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Everything posted by SocialD

  1. There is no straw these guys won't grasp at to get 2 more years. I will say that I have a former student from college who is an CW3 AD Apache guy. His FB page is filled with this type of hate toward Army Aviation leadership about what's going on with Army helo aviation. I've never talked to him about it, but he seems to be pointing out the lack of hours, lack of training and prioritization of everything other than being steely eyed killers in the air. Sounds familiar.
  2. The Pro age 67 FB group had a post this morning with the following quote. This accident on short final at DCA has inexperience written all over it. Please get out there and push for an EXECUTIVE ORDER to RAISE THE AGE IMMEDIATELY. We, the airline industry, are directly responsible for these deaths. There is no depth too low for which these guys will stoop, all in the name of getting theirs. Sadly he's one of us at DAL but is scheduled to retire in March. It can't get here soon enough. WTF is wrong with some people.
  3. Terrible. Here is the audio/radar feed of the situation. Couple things from an airline pilot perspective. - I'm still thankful that my aircraft doesn't go into DCA (and LGA/JFK). Not only does it make life easier, but I get to avoid the mess that is DCA. - Not saying this couldn't happen on the other runway. But no way, I'm accepting a circle to land that late in the game, especially at night. Could I do it, sure, but no thanks. Airline flying is boring and should always be boring. Unable is one of the best words in our flying vocabulary. - I know they may not have VHF capes, but if they do, why not use it in this area? Many moons ago the F-16 got VHF capability but noone wanted to use it. We're on a joint use field and one day we had a runway incursion (ATCs fault), but easily could have been noticed by us if we were on UHF. I brought up why not switch to VHF for gnd/twr/app/dep and naturally, the old fucks told the young punk to STFU. A few years later, we had nearly the same event happen and being more senior, I was able to get the change instituted. HUGE increase in SA when you hear both sides of the ATC conversation with all the bug smashers and other airliners. - Based on that track and the aircraft and lots of NVG time, I know I could have easily mistaken the light behind the CRJ as the traffic they called out. - ADS-B is great and can be a life saver, but it often lags or just doesn't work great. I'd like to have the extra SA though. I actually used it once as number 3 during a flyby in the local area when I saw a buddy flying his Husky right toward the path of our flyby. Jumped over on CTAF and asked him to turn south for a minute. Worked great and he sent me a nice video of the flyby (missing man).
  4. Yup. It's also funny (not funny) that he is doing this because he fear the weaponization of the judicial system. Wow...
  5. No surprise there...
  6. Ah yes, this ole' trope. If you put your hands in your pockets, you will screw up the TO and a plane will crash for sure!
  7. Awesome! I just lost an hour looking at all the other photos that thing has taken. When people ask, can the government really see that from space, I'll refer them to this site. Then let them know that this is just what a civilian company has access to lol.
  8. Absolutely perfect revitalization of an older post. I went single and had a good time, but would have been just as happy if I had been married. The wives were like mother hens to the single guys and some were great wingmen at the bar by sending girls your way lol. If you stay single, just remember that when she's walking out and stops to do a double take of your flight suit hanging on the door...she's probably enlisted. This is why you never ask what they do at the bar. Whether she gets invited back depends on how good it was and how dangerously you like to live. Wisdom from uncle Sociald. 🤣
  9. That's one of the reasons I generally like this guys content, he's not afraid to call himself out. Though in this case, I wish he'd have gone into more detail on what made him jump to such a drastic conclusion so quickly. I was waiting for a follow up from him, glad he ate crow rather than moved on.
  10. Despite how this dude looks in this short clip, he posts some great content where he hunts down an calls out mis/disinformation. Former Army intel guy/current cyber security guy. Anyway, just another data point and context for the dude Ryan is interviewing. https://www.instagram.com/p/DEYkTNsMtEL/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again https://www.youtube.com/@RyanMcBethProgramming/videos
  11. The good ones all leave because they're scared they won't be backed up by their leadership. We have lots of LE on our Guard base and many have left their gigs for full time Guard for these reasons. They all say the same thing, I'm one well edited video away from being fired, or worse. These are great people who I imagine we're great cops, trying to be good public servants to their community. Just like active duty experiences, most of the good ones bail and your left with what's left. The good ones who do stay, have an uphill battle. Side note, I could never be LE... I'd be fired, or in jail for excessive force when dealing with some of the assholes/bad guys they deal with daily. I'm very thankful we have those who can keep their tempers in check.
