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Everything posted by amcflyboy

  1. I was just leaving class in my last year of college when both towers had fallen. I didn't know what was going on until then.
  2. Go here: https://home.hetnet.nl/~rwkleingeerts3/86tfw.htm. 3rd row up from the bottom, on the far right. Is this it??
  3. Thanks for the clarification...from a distance though they look kinda similar! And the punches just keep on coming!!
  4. I thought the IRC stuff was the AETC ADLS course (online CBT), or at your respetive MAJCOM ADLS website.
  5. Don't forget, in both the 16 and the 130 pics, there were a couple of different operators, i.e., and correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear I saw a Swiss flag on one of the Vipers and another foreign flag on another Viper, as well as a couple of the 130 pics!! Just my 2 Cents.
  6. I fly the LC's, and I went to a family day event in CT back in June. Had this group of 7 year olds come in the cockpit and the one sitting in the pilot's seat was giving me the third degree. Long story short, went something like this: "what does this do?"(pointing towards the trim buttons) "what does this do?"(pointing towards throttles) "what does this do?"(pointing towards gear handle) "what does this do?"(pointing towards ski control switch) "what does this do?"(pointing towards autopilot panel) Of course I answered all of his questions, but here comes the classic: "what does this do?"(pointing towards the LSGI buttons), Me:"those are the ejection buttons for the pilot, copilot, engineer and nav seats," as I point at each respective seat. "If you're not careful, you'll go bye bye!" As the kid pulls back his hand, he bangs his elbow on the arm rest, as the other three look on horrified. Thank god there parents weren't there to hear me say that!
  7. So did I, he was in the 53rd.
  8. C-5 depot level maintenance also takes place at Westover Air Reserve Base in Massachusetts. But it's not a school house though.
  9. Don't get me wrong...that paint scheme is pretty schwanky! But for an airline coming out of bankruptcy, you'd think that they wouldn't waste their money on new paint schemes. Oh wait, this is the airlines...nuff said! Speaking of Delta and JetBlue....two guys in my squadron who fly for JetBlue are saying that there is talks of Delta wanting to buy out JetBlue. This is so stupid!
  10. My old man was an IP at VT-3 back in the 80's!! Told me of some of the f***** up $hit he did to the students! He never heard the end of it from me!
  11. I hear ya bro. I remember when you told me about that! I had that same IP for my Instrument check. We were out in the MOA, and my Mode-C takes a dump! So he got me radar vectors for the ILS to the center runway from Area Red low and I landed with 1700 lbs. He told me that was the shortest checkride he had ever presided over. Got a 3E! I hooked my formation check on a one item bust which resulted in an 8U. My flight commander tells me that wasn't too bad actually. The douchebag EP told me I few out of the MOA three times, in Area Red low for that matter! The third time when I flew out, which gave me the all mighty taco, was quite questionable. Oh well! FAIP IP's are never wrong, right??
  12. you're right, I stand corrected. I now remember a few AFRC guys in my AMS class, though they weren't going to UPT, rather they were either medical dudes, or were going to be shoe clerks. I really don't know of any AFRC UPT guys going to AMS, unless that's changed.
  13. The ANG goes to Knoxville for commissioning, the AFRC goes to OTS at Maxwell. Why they do this, I haven't a clue. That's just the way it is. No, you don't have to be prior to get in either one, but it does help if you are.
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