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Everything posted by carminsandiego

  1. F-15E: Guy in front takes you to target, guy in back does everything else. Has cool toys and lots of ordnance but that's the only neat factor. F-16: Single seat multi role... so many roles... prob too many roles. But single seat nonetheless.
  2. not sure if this applies to all flights but they have call sign nights now to let the shoes feel like they're a part of the team
  3. so why is this idea being tossed around only for F16s? It's probably one of the most task saturating airframes out there right now... I'm not saying it's a good idea but wouldn't this be more feasible for the mudhens pilots?
  4. How does 6 months of T-6s gain any skills that help the "tac side" of heavy flying? And what if they were limited to track airframes that don't do any "tactical flying" such as C-5 and VIP jets and tankers?
  5. skipping 38s is ridiculous but I can actually see this being a plausible idea. Heavy drivers- would like to hear your honest opinion on this.
  6. but a crew chief (with a&p cert) is far more valuable in the civilian side than a boom operator or loadmaster... isn't that the point of these incentive pay/bonuses?
  7. not trying to make this about O vs E thing but why does E aircrew need a bump in flight pay? I'd rather have that extra bit of cash going towards my crew chiefs who are getting screwed on a daily basis
  8. it's not that it's "really that bad" but it's that nothing in the civilian side compares to what we do. For some (very few), going up in a 172 and trolling around without any of big AF control is very relaxing and more enjoyable. But for most, it's painful to see negative ground speed on a windy day and seeing cars pass you and would rather just relive the glory days over drinks at the VFW
  9. go talk to UPT IPs and/or see student's reactions on drop nights. Dropping a viper gets a "yay...." reaction for these spoiled punks (excluding the bomber drops because they all assume everyone in the class are getting pointy nose drops). Nothing wrong with wanting the newest/shiniest jet but when a drop consists of 75% vipers and 25% other fighters and studs call it an "decent" drop, that gets me rattled. And yes my example is anecdotal but again, ask anybody in touch with UPT side of the house and I'm sure they can agree to some extent. Different times, man...
  10. a lot of upt studs in the 38 side seem to be labeling the viper as the "lame jet" since it lacks the (advertised) bells and whistles but if you're interested in a multi role mission, I highly suggest you talk to IPs who flew the viper. There's nothing quite like being able to do air to ground and air to air missions in a single seat jet without a mouth breather in the back draining your SA (no offense, Mudhens)
  11. this question is directed more for the gray beards... from your experience and knowledge, is the stuff happening at NK just another one of those attempts to gain attention and free food/supplies or is this a bit more serious? If you were to get stationed there now and had the option, would you or would you not bring your family (for safety reasons)?
  12. I'd be careful with airbnb type of lodging- my base rejected voucher because they said airbnb isn't allowed (even after all the confusion and big outrage on JQP). But nowhere on JTR does it mention any of that...
  13. yes, there's 16 b course at luke again
  14. any rumors/explanations on why he got the shaft? This doesn't sound like "luck of the draw"
  15. Buff FAIP drop? Geez, did that guy/gal piss off leadership? Why would they give him a bomber when we're desperate to fill fighter cockpits?
  16. Wouldn't get too comfortable- it's only a matter of time before the pendulum shifts the other way again (and yes, it can happen that quickly- AF knee jerk reaction)
  17. with the 11B shortage, how have they been managing to drop only fighters? Are we expecting to see a shit ton of bomber drops out of 38s or are they going to be dropping them out of T1s very soon?
  18. I had the exact same question. We've always had rated boards and the late rate guys (for the most part) seem to do fine and have plenty of opportunities in the cockpit for both MAF and CAF. Why would this MAF to CAF crossflow be that much different?
  19. What about late rate fighter pilots? I'm sure there are a few out there, no?
  20. You just go by whether or not you meet the age limit stated on the PSDM. If your class date gets pushed back, it doesn't matter once you get accepted to UPT.
  21. I think you can get letter of rec from anybody now.
  22. Seriously. I'd be pretty pissed if I was gunning for a T-38 spot and it was all taken by some foreigners.
  23. For those of you that got lender credit, was it new home purchase? I just applied through NBoKC and I am paying about $2000 in fees (VA and title fees rolled into the mortgage) and zero credit.
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