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Everything posted by amcflyboy

  1. Word.
  2. Wow, Doolittle's Copilot is still chugging along. God Bless him! RIP Tom Griffin!
  3. We actually had a Nav call American Samoa a severe thunderstorm and said we should go around it. Crew asked how much gas they have and said that may not be possible, so they decided to land in that "Severe thundersorm" also known as their destination!
  4. I believe this thread has gone Epic.
  5. SCNS to FMS is an upgrade...no matter how you paint the picture.
  6. Yes...the written is good for 24 months, so you'll have time to take the check ride. But don't putz around either...the standards for the check ride may change too.
  7. https://www.wtsp.com/news/article/292243/8/Staff-Sgt-Emily-Clayburn-killed-in-accident-at-MacDill-Air-Force-Base Anybody hear about this? This poor girl was from my area. My base Honor Guard tended to her remains and she was buried today.
  8. Look at the bright side...if the market tanks, then gas prices go down!
  9. Pretty familiar with the Owens Valley, use to do a lot of camping in the Sierra's. Desolate is an understatement, but definitely a good training area. It's also near China Lake where rescue efforts could have occurred. Glad the pilot is ok.
  10. Did this course in Trenton, NJ. The three day course is perfect for military guys who are instrument proficient. Highly recommend it!
  11. You can't fix stupid...really.
  12. That's my baby....
  13. 4th generation military, 3rd generation pilot: Great Great Grandfather: Civil War, was at the Treaty of Appomatax in Virginia Dad's dad: Attended aviation officer's school at Sheppard and attended AT-6 and P-47 pilot training at Keesler AFB, though never saw combat because WWII had come to an end. Mother's dad: Army Infantry in the European-African Campaign. Dad: Flew CH-46's in Camp Lejeune and T-34's at VT-3 in the early 80's. Moved on to UH-1's and -60's at Los Alamitos AAF, CA. Career ended due to medical. Retired in 1997. Me: Enlisted in the ANG during college, UPT 2004-2006, flying LC-130's for the ANG since 2006.
  14. Christ, ain't that the truth.
  15. Here's the big picture problem....the AF had turned into an idiocracy and thus only promotes idiots. It has gone full circle: there was a time where all the good dudes got promoted and moved up. Somewhere along the way, an idiot squeaked past the goalie and then began the degradation. Problem where facing now is that smart, good people have a "stronger scent" than idiots do, and thus are the ones getting "deodorized.". The idiots are afraid of the smart/good people and are forcing them out. But then again, just my opinion. Maybe I'm the idiot...
  16. Yup..management is the victim here.
  17. OMFG....Are these people really that out of touch??!!
  18. Yup....that checks!
  19. LOL !
  20. Yup, and now these poor guys are looking for a mission: A-10 to C-21 to C-27 to MC-12(??) in a period of 5 years.
  21. Giggity!
  22. Emails were sent out to .mil accounts encouraging people to report classified or non-classified but sensitive material in this book! Yikes!!
  23. Agreed...but then again, they were regional dudes probably working on the sixth leg of their day, plus the "S.A. Low" light was probably on.
  24. Fedex uses the LIDO charts?? Holy crap! I've heard nothing but complaints about those. Jetblue use to use those, then we went to Jepps.
  25. The continental connection aircraft that landed at Cabaniss field is still a funny tale at NAS Corpus Christi. Cabaniss, in fact, is not abandoned, but used for transition work to declutter NGP. Back in January, a Delta Connection CRJ almost landed at my airfield, mistaking us for Albany Int'l Airport. I had just finished my airdrop check ride, and we were taxiing off of the runway when my F.E. noticed an aircraft on short final that looked rather odd, plus we were still turning onto the taxiway. All of a sudden we hear, "FLAGSHIP ON FINAL, THIS IS SCHENECTADY TOWER ON GUARD!! GO AROUND!!!". Aircraft raises his nose, sucks the gear up and makes a sharp 90 degree turn towards ALB Airport. My Evaluator and I, both airline pilots, just shook our head in laughter. There's a reason why you back up all approaches with an instrument approach!
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