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  1. Geaux Tigers!
  2. I'm at ASBC right now. They currently have 2 tests but will soon be shortening it to only 1 test per 6 weeks. Hand to hand combat is coming in the next couple of classes. I don't remember what exact date they cited. You take 2 "PFTs" called the FIST, but it only counts towards flight points unless you can't 'run' it in less than 15:30. If you can't, there are 2 makeups allowable. Everyone in this class passed (barely), but several from the previous class failed the run. The first one comes around TD 2 or 3, so come ready. It seems that ASBC is moving in a SIMILAR direction as Field Training in that there is going to be less classwork time and more stuff done outside in tent cities. Obviously there is no yelling, marching, etc. There has never been a DG system at ASBC (if I heard the Lt Col correctly). They are, however, revamping the system in the next couple of classes and are trying to initiate one. Also, for anyone interested, the tests are not the joke that the posts from >1 year ago suggest. I have yet to take the first one yet, but some of my friends are about to take the 2nd one tomorrow. They said they studied for many many hours only to get an 85 (75 is passing). I can't say whether it will be easy or hard for YOU, but sufficed to say, it isn't the easy tests you had back at the detachment. The majority of the buildings now have free internet in the rooms, but it is sort of slow and you have to bring your own ethernet cable (or pay 10 bucks to get one from lodging). I played a round of golf this morning and it's around $18 for 18 holes and $10 per person for a cart rental. Several people pulled their bags this morning to avoid that charge. They have rental clubs for another $10. Range is like 26 balls for $1 if I remember what he said correctly (he might have said 25 cents/26 balls). Several kegs are bought per week. Some guys went out and bought some plywood and there is beer pong, etc. played nearly nightly. Just don't be a jackass and show up drunk to class or graduation (some guy did the latter recently), study a little, and be able to power walk the mile and a half and you should be OK. Also, as a side note, those infamous SERE CBT's have made it to ASBC. My buddies told me that if you haven't taken it in this calendar year you will have to (re)take it while at ASBC. I took it mid December before commissioning. Lucky me. Additionally, the obstacle course is still off limits.
  3. ...and that's going to be a lot. I bought a new house in Louisiana and had to buy sod for the back yard (120' X 30'). It was like 700 bucks and I installed it myself. You're looking at 2-3 thousand to do 1.5 acre and you will probably have to water it. I can't really speak to the weather there.... You may want to consider a DIY sprinkler system. It's not expensive if you do it yourself and if you do it before you sod, you can get a ditch witch (ditch digger) and don't have to worry about tearing up your lawn. I DIYed my system. You can skip the sod by just putting out seed, but you have to water the hell out of see where sod is just maintenance. Just some thoughts...
  4. Speaking of the on-base course... I'm about to go on active duty and go to ASBC. On the site they say that you have to make sure you meet all the military requirements before trying to ride on base. I'm thinking about taking my bike with me to ASBC. I was only aware of the safety requirements (helmet, long pants, long sleeves, reflective vest, etc.). I took the local MSF course and I have the motorcycle endorsement on my license. Is this enough or should I wait to get to my first base to take the base safety course? Does taking the state course satisfy the USAF requirements? Thanks.
  5. It books up quick in the summer months. I tried to do the walk-on thing to no avail. There were three other people there trying to walk-on and we drew straws for the one slot that was open... In LA MSF does courses all year. The guy at the MSF course I did said that the Harley was a watered down version of the state course. He said that for the extra money you get a tour of the harley showroom and they try to push a Harley on you. You spend less time in the class and on the bike because you're in the showroom talking about their bikes. That's just hearsay, but it's what I've heard. However, it does accomplish the same thing as the state course if you can't wait to start riding...
  6. Be happy that you're getting anything. You're on a long "casual" stint -- you're getting some TA, and you get a salary, BAH, time in service/grade, etc. I'm on a long "already commissioned but sitting on my ass for six months waiting for my EAD because the AF doesn't want to pay me to sit around and be 'casual'" stint -- not only am I getting no salary, I'm getting no TA either for the 15 hours I'm taking in these six months. Hey, at least I can go to the dentist though (assuming the NCOIC can get the paperwork done between now and June). I feel your pain.
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