of lesser peoples. People that read things like Population bomb and think it is a sound science from a place of money and power don’t want there to be 8 billion people on the Planet. These were champions of Eugenics, which at its time was a widely regarded pseudo scientific thought and now through revision its something we normally just associate with the Nazis. That doesn’t make that the sole platform of the eco movement. There are utopian-futurists in that movement who want to see us ascend technologically (people that think of things like mass scale tidal power generation), there are opportunistic parasites (people funneling trillions of future investments to the cause so they can be a ground floor owner in that investment). There are the dogmatic zealots (think green-peace/morons like Greta) who see this like an extreme religious crusade. There isn’t just 1 monolithic ecological identify. But what I’ve found is most of them want no discussion of the trade off to anything they are presenting as the sole and only problem. They want to just do arithmetic in a game that is regulated by calculus/physics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. In this case you are quoting a literal Russian Psyop outlet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. It goes way beyond Plastic. A society without soaps… most medications… superior lubricants to machine parts… fertilizers growing 8 billion people in food. The sheer stupidity of somebody that thinks human existence can exist at this scale without petroleum is just unaware of anything petroleum is used as a precursor or provides the bulk chemical make up of. They just think a barrel of oil = gasoline = bad stuff for global warming. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. What gets real crazy is when you start thinking about deconfliction of launch path/sequencing, detonation of missiles and effects on the rest of the group, or orbit tracks in a full exchange. It’s not like we sat down with the Russians and said “ok all our ICBMs will TOT using these flight paths, and yours can use these ones… The math involved into that with static ICBMs would be hard enough. Start throwing train mounted or road mobile systems into the mix… the convergence necessary to accurately sequence a full on nuclear first strike would be insanely high bar to hit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. This is where I think a lot of the argument to leave Ukraine to its self because they “aren’t NATO” is a bad faith argument for many of the people making it. It would just be a goal post movement for a lot of people to say “oh the Baltics are NATO expansions so they don’t count” or some other self serving logic. Deterrence only works if it’s credible, and repeatedly backing away from the table and folding (the way Obama did) does nothing to build that credibility. Trump was right for taking Merkle and others to task about funding their way, but a whole lot of people want to pretend NATO hasn’t started changing the course of the ship in terms of funding or hasn’t hit well above its weight in donating funds and weapons to Ukraine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. What? There are ten parked on our ramp right now. ESSS has been around since the 80s and was a pretty standard phenomenon. You didn’t see it in COIN Iraq/Stan because of either the weight penalty, the lack of requirement due to availability of FARPs, or some combination there of. In the 90s it was pretty much normal, same as Apaches flying with a single tank inboard. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. No matter the squeak apparently. If it makes anybody feel better we don’t trust our own air defense either. I just want to know where Division Main is so I can avoid it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I couldn’t tell you anything about the flying part, but having dealt with my father’s painful journey the sooner you figure out the dietary inflammatories in your life the better. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/gout-diet/art-20048524 He started keeping a lot of anything he ate that caused significant flare ups. Learned a lot on curbing how often he ate a series of types of meals, changed around the way he and mom ate. Between that and Morning fasting cardio (he just walks as soon as he wakes up for an hour), huge impact on his overall quality of life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It was more too the room, and given how much I was drinking “shitting on” was probably more strongly worded than intended. More making the point that while TopGun/Airshow demos and the like sell movies and get kids to look up at jets and agree later to sign on the paper, they aren’t what wins the geopolitical war on their own. And while in the eyes of some the Mudhen is barely a fighter or whatever, what they just accomplished was bad ass. As this disposable drone warfare and AI synchronized targeting take over the kinetic I think the chances of that fighter on fighter scenario only decrease. What we saw this weekend is probably more in line with the reality of what we need the DCA and Air Defense players to be able to accomplish. I think I’m far more likely to be hit with that than with some random section of SU-24s getting through to the soft, important, vulnerable parts of our order of battle. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. How many MASCALs do the actions of a Robin Olds or Dick Bong etc prevent? I know this virtuous knights jousting in gleaming steel amongst the clouds crap people buy into is sexy, but reality is fighters unless they are sweeping the skies to prevent mass devastation by bombers or in this case drones, mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of geopolitical weight. Now don’t get it wrong, I want them viciously deadly at their job, I just don’t pretend to care it matters more than how many bombs some eod tech defused or how many routes some 19 year old in an MRAP with a roller plow prevented from being effective. We just dont have cool names for that kid. While you guys are shitting on a bunch of mudhen drivers, they may have just helped in actions that prevented a world war. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Call my accounts manager…. Tell him to put half of it in Raytheon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. They will assess people into Ranger Bn (enlisted guys out of AIT for example) who haven’t done Ranger School, but have past RASP. It’s a kind of checks in the mail requirement as they only have so much capacity in the pipeline. They get treated like Ranger privates regardless of rank though until they get their tab, and failure to get it is grounds for putting them back in the regular Army. Outside people trying to get into a Ranger Battalion it’s usually a highly competitive process to get whatever brigade/division slot(s). We called it the Hunger Games when we were offered the opportunity to send 1x Lt/Cpts to it from the Aviation Brigade. Whatever this dude did to get his leadership to fight for those school slots, he is more than likely ridiculously hard charging amongst his peers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/04/14/russia-sent-70-year-old-t-55-tanks-to-ukraine-without-even-upgrading-them/?sh=41432a5534d2 Surely the only reason they would be doing crap like this is they want to do it… It wouldn’t possibly demonstrate they are consuming their best equipment faster than they can replace it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I think like Fourfans is saying though, that’s the problem, and it needs to be retasked or rewritten to understand who has the authority and responsibility. I’d argue State as an Embassy owner does need to play a critical role in researching the scale and scope of a NEO same as a HADR, but in reality it’s going to be the COCOM that ends up resourcing and reaching out for what it doesn’t have and should be where the planning is nested. Have Embassy’s come to a planning event, staff it with SMEs resident in the COCOM with State playing but understanding its job is to keep this plan handy and execute its portion of alerting and organizing on the ground. It would prevent what happened in Afghanistan of no plan being there to execute because State wasn’t really forced to make anything, the DOD being the magic red button, and the immediate action being activate the Global Reaction Force and tell TRANSCOM to just throw all its tails at it in priority. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. State is probably also not the department of government I’d go looking for in depth intelligence on understanding combat power. Be like asking the TSA how to do counter intelligence ops. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. “Well you see Congressman…. All the existing plans started out of BAF….. “ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Well 20 years ago he was a democrat… Oh wait did I say the quiet part out loud? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Considering 100% turns off property tax in Texas, that’s a steal. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. Luckily I’ve still got a few more years to build the ammunition of documents. When I crossed the 15 year mark I started stalking up paperwork. Next year when we get back I’m due a series of MRIs. Sad thing is there have been such an over abundance of weak dicks lately that the benefit of the doubt seems to have shifted for some of our most recent retirees. That assumption that as aviators we went out of our way to not report has been turned into a careful game of start your paper trail far enough out it doesn’t look like fraud. We’ve got guys with 4-5 deployments and 20+ years fighting to get above 50% when they can’t play in the yard with their kids because of recurring back/knee/shoulder/neck issues. Somehow “you made me fly 2000 hours with goggles on my head wearing body armor that is front heavy” couldn’t be linked to any of that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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