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Everything posted by Padre

  1. Base supply. Call then up, they’ll either be a contract shop or old school and require an ESS supply account. It is probably contracted, in which case your RA will swipe the unit GPC. You can get your patches as well through nametags4u.com. No specification on colors, but I’d say you’re good with home MAJCOM/wing colors since you’re TDY. Again, a GOC swipe. (the IFT reporting instructions say have them so I’m getting them just in case).
  2. For those going to URT I had some back and forth with AETC today because training affects my current day job. The date I got was 3 Jan 2020. Yes. You read that correctly. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  3. Anyone else opt into BRS and eligible for Continuation Pay because this is your 12th year? On the continuation pay form it says you may not retrain. I got an email back from AFPC Policy and the RPA assignments team double checked for me, as long as youre taking on an ADSC and complete the ADSC you may take the continuation pay and attend training. Going to take home an extra $16K this year. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  4. Your current unit will provide flight suits, a-jacket, gloves, flight approved boots and hat out of the unit supply account and GPC buy patches. Your RA will take care of all of this for you. Print out arrival guide and give it to them. If you want to help them more get with an ops squadron RA to get local details on how to acquire.
  5. Talked to AETC URT manager today. Asked about timelines. We can get into IFT quickly but theres a large backlog at RIQ flowed by empty seats at the FTUs. So, they could schedule us to go to IFT but there would be a large training gap between TDYs. Don't expect anything for a while. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  6. I got an email from AETC about my PPL. It seems like they were still figuring out who was going to skip IFT/RIQ and go to PRIME. I bet we get something by this time next week.
  7. My understanding is the board used E-BOSS and selects were based on order of merit. Having talked to O-6s that have been on boards before, if you declined or self eliminated from rated before it is a bad look. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  8. When it comes to staff work, 100% would rather be in a bag than anything else. The work you can contribute is 10x more appealing. Sure, the flying life isn’t living the dream, but we’ll all end up at the 5 sided hell hole. Would you rather be helping figure out how to drop iron evil upon our enemies, or figure out how to pay the grass cutting contracts at Laughlin? Congrats. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  9. I received my official notification today from my losing SR. they're notifying by PAS Code Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  10. Word from RPA assignments: 1 year backlog for training pipeline. All training is done on TDY with gaps between courses.
  11. I'm not going to share the screen cap I have ... it doxes me. But, I have 12 names (not the whole page by the looks of it). If you were gunning for URT and didn't find out by end of day today and really want to know, you can PM me. Again, I don't have the whole list.
  12. Used my FSS network and got the results. I have a screen shot of the URT results...
  13. $100 says we don’t hear anything today. I dare you AFPC! I dare you.
  14. I said it before and I’ll double down. $20 says we don’t hear anything today.
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