  12. I mean, he didn't break the spar, did he? Thought I heard he was a union rep at AAL? That could be someone else though.
  13. LAS Vegas Bomber was a Army SF guy. Graduated from a high school not far from where I grew up. 19 year SF guy who "was very patriotic and an ardent Trump supporter." Something seems really off.
  14. I remember flying with fighter pilots from a particular middle eastern nation, where the pilots spent the entire debrief trying to save face, rather than actually learn. From talking with some guys who have been sim IP's at various Asian airlines, their culture seems similar, with the added bonus of not wanting to challenge authority. If I remember correctly, the FO on the Asiana 777 that smacked the seawall in SFO, knew it was going bad, but didn't challenge the Captain. Hopefully this isn't the case, but I'd honestly be worried about that flying on Asian carriers.
  15. I read them as well and got a good laugh. I expect nothing less from young, steely eye warriors. As an old washed up, has been, I'm super thankful for these guys quick thinking under pressure. I know there are some very happy parents/wives/gf's/side hides/kids back home as well. Hope they peel back the onion until they've extracted ounce of lessons learned.
  16. It looks like they were flying with the throttles. Makes sense if they lost a HYD or whatever else from the FRAG. Horrible situation, it seems like the crew did a great job saving as many lives as they could.
  17. Some Navy Commander right now...probably.
  18. What makes them amazing? I'm in the middle of researching different banks, after being with USAA my entire adult life, I'm bailing on everything.
  19. I blame the CC's, but I also blame officers who allow these types of acts to go unchecked. You're an officer, don't be afraid to act like it. Just don't be a dick and be right. On the spot correction are powerful and can quickly straighten up any culture of lax good order/discipline. In 22 years of enlisted and officer service, outside of some punishment I had to hand out as a CC, I can only remember two situation that rose to the level of "get in this office and shut the door," type corrections. Both situations were as a Captain and Major, and I never heard a thing about them again, and more importantly, they worked.
  20. If they were really worried, they'd try some ACA assets.
  21. I'm in agreement that this will likely never happen and there are lots of issues with it. But on your point, we did successfully created a temp MOA about 25 miles from base. It's turning into a published MOA in the near future, so it can happen...after a monumental effort lol.
  22. Given that we're a "total force" now, I've always said they should move AETC to the ARC. While some wouldn't care to teach UPT/FTU, many would. It's a ANG dream, no deployments, no chem gear, much easier job to maintain as a part timer...it's a no brainer from that perspective. You'd have no problem filling squadrons and keeping great experience around to teach the young studs. Free up all those AD IP's to fill the spots in AD squadrons. Rotate a small number of AD pilots through to keep a fresh look/perspective, but that will naturally happen as we hire AD pilots anyway. If we had something like that, I'd probably still be in.
  23. So this guy says Putin doesn't want to take over Ukraine, yet at the beginning of the war he tried to take over Kyiv. That makes it seem like he was either wanting to take the place over or install his own puppet government. Either way, the speech at those minutes don't show a signed promise that NATO wouldn't expand east. This was more my point. Everything I've found says there isn't a signed agreement that limits NATO from expanding east. Even Gorbachev himself seems to agree that there was nothing agreed to about NATO and their eastward expansion.
  24. Was there a signed promise with Russia? Legit question, I'm still trying to educate myself on the history. So far, this just seems like Putin being Putin in an attempt to restore Russia to their "former glory."
  25. Shack! If your point could be turned into a video, it would be this guy. I'm right, you're wrong and I have the moral high ground, so you can't even talk. This is why Trump won.
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