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FLY6584 last won the day on February 6 2014

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Well I live on the beach on the opposite coast 166 miles away so I'm going to see if I can get released from it.
  2. But why was I not ordered to attend this last year?
  3. I am a 2014 VSP recipient that separated on Dec 31, 2014 and subsequently entered the IRR. I recently received a letter from AFRC informing me that I would be receiving orders soon to report to Patrick AFB for a "Mandatory Muster" in May. What is this all about? Has anyone else out there who has received the VSP been forced to attend one of these "Mandatory Musters"?Will I be paid for this? If I have to drop a 3-4 day trip at my airline job to attend this I will definitely lose a lot of money.
  4. Because I don't want two jobs and a double commute. We have no desire to settle down at the UPT base, but if it were a significant enough of a bonus I would be willing to go spend three years at a UPT base especially making O-3 pay and BAH. I got out at the 7.5 year point so I have no desire to try to stick it out in the Reserves for 12.5 years to get a retirement, but I would consider a three year return to AD. The reason I ask is because I saw a recent article by JQP talking about Stop Loss and figured return to AD bonuses may become available as well.
  5. I am a 2014 VSP recipient and recently started flying for a Major Airline. I could not be more happy with civilian life and love the airlines, but as a former T-6 FAIP I recall a couple guys in my squadron that were AD recalls who received a substantial bonus to return to AD to fly the T-6. Considering instructing in the T-6 was by far the most rewarding and fun experience for me in the AF, my wife is from a UPT town, and the first year or two at the Airlines come with a bitch of a commute and schedule I could think of worse things than to take a nice chunk of change to go fly T-6's again for a couple years in my wife's hometown while my seniority number continues to tick up. So my question(s) is how do you find out about these programs considering you are pure civilian and have no .mil email address? Will AFPC contact you if they need you? How much say do you have in where you go? And what was the commitment the last time they offered this? I just have a feeling with the upcoming pilot shortage in the AF due to all of the dudes that got out and are continuing to get out that they will have no choice, but to implement programs like this and stop loss. History has a tendency to repeat itself especially when you're talking about the AFPC clown show. Anyways, maybe this can be an AD Recall rumor thread for pure civilians like me to find out about upcoming opportunities. Cheers.
  6. EOM pay came a couple days ago and VSP pay came today. Curious to see if the VSP payment will be on the 2014 or 2015 W2.
  7. Where did you hear the 8-15 Jan estimate?
  8. Well let's hear the reports of when everyone gets paid. No EOM and no VSP payment here yet for me.
  9. Finance keeps telling me that it will appear on our 2014 W-2's, but it sounds like pure speculation and no one really knows. I spent the majority of 2014 deployed which is driving a low taxable income in 2014 so I'm really hoping it shows up on my 2014 W-2. I have run the numbers and I should get about half of the 25% that they tax us back.
  10. Does anyone know if you can change your date of separation to an earlier date? I originally requested to separate on 31 Dec, but I was just offered a job with a cargo company that needs me to start on Nov 10th and unfortunately I don't have enough leave built up to go terminal that soon.
  11. An Army Sergeant Major that doesn't know the number to his uniform reg is like a Chief at the Deid that doesn't know reflective belts are mandatory in ops town. That just doesn't happen. What a douche.
  12. Coming from the guy who feels it is necessary to constantly bash on Airline guys for some reason. I don't know if your parents ever taught you this, but someone with that kind of attitude generally has deep rooted feelings of jealousy. It's ok though... keep telling yourself that you know everything about the Airlines. If you want to go fly for a Part 91 operation in the Northwest flying new aircraft every day then go for it... it sounds fun and you won't hear me bash it, to each their own, but quit bashing the guys who know eventually after they do their time at a Legacy they will have the seniority to spend 2/3 of the month at home with their families not even thinking about work and plenty of income to enjoy that time with them. Flying is fun, but it's not everything anymore. I value family time and a stress free life as I get older which is why I took the VSP and will never look back.
  13. Haha! Keep telling yourself that. Tool.
  14. And does anyone know if the FY15 VSP Payment will count towards the 2014 or 2015 tax year if our separation date is 31 December? I know it won't be paid out until mid January, but will they do an amended W-2 to account for it as 2014 Income?
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