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Everything posted by amcflyboy

  1. Oh man, this is too much! Nice work guys.
  2. As what the title of this thread says, "WTF!!!"
  3. Wasn't there 28 pages?? Oh man, I need another drink!
  4. With all do respect, I think you're giving Congress too much credit here. After all, they're still walking around with their dicks in their hands trying to make up their minds about this friggin' Stimulus package. I think by them approving the Department of Homeland Defense was a big mistake. Reference issues such as TSA, Hurricane Katrina, yadda yadda yadda. As what the bumper stickers say, "Congress is the opposite of Progress." In regards to the previous posts, now that our (New York) former Senator is the Secretary of State, I see the State Department turning into the KGB, the German S.S., or insert other Gestapo organization. By the way, I'm drunk posting here. It's time for another beer!
  5. Well I'll be damned! God bless ya Snowman and keep that hammer down....
  6. I smell a "Smokey and The Bandit" of the middle east occurring! Jerry Reed, help me out here.....
  7. Had something similar to that about 18 months ago. I just left my base enroute to San Juan for a Guardlift. We were taking the A338 direct to SJU from JFK. Everyone knows that the climb rate for a fully fueled C-130 is next to nothing. The flight time from SCH to JFK is roughly 20 minutes, and we were climbing to FL210. This is how the conversation went with N.Y. Center: N.Y.: "Skier XX, I have you going direct to JFK to pick up the A338, correct?" Me: "That's correct center" While we were climbing, our climb rate was only about 800-1000 FPM N.Y.: "Ok then, Skier XX, say MACH number." Me: "Uh New York, we're 300 True." N.Y.: "Oh....ok then Skier XX, that's not going to work, stand-by" Long story short, the week prior, my A/C had did this run and got re-filed out to somewhere in Rhode Island before heading south, probably because the controllers thought they were going to pose a threat to other traffic. Thankfully, New York never did that but instead had us fly at FL190 until we were south of JFK Vortac.
  8. Abso-frigin-lutely!
  9. Spoo, we need more of you guys and your humor here at Flying Squadron! I'm getting ready to go take my A/C recommend ride today and reading that just made my day. I think I'll go do just that.....
  10. Holy $hit, I nearly pissed my pants on that one!!
  11. I'll be there in May. Hopefully these dudes will still be keeping the fires burning.
  12. Beautiful...just beautiful!!
  13. If I remember correctly, weren't there signs at every bus stop stating "Give us a ride, don't pass us by. One team, One fight."?? I did a 30 day TDY there back in '01. When I was there, there were senior officers getting busted for not offering rides to guys. Do you remember that at all Huggy? Or am I just smoking crack?
  14. The Bog, in Christchurch, New Zealand.
  15. Grandfather: Flew AT-6's and P-47's but never saw combat. By the time he got rated, the war in Europe had ended and they had no intentions of sending him to the Pacific. Dad: Flew CH-46's in the Marines; sat standby for Grenada in 1983. Was a T-34 IP at Whiting Field from 1980-1983. Went on to fly UH-1's and UH-60's in the Army National Guard. Retired in 1997. On a side note, my other Grandfather was a ground pounder in the European and African Campaign from 1942-1944. I believe that's what the time frame was. I had a Great(x3)Uncle who was at the treaty signing at Appomatox Courthouse. He supposedly stood several feet away from General Grant while the treaty was being signed.
  16. Figures someone would say that...meanwhile I'm down here freezing my balls off at McMurdo.
  17. which is why it so exciting to pursue....
  18. RASH is a good dude. He helped me get up to speed with the whole PCO program. My squadron tasked me to gather as much info on this seeing as how me and one other dude were the first MPD's in my unit to upgrade to A/C.
  19. Fvck yeah!!
  20. Here's my contribution...
  21. You've gotta be $hittin' me!! If I were one of thoe Navy Cops, I would have ran his ass over at the first chance I had Would have been worth going to jail over. Sounds like this dingbat was playing "press to test."
  22. I remember at PSAB that It didn't matter if you had a lne badge or not...you had to check in with the Flightline SP's with your name, and SSN, and your badge for inspection. You had to know what "tab" you were located in their book. You'd then do your FOD check on the tires, and proceeded. The othr thing too was that if you didn't have a badge, you wouldn't go out to the line, period. Do they still do this at all the deployed locations? They sure as hell don't do this down at McMurdo, god forbid the penguins attacked! Even though there was a lot of anti-military mentality, people were pretty level headed down there. It was like Survivor...if you fvcked up, you were kicked off the island!!
  23. Gander. Newfoundland on September 12, 2001: Halifax, Nova Scotia that same day:
  24. I was still in College at the time (University of Rhode Island). I was on my way to my first class which started at 9 am. Was on the main road when American Flight 11 hit the North tower (8:43 if I'm not mistaking). Didn't even know what was going on because the story hadn't hit the radios yet. I get out of class at 10:30, and overheard two professors talking about an incident in New York City. Walked into the Student Union, and there were radios on everywhere. That's when I started realizing something was up. I get down stairs to get a coffee, and there was a MOB of people gathered around a T.V., and that's how I got the news. I was completely floored.... I called my then girlfriend now wife, frantically because she worked fulltime for an environmental company, and made routine stops in the city (she lived in Waterbury, CT). That was pretty useless because the bandwidths were totally hogged. She finally called me and told she was in Hartford at the time. When I worked as a luggage slinger part-time for American Airlines out of Providence a couple of years prior, I knew some of the ticket agents. One of them I knew was on American Flight 11. Talk about small world. I had drill the following weekend, and no cars were being allowed on base, and THREATCON CHARLIE was in effect. We were ordered to show at 6 am for ground support for a possible mobilization. Nothing ever materialized though.
  25. Yup, that sounds about right!
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