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Everything posted by StretchJr

  1. If anybody else is wondering, medical approvals are coming out today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Anybody hear any additional info about medical officer VSP, besides the message that was posted a few days ago? (Specifically wondering about 2008 46N - Nurse) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Approved. 2008 11M -135 I had applied and was rejected and reapplied after waiver authority was granted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I have a hard time believing there are only 300 officer applications left for VSP. Possibly that number was produced before considering applications that would require UPT ADSC waivers? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 2008 11M... Previously was "referred to BPO" and just had movement on my app. Status is now "Referred to AFPC BPO Separations Supervisory Review" which is interesting since they claim they aren't processing until May 1. Possibly just getting all the apps to the last possible step? I have no idea. Any thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Second-hand info, so take for what it's worth: A medical sq/cc here thought they would have a significant number done on or before May 7th. No idea how she got that date, or if it applies to rated dudes or not... But she definitely said May 7th was some type of VSP suspense for AFPC Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. "2"
  8. Or better yet, bartend in your collegetown. Did it for three years while in ROTC and allows the best of all worlds: Chase tail, do shots, and make a ton of cash. Also recommended: the five-year option and studying abroad for a semester in Sydney. If you're on scholarship, the AF will actually pay out the same amount for a semester abroad as if you were still at your home school, and absolutely NO ROTC gayness! Enjoy dude...
  9. I hope that's a ridiculously lame attempt at humor. I happen to be close friends with one of the referenced 5 and find that comment pretty damn insulting. And for the record, none of them were involved in the mishap.
  10. I've had the Treo 700W for about three years now (through Verizon) and have been very happy with it. It's got both the touchscreen and qwerty keyboard which is really nice for texting. It's falling apart, literally, and so I'm looking at either the iphone or blackberry storm. I'd prefer to stick with Verizon (especially bc there's like zero 3G coverage in MS judging from the coverage map I saw), which limits me to the storm... BUT the iphone is pretty damn sexy. I'll probably wait to see how the storm stacks up to the iphone in reviews, but if you guys have any additional experience with it let me know. Thanks!
  11. StretchJr

    Gun Talk

    Hey guys, Just wanted to share my first gun acquisition... My mom's friend called me Friday and told me he wanted to give me a belated graduation/commissioning present before I head down to Columbus in a few weeks. He ended up giving me this Swiss Army K31 rifle. This particular gun was the fourth weapon of its type produced in 1945, and the barrel, receiver, and stock were all manufactured at the SIG factory in Switzerland. The gun is in great shape... the only defects I can find are nicks and dings in the walnut. It shoots 7.5X55 Swiss ammo. I haven't gotten the chance to shoot it yet but these rifles are known for their superb accuracy so I'll be interested to find out. Anybody else have one? Also, anybody living off base at Columbus right now interested in babysitting it while I'm in the dorms? In unrelated news, I will be buying an XD or XD-M within the next year. M2 I know you own the XD45 and have said you wouldn't upgrade, even if the M comes out in 45. I'm looking for any additional input on whether I should wait for the M to come out in 45 or go ahead and get the original XD (which looks a hell of a lot cooler anyway, but minor detail). Thanks for all the great information... this thread is awesome!
  12. Toro- Loved it. Advice for life.
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