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Everything posted by D-ron

  1. D-ron

    Gun Talk

    This will be a hard question to answer without seeing some pictures first.
  2. 2. In fact, the guys in my class with civilian experience were among the top students. Civilian experience will help you in UPT as long as you have the right attitude.
  3. You are actually correct that they didn't want pencil bits floating around. The part about the Russians outsmarting us is the part that is urban legend.
  4. Actually, it's just an urban legend: https://www.snopes.com/business/genius/spacepen.asp
  5. D-ron

    RIP Maj Winters

  6. I got actively airsick on the first few rides and I was still getting mildly sick all the way up to midphase. If I can get past it anyone can. The best thing you can do is just not worry about it. You'll get over your airsickness either through flying, or with the barany chair. Bottom line is that they are very willing to work with you to get you through your airsickness and the only way it will stop you is if you give up or DOR. From what I've seen very few people washout from airsickness. Good luck
  7. D-ron

    Gun Talk

    M2, How was your experience with AIM Surplus? I'm thinking about buying one of those MN 91/30s, but just want to make sure the company is trustworthy first.
  8. If anyone is at Edwards, there is a PA-48 in the little junk yard thing at Rosamond and Forbes. Freakin' bad ass looking. Actually, you can see it in google maps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=edwards+afb&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.764224,78.662109&ie=UTF8&ll=34.940464,-117.89764&spn=0.002133,0.004801&t=h&z=18 it's the a/c at the north end of the yard facing due south. I wonder if they'll ever do anything with it...
  9. Man! Talk about a one in a million shot. I'm not a fighter dude, but I doubt live ordnance would have bounced.
  10. Of course it does. How else would it keep up with a 109?
  11. Here are some snippets I took from the deferment form for my loans. Make sure you check what type of loan you have because some of them aren't charged interest during the deferment. It says the maximum length is 3 years, but the form is outdated, there actually is no length limit right now as far as I can tell. Can't see any reason why you'd want to defer loans longer than that anyway. You gotta pay them eventually. Unfortunately being in training might make you ineligible. However, SPiF said that he was able to defer his loans during UPT, so maybe loan providers use their own discrection on this one.
  12. There is a lot of dissimilar information going on in this thread. There are all sorts of different rules regarding deferments depending on which type of loan you have, so it may be that everyone is partially correct. I do know that many loans do not accrue interest when in deferment. Also, for some military deferments, the deferment can be for an indefinite period of time; it's no longer limited to three years, due to the act I mentioned previously. Clearly more research is needed. I EAD in January, so I wasn't planning on looking into this until a few more months, but if I can find some time I will do some research and post my findings here.
  13. My student loan website says that being active duty military qualifies one for a loan deferment and there is currently no time limit on the length of the deferment due to the College Cost Reduction and Access act of 2007. However, it has the disclaimer that it excludes members in training, which probably means you can't get it at OTS or UPT. This may only apply to certain types of loans. I would call your loan provider and find out.
  14. To the crew
  15. D-ron

    Mustache March

    Bad ass RAF pilot stickin' it to the man... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-moustache.html
  16. I've had similar problems except I'm already selected. My recruiter retired over a month ago and the new recruiter won't return my calls or emails. I went to www.rs.af.mil and found the phone number for the recruiting squadron in my area and contacted them. You'll need a recruiter to schedule your MEPS physical, but you may be able to schedule the TBAS by yourself. I scheduled the TBAS and AFOQT myself. However, I work on an AF base so I already have base access. If you don't work on an AF base it shouldn't be too much harder though. Decide which base you want to take it at and call information and ask for the base education office, or something like that. Hope that helps.
  17. Being left handed won't impede your performance. Being extremely ucoordinated might, but us left handed guys are obviously superior, so you don't have to worry about that. I've flown Cessnas from both left and right seats and never experienced any problems at all. It was natural enough that I didn't even think about it. I haven't started UPT, so perhaps take this advice with a grain of salt, but I would say don't worry about being left handed.
  18. No, if they are identical a/c, except for weight, and they both have the same airspeed, then they will both be producing the same amount of lift. If they are producing the same amount of lift, but have different weights, then the heavier a/c will have to be descending faster.
  19. Its pretty close as long as the weight doesn't change too drastically. If, say, you add aboxcar on a DA-20, the DA-20 will have to fly VERY fast to be at the best glide AOA. At that speed, compressibility comes in to play. Also, there are Reynold's number effects that they are ignoring. However, if you are talking about any realistic load then the assumptions they are making are probably good assumptions because the best glide speed won't change *that* much. Just don't over think it. One more thing that I forgot to add... I think in a headwind, the heavier guy will win in glide. Look up "speeds to fly" for gliders, and you'll learn some interesting stuff. Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of it by now, haha.
  20. The airplane will takeoff regardless of what the treadmill is doing. Their isn't enough friction in the wheel bearings to significantly affect the takeoff performance of the airplane. The treadmill could be moving backwards 1000 times faster than the wheels are moving and the airplane would still takeoff provided the wheels/tires didn't self destruct. You're not understanding that the airplane is not driven by the wheels. Wheels are very low friction devices and there is no way for the treadmill to add a backward force to the airplane through the wheels no matter how fast the treadmill is moving. Watch the episode, suddenly things will become clear. This is one episode of Mythbusters where they actually provided some useful insight. They completely and conclusively busted the myth. The airplane will takeoff no matter how the riddle is worded. period. dot.
  21. The car is going zero mph relative to an earth stationary reference frame. Assuming the speedometer is driven by the drive wheels, then the speedometer would say the car is moving at whatever speed depending on RPM and gear ratio. This has absolutely nothing to do with the airplane on the treadmill. I'm not sure why this is so hard for everyone to understand.
  22. Attaching another marriage question on this thread, hope its an appropriate location... Background: I was just selected on the 08ot01 OTS board for pilot. My fiance and I want to get married before OTS. However, we need a few months to plan it and everything else, so she wants to get married in June. Beings how I was just selected do you think planning for June might be cutting it close. I don't want to have the marriage all planned and things paid for and then get a class date before the wedding. Also, do you think it would be wise to get legally married before I start doing all sorts of paperwork (for security clearance, etc) so that I don't have to redo a bunch of stuff later. Any advice you guys/gals can offer will be much appreciated! Thanks, Darin
  23. D-ron

    Jeep Wrangler

    Don't forget to add the PT Cruiser and Chevy's answer to the PT - whatever the hell it was called.
  24. D-ron

    Jeep Wrangler

    The only decent Samurai's are the ones that people swapped Toyota axles in to.
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