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Everything posted by Swizzle

  1. Stray thought: Was she in the "co-pilot" car seat? ... wingman dont let wingman drive drunk and all that jazz. That was probably asked by Zoo leadership already...if yes, had to be at least a verbal Wonder how each MAJCOM would treat that these days, opinions anyone?
  2. Good record, sorry man. With what info you provided, I question the #12/71 O4s and #2/8 I/APZ...makes me think BPZ took the DPs from the Wing and not you. The WG/CC gambled. Look around to your 1&2BPZ competitors if you want to know, but know the past is unchanging. There are paths forward towards what you want, just make sure in pursuit of them to keep your options open as much as possible.
  3. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/299 Became Law, law has details....page 9 and 10 for fees... Excerpt pg. 9 attached...law has other details with which VA must comply.
  4. Exactly....will these on-loan positions be valued in the new system? Or will only core events for the functional areas be valued towards promotion by only that functional area? Aka outisde the tribe penalty...
  5. It depends greatly upon ole' radiator wings being administratively used as leader-in-general/of anything "badge" and recognized, valued outisde a cockpit, in functional area promotion boards. In short, more Ops functional board quotas than support or other functional areas. In this doesn't happen, how many ops O5s by manning document posirions are needed in squadrons/groups/wings....not many, thus Ops promotion rates will drop. Support functional areas will have this fairness debate, it's in their interests. This new system could be the rise of 'support' I wholeheartedly presume A1 hasn't had this conversation in great enough detail. Case example/food for thought: Pilot put in charge of MX or LRS or other support area, not their functional promotion category...in which promotion pool will they compete? What functional area gets the quota? It'll probably be granted now based upon manning documents for which A1 is responsible.
  6. Looks like a tight ELP, thought we didn't teach those patterns anymore! ...ha But seriously, was said AC a previous FAIP? (T-6 ya, ya...)
  7. UPT production numbers aren't where they publically stated they should be, but they've risen slightly. Don't think the former is the cause (read: luck), maybe just slightly retention influenced however UAV production #s on the other hand seem to have spiked upwards. To AFPC a pilot is a pilot is a UAV pilot is a # on a spreadsheet
  8. ...partial rhino resemblance? ..Not to assume Israel's Legacy Herk namesake. And it is grey...and can probably sneak up on some poor fool like a 'gray rhino'
  9. Probably because it's in the wrong spot...the switch is normally on the yoke/wheel/stick because it's used so much. More convenient that way, ya' know.
  10. Everyone will take closer note when the biggest pool of pilots by MAJCOM/core AFSC declines year over year 5-6%. The faster that pool declines into the red, the more attention and political support retention methods will get. Majority rules. Chalk it up to a psychological effect, or put in other words, damn the biggest group flopped from overage to major shortfall that fast (bureaucratically speaking)...!? Side note: an interesting development is the politcal language created to say we are deepening in this crisis to a point we can't produce our way out of it...in a big way "absorption" problems = too few IPs to train new recruits production rate needed IMHO. When they advertise unforeseen delays in training non-MX or WX related, it is real baaadddd. Why not spin that language! Don't waste a good crisis! Right, right? ...ugh
  11. I heard in the fall directly from AMC/A1KD that they hand picked the candidates to ensure their "records" would be competitive for future advancement (aka promotion), thus a few average Joe's who applied were denied entry. It was what, 8 who applied and 5 picked...forget. The reasoning was if they're not competitive now it wouldn't assure long term program success, put another way if these few don't promote the program will wither and die.
  12. HASC NDAA FY20 version just renews last year's offer...present "business case" does not appear to be max -performed yet thus no bureaucratic justification or urgency to change policy yet. However, as everyone knows, that's faulty logic considering the pilot exodus trend is accelerating not in govt's favor... https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-115hr5515rh/pdf/BILLS-115hr5515rh.pdf
  13. Oh protect the passports for the kids now/in future...add to settlement desires If you like to OCONUS travel, get it in court order that kiddos can travel, must maintain valid US passport, who maintains them/ holds them, and where they're allowed to go (with appropriate notary parent sig's required of other parent)! DoS has required verbiage on their website for one-parent filing and notary parent signed travel permission
  14. Ask lawyer about recording in-person and in-home. If possible, record 100% of your time around her JIC. Oh, move any guns to a responsible third party. https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/florida-recording-law
  15. Friend recommends: https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/product-features/mobile-apps
  16. https://www.myfloridalaw.com/divorce/adultery-and-divorce-in-florida/ Get her immediately served with a assets freeze order if prudent. https://www.collaborativefamilylawfl.com/divorce-in-florida-some-answers-to-difficult-questions-by-howard-raab-esq/
  17. I've heard they want to do that too before seperating the LAF into functional fields promotion categories. Which if they did that... How would the institutional job requirements (i.e. school instructors, Recruiters, etc.) be promoted? And against who? I believe they'd be short-changed and even worse off than before. If communities don't value institutional positions now, what would seperating them out do!?! Or would they fight over a promotion aggregate like an AF MLR notion?
  18. https://go.afa.org/e/285922/er-Aggressor-Light-Strike-aspx/4x39gf/487542834?h=GZSUrX7SY-Rq0dROig76ir2dc6ccJxfJRqaj7bUbQnQ “Strictly Trainer” T-X Now a Candidate for Lead-in Fighter, Aggressor, Light Strike"
  19. I corroborate his hearsay, its not the MLR nor for the MLR's function. Instead to gather empirical data of new vs old way of PRFs against two promotion boards. Senior leaders needs data before a decision to make PRFs much shorter...
  20. What's the longest rate lock available? And how much?
  21. The F-16 demo team was recently TDY to California training within the last 2 weeks...its in their Twitter feed
  22. Damn, right now it seems the AD guy that...
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